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Russia v Ukraine


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18 minutes ago, Colonel Bumcunt said:

A massive negative to this whole Russia thing is that their women get hoovered up by their oddball blokes. 

Navalny's missus is a solid 7 for her age, but there's so many 10's jammed up in that shit hole that should be coming to Europe and getting giddy over blokes with a pack of 20 Bensons.  





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1 hour ago, Colonel Bumcunt said:

A massive negative to this whole Russia thing is that their women get hoovered up by their oddball blokes. 

Navalny's missus is a solid 7 for her age, but there's so many 10's jammed up in that shit hole that should be coming to Europe and getting giddy over blokes with a pack of 20 Bensons.  




Never shag owt ya can't fight

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2 hours ago, Colonel Bumcunt said:

A massive negative to this whole Russia thing is that their women get hoovered up by their oddball blokes. 

Navalny's missus is a solid 7 for her age, but there's so many 10's jammed up in that shit hole that should be coming to Europe and getting giddy over blokes with a pack of 20 Bensons.  



Xania Onatopp was definitely based on her.

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It's sad to see that Navalny has been killed by the looks of it. I'd never pretend to know much about him but our media and govs collectively screeching was a red flag for me so I decided to read on him a bit. He had an erm, interesting past and some views that'd probably not go down too well in most places, but clearly our govs and media aren't going to want to focus on that much or at all because Putin, etc.


I did have some stuff in a post but it looks like the guy has just been killed and it doesn't feel right so I'm leaving it. I'm sure some here will already know more about him or can search his past and find stuff, I mainly think it's amazing what our govs and media either mostly or completely fail to mention though as long as someone is "on side".

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It's a big tactical defeat and it shows current balance of power. It's also very bad for morale since pessimism is currently prevalent. Strategically it should not be disastrous, since Avdivka was turned into a salient important for offensive towards Donetsk, for which Ukraine does not have the strength at the moment.  Also, it will depend on how orderly they withdrew and what happens next, have they prepared good defensive positions behind it or not. Some news from Avdivka about poor fortifications behind the first line do not bode well though. In the past, such defeats triggered more pull back until the lines are stabilized.

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6 minutes ago, SasaS said:

It's a big tactical defeat and it shows current balance of power. It's also very bad for morale since pessimism is currently prevalent. Strategically it should not be disastrous, since Avdivka was turned into a salient important for offensive towards Donetsk, for which Ukraine does not have the strength at the moment.  Also, it will depend on how orderly they withdrew and what happens next, have they prepared good defensive positions behind it or not. Some news from Avdivka about poor fortifications behind the first line do not bode well though. In the past, such defeats triggered more pull back until the lines are stabilized.

Thanks mate.


Feels like it’s going to be gradual Russian gains over the coming months now until it ends, without something changing. 

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They are saying Russia still does not have the capacity for big strategically important advances and they did use their best units for Avdivka, it took them four months and this is their first big success since Bakhmut last May. On the other hand, people tend to constantly underestimate them, they are learning and adapting and so far had enough money to finance their delusional imperial fantasies.


Ukraine on the other hand is extremely vulnerable to Western political idiocy because it was ill prepared for this war and everything they do outside of private initiatives and improvisation takes forever and tends to run into the same problems that hindered their overall progress unrelated to this war. Plus, they are fighting Russia.

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2 hours ago, Curly said:

How bad is it for Ukraine that they’ve had to vacate Avdiivka do you all think?


Obviously they held the Russians off a good while now, but how important is that in the grand scheme of battle and war at this point?

I think they may have held on so they can create fortifications further back and better defensive positions. The town probably has little strategic value to either side but Russia will push forward at all costs, no step taken back etc. With Russia it seems mostly symbolic and their age old offence is defence doctrine.

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14 hours ago, Red Phoenix said:

It's sad to see that Navalny has been killed by the looks of it. I'd never pretend to know much about him but our media and govs collectively screeching was a red flag for me so I decided to read on him a bit. He had an erm, interesting past and some views that'd probably not go down too well in most places, but clearly our govs and media aren't going to want to focus on that much or at all because Putin, etc.


I did have some stuff in a post but it looks like the guy has just been killed and it doesn't feel right so I'm leaving it. I'm sure some here will already know more about him or can search his past and find stuff, I mainly think it's amazing what our govs and media either mostly or completely fail to mention though as long as someone is "on side".



This is some desperate stuff here. Nice,

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