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Russia v Ukraine


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1 hour ago, TheSire said:

Where have you heard this? Hopefully they sort out the issue with decision making because of entirely centralised and micromanagement by the government. Most of the advances by Russia stem from areas of the frontline being left to rot without reinforcements, supplies and slow decision making from above. More troops can be added but its a waste if incompetence at the top isn't corrected.

We had a Ukrainian family stay with us for a year, we are still in contact with them. I had a text message off the mother yesterday. 

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KYIV — Since the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion in February 2022, Ukraine has lost 43,000 soldiers killed in action and 370,000 more were wounded, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on Sunday, in Kyiv's first disclosure of total casualty figures in the the nearly three-year conflict.

Zelenskyy announced the figures in a Telegram post on Sunday.

The Ukrainian figures compare with 600,000 dead and wounded reported for the Russian side. Zelenskyy insists that Moscow's losses are larger than that.

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I have just seen Kiev Post journo Korshak quoting another (anti-Zelensky) journo Butusov reporting the number Korshak thinks is believable, which is 70k confirmed KIA and another 35k MIA.


I always thought any number below 80 percent of Russian losses (excluding separatists) would be good news, as in, best they can hope for.   


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There's a different dynamic when I think of the casualty figures though. No Ukrainian total is too high when they're fighting to save their own land. And each one is a Russian murder.


Russian casualties could all have been avoided, Ukraine's couldn't. Every Russian life lost is a life wasted.

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I still can't get over the fact Russians have a stable force generation pipeline of about 30k people volunteering to go to aggressive war every month. I know that there must be a point of exhaustion for that, but the fact there are hundreds of thousands you don't even need to mobilize for that is scary. 

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4 hours ago, Section_31 said:

Russian general killed in a bomb blast in Moscow, he was in charge of the country's nuclear forces. 


A senior Russian general was killed Tuesday by a bomb hidden in a scooter outside his apartment building in Moscow, a day after Ukraine’s security service leveled criminal charges against him.Kirillov, 54, was under sanctions from several countries, including the U.K. and Canada, for his actions in Moscow’s war in Ukraine. On Monday, Ukraine’s Security Service, or SBU, opened a criminal investigation against him, accusing him of directing the use of banned chemical weapons.




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This is the best way to get at Russia IMO. It's fucking huge, all the coppers are bent and their internal security apparatus is focussed wholly on persecuting journalists and Vlad's former judo rivals. You could probably walk around dressed as Captain America rubbing your dick on Faberge eggs for three weeks before anyone even noticed. 

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2 hours ago, Section_31 said:

Now now don't be pouring cold water on Russian ingenuity, they found a cure for cancer the other day.





Is that like when the found the covid vaccine and it turned out to be spud vodka mixed with demestos and they injected a load of jarheads with it who subsequently exploded?

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New Mediazona update with Russian casualties confirmed by name, another crazy number for the past two weeks of 2,711 names, which I think is the highest ever.


Total jumped to 84,761 KIA to date. Even with the most conservative estimate that this is 70 percent of the actual total, it would be 121,000 dead. This is for Russia plus Crimea alone, without the separatists. 



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  • 4 weeks later...



3,965 new names on Mediazona's list for the past four weeks takes the total of known Russian KIA to 88,726.


On the other hand, they are still advancing. Toretsk is now all but lost, admittedly three months later than I expected, Velika Novosilka in the south looks about to be abandoned and Ukrainian internal structural problems seem to be persisting.



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