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FM 2021 Comp (Manager Poll & Team Name)

Bruce Spanner

Manager Situation?  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you want to do?

    • Same Manager (All have Klopp Clones)
    • Draft Managers

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14 minutes ago, Strontium Dog™ said:

I know how it works, but I don't know how it works. Does the new FM have a facility whereby you can set up draft leagues like this one? Or does it require a bit more jiggery pokery?


I'm effectively building new teams from scratch and then inserting them in to the game by playing with the database.


Everybody will have the same stats, facilities, finance, reputation and medical etc, so that's pretty easy to do, but labourious.


I will then set up a manager with your tactical preferences and and put him as manager of your team, everybody has the same stats, it's just the choice of tactics that will differentiate.


I'm not sombody who copes with boredom well!

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1 minute ago, Bruce Spanner said:


No injuries at the start of the game, but I have no control over them once it's running.


It's fair to say that dear Naby might miss a few with his record...

Thats what I mean, do all players start with perfect bodies when in reality they're built of wet cornflakes?

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Just now, No2 said:

Thats what I mean, do all players start with perfect bodies when in reality they're built of wet cornflakes?


They are how they are in real life as injury prone, but I will change it so at the start you have a full squad of healthy players, if they get injured that's all part of the game.

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1 minute ago, Scott_M said:

@sir roger


@Skidfingers McGonical
@Skidfingers McGonical
@Captain Turdseye


Any danger lads?


Is there a going to be a time limit on responses before moving to the next person? 



I think three calls and then you miss, this happens three times your out?


Fair to give day though as we have ardja on a different continent.

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49 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:

Just spoke to him about this as I was bemused as well, apparently he’s a guaranteed twenty a season player.


He loves this shit, so we’ll see.

He maybe a 20 goals a season striker but I can state with some degree of certainty that he would have still been available on pick 6.

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1 minute ago, Scott_M said:

He’s going to sign a load of unheard of Wonder Kids isn't he?


I doubt it as it wouldn't make sense as you have to trian them and wait for them to be good, so over a season like this it's pointless.


Sounds more like MonEyBaLLZ to me.


I'm sure he'll explain at some point, he's just logging on to choose ATM.

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3 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:


I doubt it as it wouldn't make sense as you have to trian them and wait for them to be good, so over a season like this it's pointless.


Sounds more like MonEyBaLLZ to me.


I'm sure he'll explain at some point, he's just logging on to choose ATM.

Is he you? 

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