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Joe Biden

Dougie Do'ins

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11 minutes ago, polymerpunkah said:

Gonna be tough for the Dems to say anything when Trump pardons all those who attacked Congress on Jan 6th, etc.


And the circling of the drain continues.




Thing is it doesn't really matter anyway. If he'd set fire to the lad they'd have said he was concealing evidence.

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Biden is and always has been a cunt in a star spangled cloak. Trump is another level of cunt. Apart from Obama name a president who wasn’t a cunt? They don’t even run the country anyway. Just a face while kids grow up thinking America are the good guys until they realise they aren’t but it’s nothing you can do anything about anyway. It’s a movie. 

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5 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

Biden is and always has been a cunt in a star spangled cloak. Trump is another level of cunt. Apart from Obama name a president who wasn’t a cunt? They don’t even run the country anyway. Just a face while kids grow up thinking America are the good guys until they realise they aren’t but it’s nothing you can do anything about anyway. It’s a movie. 


I think Obama was probably a cunt.


Jimmy Carter probably the last legit non cunt. 

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4 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


I think Obama was probably a cunt.


Jimmy Carter probably the last legit non cunt. 

Nah he was sound Obama. Again as with any president they have to be the whipping boy for certain shite things but he was cool. I’m not old enough to remember Jimmy Carter you old fucker. 

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The thing is, as shit as it is, what’s the point in turning the other cheek and setting a noble example? That assumes two things which are absolutely refutable:

  1. That it demonstrates commitment to the rule of law and positions you firmly on the moral high ground. Well, they’ve been on the moral high ground for four years now, if not eight, and whilst you can argue it’s because they’ve not made enough of that fact, it’s made fuck all difference with a vast swathe of the electorate. A massive number of Americans don’t care that Biden’s opponent is crooked as fuck, as long as he gives them cheap gas and/or carries out their vendetta against brown people, they’ll back him. Biden feeding his son to the wolves won’t make a blind bit of difference.
  2. That it would set some sort of standard or example for your opponent to follow. Yeah right. Like Trump would have some sort of road to Damascus moment seeing Biden forgo the opportunity to pardon his son and think “I’ll mend my ways.” Will he fuck. He’ll do what he always does and so will his disgusting enabling party. Pardons for anyone it’s expedient to pardon, vengeance on anyone who’s wronged him. He pardoned Kushner’s bent dad at the end of his last office and now given him a cushy job on the Elysee as ambassador to France for fucks sake.

For what it’s worth I think it’s wrong, but I get it from a nihilistic perspective and from a fatherly perspective. As someone pointed out on BS, the Republicans would probably hammer Hunter until he probably topped himself so maybe he’s saving his son’s life. The US Christian right should appreciate the prodigal son element here, but I suspect they won’t.

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16 minutes ago, Manny said:

The thing is, as shit as it is, what’s the point in turning the other cheek and setting a noble example? That assumes two things which are absolutely refutable:

  1. That it demonstrates commitment to the rule of law and positions you firmly on the moral high ground. Well, they’ve been on the moral high ground for four years now, if not eight, and whilst you can argue it’s because they’ve not made enough of that fact, it’s made fuck all difference with a vast swathe of the electorate. A massive number of Americans don’t care that Biden’s opponent is crooked as fuck, as long as he gives them cheap gas and/or carries out their vendetta against brown people, they’ll back him. Biden feeding his son to the wolves won’t make a blind bit of difference.
  2. That it would set some sort of standard or example for your opponent to follow. Yeah right. Like Trump would have some sort of road to Damascus moment seeing Biden forgo the opportunity to pardon his son and think “I’ll mend my ways.” Will he fuck. He’ll do what he always does and so will his disgusting enabling party. Pardons for anyone it’s expedient to pardon, vengeance on anyone who’s wronged him. He pardoned Kushner’s bent dad at the end of his last office and now given him a cushy job on the Elysee as ambassador to France for fucks sake.

For what it’s worth I think it’s wrong, but I get it from a nihilistic perspective and from a fatherly perspective. As someone pointed out on BS, the Republicans would probably hammer Hunter until he probably topped himself so maybe he’s saving his son’s life. The US Christian right should appreciate the prodigal son element here, but I suspect they won’t.


Yeah I agree with that. My two takeaways from the last year if I was Biden is that the party turned its back on him and so did the country, despite what he sees as having done a good job. He knows him and his sone are public enemies regardless so fuck it, what difference does it make.

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4 hours ago, Bjornebye said:

Biden is and always has been a cunt in a star spangled cloak. Trump is another level of cunt. Apart from Obama name a president who wasn’t a cunt? They don’t even run the country anyway. Just a face while kids grow up thinking America are the good guys until they realise they aren’t but it’s nothing you can do anything about anyway. It’s a movie. 

Obama was probably a cunt tbf, you don't climb that high in politics or business if you're a nice guy.

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2 hours ago, TheSire said:

Obama was probably a cunt tbf, you don't climb that high in politics or business if you're a nice guy.

Different times, but wasn’t Jimmy Carter seen as a good guy?





The ex-President, not Kenny’s last signing before he resigned, though I’m sure he was a good guy too. 

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It's worth pointing out that Obama stopped Biden running in 2016 because he was too old which allowed Trump to beat Hilary Clinton.


If Biden had stood in 2016, then we maybe get no Trump at all, or we get a better candidate in 2020 that would have stood a better chance of getting a second term.


The Democrats have handed both terms of Trump to him on a plate.

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7 hours ago, Megadrive Man said:

It's worth pointing out that Obama stopped Biden running in 2016 because he was too old which allowed Trump to beat Hilary Clinton.


If Biden had stood in 2016, then we maybe get no Trump at all, or we get a better candidate in 2020 that would have stood a better chance of getting a second term.


The Democrats have handed both terms of Trump to him on a plate.

Trump is just a result of our failed political systems, I don't feel its about who the Democrats picked to run, not entirely anyway.

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