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Russia v Ukraine


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Half a million and counting (if true) Ukrainians dead. Rumours Boris Johnson and others pulled the plug on a possible peace deal. Negative reports have been flying out of Ukraine since the failed offensive  Writing is on the wall.








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10 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

Yeah that tends to be what happens when you get invaded by a superior force like, I'm sure those lads would rather have been doing something else with their time.


They can indeed do more with their time. They can go partying. but they will need contacts in high places or they've the 2.4 grand buy out money. Didn't you hear about the recruitment corruption sackings?





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14 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

Yeah that tends to be what happens when you get invaded by a superior force like, I'm sure those lads would rather have been doing something else with their time.


You're right they don't want it. Didn't ask for it  











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21 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


Every war that has ever been has had “draft dodgers” from every side that’s ever fought. Why are you so transfixed with the Ukrainian element of it?

6 minutes ago, Gnasher said:

Boris Johnson in being a self serving cunt shocker there

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It's a weird unhealthy obsession with digging up every single negative thing about ukraine, very very little aimed in the opposite direction. It's basically victim blaming.


The posts always reek of arrogance and have a shitty tone to them. Very 'I told you so' and this is the same regardless of the thread. Its not about caring about Ukrainians, its just a 'look how clever I am with this new post'.

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23 minutes ago, SasaS said:

Gnasher's shitposting at least keeps the thread alive.



Ah Captain Mainwarings back. How's this new stage of Ukrainian recruitment going?  Surprised they've bothering after listening to you. Or have you forgotten again?


You've been wrong over pretty much everything regarding this war. Swept away on a great big tidal wave of American bullshit. Hope you've checked under your bed for reds this morning. Can't be too careful can we. 

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Quite a feat for a country who has, well, no Navy to speak of.



The Ukraine blows up as much Russian Naval tonnage as Russian Shipyards manage to Build


Most of the world’s leading navies are getting bigger—a lot bigger—by one key metric: tonnage.

But not the Russian navy. It’s struggling to grow at all, and for one main reason. The Ukrainian navy, which has no large front-line ships, keeps sinking and blowing up Russian vessels.

In losing nearly as much tonnage as it built in 2023, the Russian navy joins an exclusive and embarrassing club of stagnant or shrinking navies. The 886,000-ton Royal Navy also shrank in 2023, which is nothing new for what once was the world’s greatest fleet but in recent decades steadily has withered under the mismanagement of successive governments.




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8 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:

Quite a feat for a country who has, well, no Navy to speak of.



The Ukraine blows up as much Russian Naval tonnage as Russian Shipyards manage to Build


Most of the world’s leading navies are getting bigger—a lot bigger—by one key metric: tonnage.

But not the Russian navy. It’s struggling to grow at all, and for one main reason. The Ukrainian navy, which has no large front-line ships, keeps sinking and blowing up Russian vessels.

In losing nearly as much tonnage as it built in 2023, the Russian navy joins an exclusive and embarrassing club of stagnant or shrinking navies. The 886,000-ton Royal Navy also shrank in 2023, which is nothing new for what once was the world’s greatest fleet but in recent decades steadily has withered under the mismanagement of successive governments.




Yeah but...... 'The West'....

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7 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic, probably. They are shocking, well to me they are.  Maybe I'm naive, I didn't think it'd be that many tbh.

We're not going to know the real numbers. Ukraine don't really make much information public around casualties either, understandably though. Its worth bearing in mind casualties aren't deaths though.

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1 hour ago, Section_31 said:

I'm struggling to understand how Ukraine having high casualties as a result of an unprovoked Russian invasion is supposed to make the Ukrainians look bad and not the Russians.


It's not supposed to make Ukraine look bad. Who said that? 'm not that concerned , not sure why the truth upsets you.

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9 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:

It is supposed to make "the West" look bad.


'The west' have imo been idiotic. They went too far down the Boris Johnson bullshit path. King of Ukraine. Not working out that well though, for them or for us.





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11 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:

I know man - all you want is peace.


Yep but until then I'd settle for your mob not blowing up Nordstream which helped push up our energy bills which in turn caused unnecessary deaths. 







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