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Russia v Ukraine


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1 hour ago, Gnasher said:


Just been sacked. Seems this and other journos were right 

I don't remember anyone particularly arguing over that in particular, not off the top of my head anyway. It may be a bad move as Zaluhzny seemed to be well respected in the military. Not sure what's behind this tbh, quite a bold move.

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48 minutes ago, TheSire said:

I don't remember anyone particularly arguing over that in particular, not off the top of my head anyway. It may be a bad move as Zaluhzny seemed to be well respected in the military. Not sure what's behind this tbh, quite a bold move.


I know. I thought it might have been speculation.


I read that article; I enjoyed it. Still not sure I understand the reasons behind this though, or what it'll mean. 

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Nobody fully knows the real reasons, there has only been various speculations for months. It's bad for morale but nobody's bigger than the club and all that. Hopefully there is not much dissent in the military over this.


It's more important how quickly the assistance can be back on track and how quickly they can continue developing their own production capabilities,

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12 hours ago, TheSire said:

I don't know, maybe Russia could just withdraw back to Russia and stop systematically torturing and abusing civilians. Don't kid yourself that there's some special complexity and nuance to any of this. Sometimes things are exactly as they appear, minus conspiracies and special meaning.


I don't think any war that our governments and media are obsessed with is ever exactly how it appears. So yeah it's likely there is some nuance to some of this and I can have that view whilst still opposing Russia bombing the crap out of and invading Ukraine.

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6 hours ago, Captain Turdseye said:

When’s this interview coming out? Fuck sake, Tucker. 


I've seen people on twitter saying it's out at 11pm over here. Not sure if that's right or not though.


And for those of you thinking I'm enjoying all of this : I'm supposed to be playing Yakuza 8 here and this has been cutting into my gaming time, that's not something I've really enjoyed. Tucker and Putin have had bad timing with this interview.

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The first 30 mins is a tiresome historical big-me-up that started to feel like Hitler's Lebensraum argument - Putin wants you to think he's intelligent. I found myself skipping through it and I shouldn't so I'll give it more time tomorrow. To be fair to Carlson, he does warn you about it at the beginning.

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59 minutes ago, M_B said:

The first 30 mins is a tiresome historical big-me-up that started to feel like Hitler's Lebensraum argument - Putin wants you to think he's intelligent. I found myself skipping through it and I shouldn't so I'll give it more time tomorrow. To be fair to Carlson, he does warn you about it at the beginning.


Haha, I avoided the first half when looking at timestamps and started from "a peaceful solution" then watched to the end. Not sure if I'll watch the first half but might watch bits later. I don't think there was much I'd not heard or read of before, he did mention more than once though that Johnson had gone over there and fucked up peace talks. Maybe in the future we'll understand more on what happened there.

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4 hours ago, polymerpunkah said:

When he was discussing that history, did Putin mention Stalin and Russia's starving millions of Ukrainians to death in the 1930s?



No, and Carlson rarely questioned his narrative. In fact Carlson may as well have not been there - I've only watched half so far, but it seems to be just a 2 hour guided speech.


Was that Carlson's plan? I hope so, otherwise he has just exposed himself as a truly incompetent journalist. But then, we knew that already right? That's why Putin agreed to it. 

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I installed the US president and delivered Brexit and killed a British citizen on British soil with a nerve agent, yet it's the west that are the aggressors, boo-fucking-hoo.


I hope Nato collapses when Trump gets in and Germany are like 'fuck this' and build 100,000 Panzer tanks. Klopp is conscripted and becomes Field Marshall Von Klopp and the Germans just invade Russia again. I hope he installs Rafa as his number 2, Generalisimo Rafa, principal viceroy of Caldy.  


"The Russians in this moment don't have any tanks left to be honest."

"For sure - they have no possibilities."


Job done. 

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