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Report: Karius lodges a unpaid wages complaint against Besiktas


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Loris Karius has lodged a complaint to FIFA against his current club Besiktas over unpaid wages.

The goalkeeper who currently on loan at the Turkish club says that he is owed four months wages.

It is a key reason behind his want to return to his parent club.

A board member of the Turkish club confirmed the actions taken by the 26 year-old.



The Evening Standard (via A Spor) reported Erdal Torunogullari as saying:

“Karius has gone to Fifa over his unpaid wages and termination of his contract.

“He wants us to pay him for the months he hasn’t played. 

“He wants to leave, and that’s his decision.

“We don’t want to make an undeserved payment.”

The report also says that Liverpool would be willing to make up any shortfall in Karius' wages were he to return to Merseyside earlier than expected.

But it remains to be seen if the Reds have any grounds to pursue legal action against Besiktas over the alleged breach of loan conditions by Beskitas.

It is another chapter to what has almost become a soap opera in the career of Karius.

While he may well be certainly in the right on this occasion, you just hope that things start going right for Loris wherever his next club may be and he makes his name as a solid gloveman.


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16 hours ago, Shooter in the Motor said:

Has anybody told Karius that there is a pandemic going on and this may not be the best time to go after unpaid wages?

But four months? One thing is helping the club with percentages, but not getting payed at all for several months? 

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1 hour ago, Funkasy said:

But four months? One thing is helping the club with percentages, but not getting payed at all for several months? 

I don't know about you but if I hadn't been paid for one month, that's when I would start asking questions. It then went to two, presumably in February? March, three months. April, four. If there are genuine reasons, right now is not the best time. If they are pulling a fast one, four months? If they will only pay when forced to, may as well wait until the contract lapses with Besiktas and settle at the end.

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Karius is evidently a bit of a sap (on various counts), but I’m fully on his side on this one. 

Turkish sides are notorious for failing to pay players, from established internationals, to foreign imports, to lowly squad players. Last year almost one in every seven international employment disputes between players and clubs at the FIFA Dispute Resolution Chamber featured a Turkish club(s). 

Likewise, Asamoah Gyan had to send debt collectors to seize properties belonging to his club in order to get months‘ worth of outstanding wages. 

FIFA have set up a fund to help players whose wages are being withheld, but there’s all sorts of messy problems which aren’t so easily resolved - such as Turkish sides having a habit of inserting clauses which say they can sack players if they get injured (these are not recognised by FIFA but make legal resolution much more complicated). 

Frankly Besiktas come out of this looking appalling, and it would give food for thought for any half-decent player who has her choice of moving to them or to... well, anywhere else. 

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4 hours ago, Ron B said:


Frankly Besiktas come out of this looking appalling, and it would give food for thought for any half-decent player who has her choice of moving to them or to... well, anywhere else. 

No one who has any other decent option chooses to play in Turkey.


As to the OP - is this the same filed suit when they did not pay him months ago?

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16 minutes ago, lifetime fan said:

Like any of us wouldn't be kicking off if our employer didn't pay us for 4 months.


And it's the second time they've acted like cunts too.

I wouldn't keep working for someone if I was expecting to be paid every month and I hadn't been paid for 6 weeks, let alone 4 months. Do 'footballers' get paid weekly or monthly? (Not that this question necessarily covers Darius)


I like the big text, I could get used to that. Weird the text is bigger when typing the post but shrinks when it's posted.

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5 hours ago, Shooter in the Motor said:

I don't know about you but if I hadn't been paid for one month, that's when I would start asking questions. It then went to two, presumably in February? March, three months. April, four. If there are genuine reasons, right now is not the best time. If they are pulling a fast one, four months? If they will only pay when forced to, may as well wait until the contract lapses with Besiktas and settle at the end.

Im sure he has told them several times over the last few months. Nothing wrong with complaining over it now. 

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I doubt he waited 4 months and said nothing. It's just now that after trying whatever else he has tried, he is resorting to involving FIFA in an official complaint/claim as he hasn't been able to resolve it between himself, besitkas and lawyers etc.


Hope he gets his money and finds himself another club.

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8 hours ago, Ron B said:

Karius is evidently a bit of a sap (on various counts), but I’m fully on his side on this one. 

Turkish sides are notorious for failing to pay players, from established internationals, to foreign imports, to lowly squad players. Last year almost one in every seven international employment disputes between players and clubs at the FIFA Dispute Resolution Chamber featured a Turkish club(s). 

Likewise, Asamoah Gyan had to send debt collectors to seize properties belonging to his club in order to get months‘ worth of outstanding wages. 

FIFA have set up a fund to help players whose wages are being withheld, but there’s all sorts of messy problems which aren’t so easily resolved - such as Turkish sides having a habit of inserting clauses which say they can sack players if they get injured (these are not recognised by FIFA but make legal resolution much more complicated). 

Frankly Besiktas come out of this looking appalling, and it would give food for thought for any half-decent player who has her choice of moving to them or to... well, anywhere else. 

Not being paid wages you are owed is a terrible situation, it’s happened to me several times with dodge companies.

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