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Keir Starmer


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4 hours ago, Arniepie said:

There is a story on the bbc website  where unions are asking the government to raise ssp.  


the comments are filled with stuff like this


Too many expect others to cover their cost of living when it's an individual's responsibility. Yes give help to those in real need, otherwise take responsibility.


Spot on. We appear to be in an era of entitlement. Get your own house in order and stop relying on the hard work of others, the world owes you nothing unless you are genuinely unable to help yourself.


said it a million times.

There isnt  another people on the planet,apart from the english, who think working people having better conditions is a bad thing.

A nation of serfs.

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The Romanian election has been voided because of Russian interference. We have Musk (probably with Russian assistance) looking for an election in the UK. Starmer isn't flashy, charming, charismatic, inspirational or any of the things you might think you need from a leader. What is he is boring, sensible, intelligent, he's exactly what's needed at a time when the world is doused in petrol and loads of mad cunts are running around with matches.

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57 minutes ago, an tha said:

I wonder why small businesses "didn't know" about the stuff talked about here....?


Could it possibly be because the bbc et al have barely mentioned it amidst a tsunami of articles focusing on how 'bad' the budget is for them?



There's also a degree to which Labour are (still) a bit rubbish at messaging.  You'd think that "We will improve your living standards" would be the kind of thing people want to hear, but Labour smother that message under mountains of off-putting, dreary, politician-speak.




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16 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

There's also a degree to which Labour are (still) a bit rubbish at messaging.  You'd think that "We will improve your living standards" would be the kind of thing people want to hear, but Labour smother that message under mountains of off-putting, dreary, politician-speak.




Mentioned it the other day.

Reform are well ahead of them when it comes to getting your message across on social media.

A very fixable problem,yet still


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1 hour ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

There's also a degree to which Labour are (still) a bit rubbish at messaging.  You'd think that "We will improve your living standards" would be the kind of thing people want to hear, but Labour smother that message under mountains of off-putting, dreary, politician-speak.




Oh without doubt.


Lab are miles behind game in their messaging and reach - it is infuriating how bad they are.


Overthought and overcomplicated and does not cut through. And is not where you would expect it to be in a prominent enough manner i.e. where Joe Public gets there daily fix of quick info/soundbites/headlines.


The likes of Reform and the tories are sadly miles ahead of them at it.

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18 hours ago, an tha said:

I wonder why small businesses "didn't know" about the stuff talked about here....?


Could it possibly be because the bbc et al have barely mentioned it amidst a tsunami of articles focusing on how 'bad' the budget is for them?



It was one small business who Reeves has probably spent hours searching for.

I know of one small business (t/o less that £1m) who will lose £35k. They did what most people with a brain would do and asked their accountant what the impact would be. As they do after every budget. 

Apologies if this doesn't fit the "mainstream media" narrative.

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1 hour ago, HazelyCosmicJove said:

It was one small business who Reeves has probably spent hours searching for.

I know of one small business (t/o less that £1m) who will lose £35k. They did what most people with a brain would do and asked their accountant what the impact would be. As they do after every budget. 

Apologies if this doesn't fit the "mainstream media" narrative.

The “mainstream media” narrative has by and large hammered the budget from day 1 

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8 hours ago, HazelyCosmicJove said:

It was one small business who Reeves has probably spent hours searching for.

I know of one small business (t/o less that £1m) who will lose £35k. They did what most people with a brain would do and asked their accountant what the impact would be. As they do after every budget. 

Apologies if this doesn't fit the "mainstream media" narrative.


Ask yourself this.


How much have you seen written in the media since the budget that talks about the fact Reeves mentioned - which are below...i'd be pretty sure this applies to a lot of businesses and i for one have barely seen it mentioned.


Look at some of the detail in the budget, because the smallest businesses will be paying less or no national insurance because of the changes I announced," she says.

"We increased the employment allowance to £10,500 and so no national insurance will be paid until the bill gets to £10,500."

She continues: "I met one small business today who employs three people and she didn't know about those changes.

"It means next year she is unlikely to pay any national insurance at all whereas this year she is paying national insurance."

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14 hours ago, HazelyCosmicJove said:

It was one small business who Reeves has probably spent hours searching for.

I know of one small business (t/o less that £1m) who will lose £35k. They did what most people with a brain would do and asked their accountant what the impact would be. As they do after every budget. 

Apologies if this doesn't fit the "mainstream media" narrative.

There's something very cute about accusing Reeves of cherry-picking, then countering with your own sample size of 1.

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8 hours ago, an tha said:


Ask yourself this.


How much have you seen written in the media since the budget that talks about the fact Reeves mentioned - which are below...i'd be pretty sure this applies to a lot of businesses and i for one have barely seen it mentioned.


Look at some of the detail in the budget, because the smallest businesses will be paying less or no national insurance because of the changes I announced," she says.

"We increased the employment allowance to £10,500 and so no national insurance will be paid until the bill gets to £10,500."

She continues: "I met one small business today who employs three people and she didn't know about those changes.

"It means next year she is unlikely to pay any national insurance at all whereas this year she is paying national insurance."

Enough to know that it was increased.

Also enough to know that the secondary threshold dropped from £9100 to £5000.

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