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Manager Draft - Interest Thread

Guest Alex_K

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Guest Alex_K


@lifetime fan, @Bjornebye, @Lee909, @Sugar Ape, @aRdja, @Elite, @Dynamite, @Alex_K


Invites below for recent/historic players & a few others who have been posting a lot of great content in player comparison threads on the FF; great if you want to play:

@No2, @John102, @3 Stacks, @MegadriveMan, @Jairzinho, @aws, @Tony Moanero, @Ronnie Whelan, @The Gaul @Trumo, @The Golden Eel



A player who has made an appearance for each of the managers below at national or international level, who span all the significant football generations so should be inclusive to all to play without much prep needed:

  • Bill Shankly
  • Brian Clough
  • Leo Beenhakker
  • Zdeněk Zeman

  • Sven-Göran Eriksson

  • Kenny Dalglish

  • Fabio Cappello
  • Ottmar Hitzfeld
  • Marcelo Bielsa
  • Claudio Ranieri
  • Nils Liedholm


Game will likely start early next week if that suits all availabilities.

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Guest Alex_K
15 minutes ago, Dynamite said:

So, how many have we got for this?


I find the lack of a list rather disturbing...



8. Confirmed is at the top; Elite/LF out, John/No2 in. Intend to start early next week if any other late-comers join / other names are to be tagged

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Guest Alex_K

Well it depends how you want to play the game. Pretty much all of these managers should have lots of “names off the top of your head” players. There may be a couple of exceptions who are pretty niche names now (like Zeman) but if you take a cursory look at their managerial history they had loads of big names to choose from 

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