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Keir Starmer


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4 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

If nobody is prepared to be down in taxes then how is anything ever going to improve?


Let's kick them out in four years and once again have no prison places and have to wait 10 years in A&E.


Surely there's no more libraries to shut and paraplegics to gas?


It's a bit of a pro-Labour echo chamber in here. I voted for them myself & can see merit in some of what they proposed in the budget & agree that things like waiting list times coming down are simply not being discussed anywhere.


Turning the ship around after the last 14 years of tory rape was never going to be easy but that winter fuel allowance decision, the NI hike for employers, the farmers kicking off and the fact that nobody is actually any better off, with energy bills going up again in January is leading to a lot of frustration, exacerbated by the media & cunts like Musk stirring the shit.


We need a middle ground, where people can recognise the good things and criticise the bad.

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22 minutes ago, Mook said:


It's a bit of a pro-Labour echo chamber in here. I voted for them myself & can see merit in some of what they proposed in the budget & agree that things like waiting list times coming down are simply not being discussed anywhere.


Turning the ship around after the last 14 years of tory rape was never going to be easy but that winter fuel allowance decision, the NI hike for employers, the farmers kicking off and the fact that nobody is actually any better off, with energy bills going up again in January is leading to a lot of frustration, exacerbated by the media & cunts like Musk stirring the shit.


We need a middle ground, where people can recognise the good things and criticise the bad.

Labour haven't even been in power for 5 months yet. No-one has got any right to expect to feel better off right now after the way the Tories raped the country,  and I can't believe that anyone who voted Labour in July knowing what the Tories did would be complaining already about not feeling better off and complaining about tax increases to start the process of righting the Tories negligence.



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25 minutes ago, Mook said:

It's a bit of a pro-Labour echo chamber in here.


I've noticed the echo chamber thing to an extent in a few threads recently, Gnasher not being here now has probably made that clearer to see as well. I know he's banned and several people didn't like him for whatever reasons but him posting regularly seemed to make up for the fact that there's not often that many different views on some subjects.


Not sure how the forum got like it but maybe a group of posters leaving or being banned and other people getting older and not being arsed with arguing so often could be a good part of it.

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3 minutes ago, Jack the Sipper said:

Labour haven't even been in power for 5 months yet. No-one has got any right to expect to feel better off right now after the way the Tories raped the country,  and I can't believe that anyone who voted Labour in July knowing what the Tories did would be complaining already about not feeling better off and complaining about tax increases to start the process of righting the Tories negligence.



Most of the noise and the 'unhappiness' is coming from rich entitled cunts, greedy employers/businesses and thick people bandwagon jumping and using situations they actually aren't affectd by, understand or are really bothered about - all stirred up by grifters, millionaires and a hostile right wing media.

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1 hour ago, Section_31 said:

If nobody is prepared to be down in taxes then how is anything ever going to improve?


Let's kick them out in four years and once again have no prison places and have to wait 10 years in A&E.


Surely there's no more libraries to shut and paraplegics to gas?

You know what the problem is.

Labour came in with a promise to sort things out, but things like Duke of Westminster dodging £3.5bn IHT (I know, personal hobby horse of mine), companies like Amazon, Apple, Meta, Google et al shifting their profits to Luxembourg or Ireland and paying no corporation tax here have not been addressed. Instead they take money off pensioners earning as little as £11,400 pa.

Great that they are sticking it to people who have bought farms as a tax dodge but not great that some genuine farming families are going to be caught in the same net. Rachel and the massed brains of the Treasury couldn't come up with a way to separate the wheat from the chaff (pun intended)?

Labour, quite rightly, kicked shit out of the Tories over their sleazy behaviour for a long time when in opposition so it is more than a little disappointing to hear what they were up to themselves. Hung by their own petard?

Yes, it has been less than 5 months, they need time but if they don't get their shit together they are going to run out of feet in which to shoot themselves.

The next area of concern for me is childcare and they are set fair to create a major issue.

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1 hour ago, Mook said:

It's a bit of a pro-Labour echo chamber in here.

I mean, there’s loads who absolutely hate them. This place is Corbyn central, and lots of hate for Starmer, Reeves, and Streeting. I think people just realise that after 14 years of the Tories, the closure of over 1000 Sure Start centres, 780 libraries, the rising of food bank use by 5400%, the rise of homeless by 1000%, student fees up 300%, eradication of EMA, and national debt rising from £850bn to 2.2 Trillion, it might take more than a few weeks to turn things around, that isn’t an echo chamber that’s just people not being completely ridiculous. 

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55 minutes ago, Red Phoenix said:


I've noticed the echo chamber thing to an extent in a few threads recently, Gnasher not being here now has probably made that clearer to see as well. I know he's banned and several people didn't like him for whatever reasons but him posting regularly seemed to make up for the fact that there's not often that many different views on some subjects.


Not sure how the forum got like it but maybe a group of posters leaving or being banned and other people getting older and not being arsed with arguing so often could be a good part of it.

I haven't been banned yet but I've definitely been "cancelled" by some. You will note that certain individuals (NV, Bossy) only ever respond to my posts with name calling or personal insults. Their choice I suppose but surprising to see it from (supposedly) grown men. I always thought it was the sort of thing teenage girls did. But hey, what do I know?

It is an echo chamber but it is also something more. Almost a cabal with two or three posters leading the narrative. Woe betide anyone who dares to cross swords with them. At time the things being posted in here are pretty vile and I suggest that some people need to be a lot more careful. (go find out what a  non-crime hate incident is and you will get my gist) Very few people are interested in a conversation, most just want to ram their very narrow minded POV down your throat like some sort of bush tucker trail and if you gag......

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10 minutes ago, Numero Veinticinco said:

I mean, there’s loads who absolutely hate them. This place is Corbyn central, and lots of hate for Starmer, Reeves, and Streeting. I think people just realise that after 14 years of the Tories, the closure of over 1000 Sure Start centres, 780 libraries, the rising of food bank use by 5400%, the rise of homeless by 1000%, student fees up 300%, eradication of EMA, and national debt rising from £850bn to 2.2 Trillion, it might take more than a few weeks to turn things around, that isn’t an option cho chamber that’s just people not being completely ridiculous. 

In other words, this is where Militant Tendency came to die.

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2 hours ago, an tha said:

Most of the noise and the 'unhappiness' is coming from rich entitled cunts, greedy employers/businesses and thick people bandwagon jumping and using situations they actually aren't affectd by, understand or are really bothered about - all stirred up by grifters, millionaires and a hostile right wing media.

What like a pensioner who has had his winter fuel allowance taken away? I don't think such a person needs stirring up by anyone else.

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44 minutes ago, HazelyCosmicJove said:

What like a pensioner who has had his winter fuel allowance taken away? I don't think such a person needs stirring up by anyone else.


As it happens on balance with the example you have brought up I support the WFA call based on - So many pensioners simply not needing it - The fact that they are protected by the triple lock - The pension credits thing being in place to help those in most need.


All that said the real trick here is to get the price of energy under control and the bills down - that has to be a priority.


But I see no reason at all pensioners should be excluded from bearing some of the burden of helping to fix the mess left behind by 14 years of the tories gross negligence. 

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3 hours ago, HazelyCosmicJove said:

I haven't been banned yet but I've definitely been "cancelled" by some. You will note that certain individuals (NV, Bossy) only ever respond to my posts with name calling or personal insults. Their choice I suppose but surprising to see it from (supposedly) grown men. I always thought it was the sort of thing teenage girls did. But hey, what do I know?

It is an echo chamber but it is also something more. Almost a cabal with two or three posters leading the narrative. Woe betide anyone who dares to cross swords with them. At time the things being posted in here are pretty vile and I suggest that some people need to be a lot more careful. (go find out what a  non-crime hate incident is and you will get my gist) Very few people are interested in a conversation, most just want to ram their very narrow minded POV down your throat like some sort of bush tucker trail and if you gag......


When people have different views and end up arguing with the same people across different threads (I've had it too over the years) it could be down to the lack of posters. I'm sure I remember that around a decade ago it wasn't so much like it can be at times now so I don't think it has to be some type of cabal. Things have also got a lot more fucked up in the world too so people are probably less likely to want to back down on subjects that they feel are important. Even in the last 5 years we've had covid, Ukraine, Israel/Gaza/Lebanon then Trump winning again so it's probably natural that people are going to be more defensive and wound up.


Maybe if things get better for a change at some point more people will post again, as it is though maybe focusing on what the site is mainly here for is good enough for most just to get away from the rest of it for a while.

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No one is pretending labour under Starmer are perfect, personally I would have like to see them impose a wealth tax and go after the likes of amazon etc.

However, whilst Sunak was cutting tax on champagne when schools were falling down, labour have gone after the likes of wealthy landowners, non doms, fee payingh schools and people with private jets and holiday homes.

The argument wasnt about if Starmer was above criticism, it was about simpletons blaming labour for not fixing the country in 6 months, after the tories spent 14 years trashing it


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10 hours ago, HazelyCosmicJove said:

I haven't been banned yet but I've definitely been "cancelled" by some. You will note that certain individuals (NV, Bossy) only ever respond to my posts with name calling or personal insults. Their choice I suppose but surprising to see it from (supposedly) grown men. I always thought it was the sort of thing teenage girls did. But hey, what do I know?

It is an echo chamber but it is also something more. Almost a cabal with two or three posters leading the narrative. Woe betide anyone who dares to cross swords with them. At time the things being posted in here are pretty vile and I suggest that some people need to be a lot more careful. (go find out what a  non-crime hate incident is and you will get my gist) Very few people are interested in a conversation, most just want to ram their very narrow minded POV down your throat like some sort of bush tucker trail and if you gag......

nv has engaged with you on countless occasions..even when you are clearly trying to wind people up 

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The lack of different views things is bollocks, it's trolling people can't abide and you know exactly what you're doing.


I think SD is a great poster and we're polar opposite on many issues, my politics has also diverged from Anubis, Mal and Jairz in the last few years and I respect their opinions immensely. It's not remotely an echo chamber.


There was a poster called Catch_22 on here many moons ago who had economic views to the right and he was welcomed and discussed things in a way that wasn't designed to just rope a dope people into getting wound up.


Its all very odd, cosmic guy and Rico seemed to approach this place with something resembling disdain and most of what they posted was designed to rile, I never understood it at all, surely there's better things to be doing with your life.

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6 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

The lack of different views things is bollocks, it's trolling people can't abide and you know exactly what you're doing.


I think SD is a great poster and we're polar opposite on many issues, my politics has also diverged from Anubis, Mal and Jairz in the last few years and I respect their opinions immensely. It's not remotely an echo chamber.


There was a poster called Catch_22 on here many moons ago who had economic views to the right and he was welcomed and discussed things in a way that wasn't designed to just rope a dope people into getting wound up.


Its all very odd, cosmic guy and Rico seemed to approach this place with something resembling disdain and most of what they posted was designed to rile, I never understood it at all, surely there's better things to be doing with your life.

Disagree about Rico. He posted for years without much bother. All of a sudden he started getting it in the neck during the Johnson years even though he didn’t vote for the cunt and reacted back. I disagree with him on loads politically but he can’t be thrown in with some of the blatant trolls at all. 

Oh and fuck you for not respecting my opinion you centrist half Tory twat x 

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Rico was a cunt (like many of us here) but if you asked him to back up a claim, he would at least give an honest attempt at doing so. I have no issue with being called a twat, as long as when somebody claims something they have the intention to back it up or retract it. If they’re not willing to do that, and hide behind insults, they’re just a troll and not worth engaging because they can’t be reasoned with. 

If the conversation resembles the following: there’s absolutely no point engaging because they’re just stuck in a loop of idiocy while thinking they’re super smart and nobody else is worthy. 


The world is flat.


Okay, any proof because I disagree?


You’re just too thick to understand it. 

Okay, fine, I’m thick. Help me out by showing proof? 

No, you’re a twat. 

Okay, fine, I’m a twat. It seems like you can’t back up your claim.


I can, I just don’t want it to. 

Sigh. You daft twat. 

OMG I can believe you insulted me. 

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8 hours ago, an tha said:


As it happens on balance with the example you have brought up I support the WFA call based on - So many pensioners simply not needing it - The fact that they are protected by the triple lock - The pension credits thing being in place to help those in most need.


All that said the real trick here is to get the price of energy under control and the bills down - that has to be a priority.


But I see no reason at all pensioners should be excluded from bearing some of the burden of helping to fix the mess left behind by 14 years of the tories gross negligence. 

Go back and read your previous post (re: bandwagons, people who aren't affected etc) now tell me if you are directly affected by WFA withdrawal. If not, it is so hypocritical. 

You are not wrong about getting the price of energy under control but shouldn't that happen before you take away the support for very needy pensioners who fall just outside pension credits?

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