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Int. Break International's 80/90s discussion thread


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1 hour ago, No2 said:

Should have guessed that.

Was gonna try a riddle to make it more difficult but eh. V. good defender who probably shows how important systems are in defending. Conceded 7 in one game against Utd while at Roma, then went basically the whole competition start-to-finish without conceding that many when he won it as central to Mourinho's Inter defence.


@aRdja shall I swap Henry with one of the 2 picks you left?

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1 hour ago, Remmie said:

How did we get this far before Barnes got picked? Fucking madness

Would have picked him but scuppered by John's Chivu pick so changed course. A player way ahead of his time; like night & day comparing him to most other England players from that period.

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29 minutes ago, Alex_K said:

Would have picked him but scuppered by John's Chivu pick so changed course. A player way ahead of his time; like night & day comparing him to most other England players from that period.

Yeah the amount of world class players I had to forego to get Dan fucking Petrescu was pretty heartbreaking.

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