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Bruce Spanner

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1 hour ago, Dynamite said:

Who is unavailable from your squad? I have a fair idea who might be, but I'd like to know who you wouldn't part with.

None of them really, I'm flying, look at my team, I'm fuckin flying




But I'm always open to a deal. 



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32 minutes ago, Captain Turdseye said:

Dunno. The game has me playing formations that I didn’t pick. 

I’m switching to all out, and I mean all out, ATTACK. I’m open to offers for my big hitters like Origi, Higuain and Florian Thauvin. 

Dejan is going nowhere so don’t even think about asking. 

Dembele for Higuain. You know it makes sense. 

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I know we had an issue previously but I'm a business man and I'm happy to out that to one side. 


What needs to happen for Laporte to come to the 102s? I see you are playing Nick Pope which is letting your side down. I think you'd be further up the table if the team had a bit of confidence in the GK. 


I think your strikers are missing chances as they know if thr other team shoots they will score and its adding to the pressure on them.


Im willing to offer Ederson and a reserve of your choice for Laporte. 

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2 hours ago, John102 said:

@Strontium Dog™


Is Marquinhos surpless to requirements? 


Got Ederson there who is keen to move to you and would help your team build attacks from the back. 


I have three goalkeepers and four centre backs, why would I want to eliminate one centre back for another goalkeeper?

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2 minutes ago, John102 said:

Im looking to move Ederson on. Arreola is doing well at the minute but Ederson is leagues above him.


True but I don't need 4 keepers.

3 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:


Fabian for Jorginho?


I'd maybe agree to that at 8.55am on Monday but not before.

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