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1 hour ago, Megadrive Man said:

Maybe one for the juxtaposition thread but every time I hear him referred to as Wallace I immediately think of the plasticine character that's friends with Gromit.


This sex pest story is coming out at the exact same time as the first new Wallace and Gromit film in years too!


More Wallace and vomit, in this case.

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38 minutes ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:

Bit disappointed the BBC have pulled the Masterchef Christmas special. Thought they could've pixelated his face and dubbed him with the fella who used to do Gerry Adams.

“It shows a talented chef to show off her clam skills with a Semtex sorry CLAM! Chowder” 

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1 hour ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:

Bit disappointed the BBC have pulled the Masterchef Christmas special. Thought they could've pixelated his face and dubbed him with the fella who used to do Gerry Adams.

Stephen Rea from The Crying Game used to voice Gerry Adams. He could chat to Wallace about the cock on your one, be great banter.

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Just now, Section_31 said:

It's like an AI if you just input  carry on films.


Gregg Wallace asked a British Sign Language interpreter to sign “big boobs” and “sexy bum” in front of a live audience at the BBC Good Food show, an attender has told the Guardian

To be fair we all wrote BOOBIES on our calculators in school. Perverted and proud of it.  

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