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Football Manager Comp (Rules)

Bruce Spanner

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6 minutes ago, sir roger said:

Fuck me , just my luck , I become Italian just as it locks down again.


The reason I had to make all of the players English is, genuinely, that Brexit happens and restrictions take place and we all have to apply for work permits and it fucks everything up, it took me ages to figure that out and patch the country rules on immigrants.

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On 13/03/2021 at 22:10, Bruce Spanner said:

No, it’s bold, it’s enterprising, it’s taking it away from the forrins. 

We’re winning, we’re winning bigly! 

EDIT: You win the Dutch league, or the Portuguese league from memory as your bizarro team.


EDIT TWO: Your ghost team wins the Turkish Superliga! 

I haven't got a fucking clue what you've just said there 

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