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Int. Break International's 80/90s discussion thread


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4 minutes ago, No2 said:

I've always wondered about these types of posts. How you can post the above but not in the thread? Are you on a Nokia 3210?

I’m on an iPhone but my nephew has got the macbook the little fucking prick and I can’t be arsed working out how to copy and paste a full draft list. If that’s ok with you 

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Just now, Bjornebye said:

I’m on an iPhone but my nephew has got the macbook the little fucking prick and I can’t be arsed working out how to copy and paste a full draft list. If that’s ok with you 

Keep your knickers on, it was a general observation as it happens a lot in this thread. I've seen a few say they aren't on the PC so can't do it and that just confuses me. How hard is it to copy and paste on any device?

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4 minutes ago, No2 said:

Keep your knickers on, it was a general observation as it happens a lot in this thread. I've seen a few say they aren't on the PC so can't do it and that just confuses me. How hard is it to copy and paste on any device?

Come round and do it for me then 

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