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Football Manager Comp (Rules)

Bruce Spanner

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Hi all,


So, to make it a little more entertaining we've opted for a three season game, now I've patched the league so we are not relegated and I'm pretty sure I'll have Europe done properly this time so we all enter as 'us' every season, though I'm still struggling with this so bare with me.


The format is the same as last time where we have a draft, but obviously you need to plan for three seasons, so the older players might no be as in demand as before.


To make it interesting and open to all to win I've devised a point system which will be tallied up as we go an provide an overall winner, to go with individual comp winners.


League winner gets 25 points, second 19, third 18 and so on...

Champions league winner gets 20 points with the beaten finalist getting 15, semi finalists 10, quarter finalists 6 and first round 3 points. no points for group stages as you auto qualify.

FA Cup winner gets 15, beaten finalist 10, semis 8, quarters 6, last thirty two 4, last sixty four 2.

Milk Cup Winner gets 12, beaten finalist 8, semis 6, quarters 4, last thrity two 2.


Individual/teams awards

Player of the season (Highest avarage rating) 10 points.

Top Scorer 10 points

Most clean sheets 10 points

Team of the season (League & Europe) 5 points per player.

Manager of the month 5 points (No manager of the season as it tends to be league winner and not factor in other things)


I'll keep a running total of these.


Transfer window as usual, but also at end of season. 

You can sub out players for those not selected, but only if they are healthy, no ditching the long term injured.


I'll post the drafts at five.

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So does it draft like the normal draft one pick at a time?


Also is there a place i can see what position a player is listed as eg. In many fantasy draft Salah is a midfielder and really he is a LW/LF. 



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5 minutes ago, Lee909 said:

So does it draft like the normal draft one pick at a time?


Also is there a place i can see what position a player is listed as eg. In many fantasy draft Salah is a midfielder and really he is a LW/LF. 



Yep, like a normal draft, but we reverse back up so people don’t get too screwed over by the draw.


We have a common sense approach to positions. We know Salah is an attacker, like we know Pogba is a midfielder etc.


You’ll get pulled up if someone thinks you’re taking the piss. 

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3 minutes ago, Lee909 said:

Also do we choose a formation and tactics or how does that work. 





I set you up a manager with all your tactical requests, everyone has one already apart from you. I’ll get it from you near the end of the draft.


Tje manager has a set of preferences for things they’d do, you set them and set formations for certain situations.


It’ll make sense when you see it.

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4 minutes ago, Captain Turdseye said:

@Bruce Spanner


The boy @Skidfingers McGonical has stuck Messi in as a midfielder. 

Fucking outrageous. 

Cheating cunt


Is Socrates still listed as a player for Garforth Town?


I know he's dead and all but probably would still show more urgency than a certain belguim forward does for us off the bench

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Guest Alex_K

The game seems to use an “AMR/AML” catch-all definition. Wide forward/winger isn’t a position in the game, so yes sensible discretion needed as to who is a forward and who actually a midfielder.

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