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Rush: Playing behind closed doors would not bring the best out of me


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Ian Rush has expressed reservations over the plans to play games behind closed doors saying that it will be hard for a player to motivate themselves.

The Reds sit in the cusp of a landmark title win but have been made to wait to collect their deserved reward due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Many ideas have been discussed over the past month over how to conclude this season, but the most likely scenario sees to be games being played in empty stadiums.

It is something that the Liverpool legend has some interesting thoughts about.

The Mirror reported Rush as saying:

“I’ve never played a game behind closed doors so I don’t know what it’s like. 

“But I don’t think it would bring the best out of me.

“I wasn’t the best trainer and sometimes I would just go through the motions. But in front of 40,000 or 50,000 fans I would come alive.

“If you’re playing in front of no one it begs the question, would you be any good? Would you be up for it, first of all? Would it be the same as a normal game in front

“It will be like playing a Sunday league game. 

"I don’t think the standard of games will be very good. It will be hard to get motivated even if something is at stake. 

“Crowds bring excitement.

“Celebrating goals will be strange for a start without there being any crowd interaction and it will still be a shame to see games without the fans who are the lifeblood of the game."



Rush said that his dream scenario would be if the fans could be there to see the team lift the Premier League trophy, but exercising strict social distancing measures in the process.

However if there were to be no resumption, the team would just have to dust themselves off and go again.

“If Liverpool are at home and they can win the league I want to be there even if we all have to be two metres apart.

“But seriously, if it doesn’t happen and the Premier League is declared null and void then you have to move on and not let it affect you. 

“This Liverpool team is the best I’ve ever seen and I’m certain they will come again."



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1 hour ago, aRdja said:

Playing behind closed doors would be really shut... like Sunday League football.. but you know if they declare the league null and void. we must accept it and move on”.


Yeah... nah.. suck my dick Rushy.




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