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Keir Starmer


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5 minutes ago, an tha said:

I don't suppose this has anything at all to do with not employing enough fucking drivers.


Honestly this fucking country and the media...




Get the farmers to drive them, hairy twats. 

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55 minutes ago, an tha said:

Sone more work for the farmers then!


When people talk about everything being broken they aren't kidding are they....What a shambles this country is.




Is this not another Brexit legacy? 


What a fucking great idea that was & people are still voting for that Farage parasite.

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3 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

nigel farage is a another classic example of the goldfish like attention span of your average english voter  


Interviewed by Beth Rigby again yesterday with that twat nick candy. Was on questiontime again last week the turd.


The media made this monster for clicks and hits.

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6 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


Interviewed by Beth Rigby again yesterday with that twat nick candy. Was on questiontime again last week the turd.


The media made this monster for clicks and hits.

Is he the candy crush fella with the awful huge estate? Heard he’s backing Reform the saga cunt 

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Oh fuck right off Reeves, right off.


Fifty economists and policy experts have issued a warning to Rachel Reeves that encouraging the City to expand could threaten financial stability and jeopardise growth.

The chancellor has called the UK’s financial services sector “the crown jewel in our economy” and has claimed that regulations imposed after the global financial crisis have “gone too far”.


Reeves has tweaked the remit of the City regulator the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and has urged it to support the growth and competitiveness of the sector, alongside protecting consumers.

But responding to a call for evidence by the Treasury, 50 experts said deregulating the City would work against Labour’s wider aims.


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41 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

Oh fuck right off Reeves, right off.


Fifty economists and policy experts have issued a warning to Rachel Reeves that encouraging the City to expand could threaten financial stability and jeopardise growth.

The chancellor has called the UK’s financial services sector “the crown jewel in our economy” and has claimed that regulations imposed after the global financial crisis have “gone too far”.


Reeves has tweaked the remit of the City regulator the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and has urged it to support the growth and competitiveness of the sector, alongside protecting consumers.

But responding to a call for evidence by the Treasury, 50 experts said deregulating the City would work against Labour’s wider aims.


the people who helped cause the financial crash are a crown jewel?



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  • 3 weeks later...
17 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

Fuck me, followed that link down a rabbit hole and there's some horrendous bile on there about him, predictably. I don't know why anyone goes on it now, genuinely don't.  

Everything is Starmer and Khans fault. 

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48 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

Fuck me, followed that link down a rabbit hole and there's some horrendous bile on there about him, predictably. I don't know why anyone goes on it now, genuinely don't.  


Pah, honestly, you can't sling about nasty lies, racism, transphobia, xenophobia, or antisemitism without you do-gooders complaining about it. Utterly woke nonsense. 


They've locked a lot of it down now, so those of us without an account can't see it. Thankfully. 

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