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Keir Starmer


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Train drivers get paid pretty well in no small part down to their excellent union representation. Why has they become a point of obsession with lots of people?


A country with minor royals swerving billions in inheritance tax, Tesco and Wetherspoons destroying every single town in the country, and Amazon basically running sweatshops, and people are talking about train drivers.


This left wing media isn't very persuasive, is it?

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1 hour ago, Jairzinho said:

Train drivers get paid pretty well in no small part down to their excellent union representation. Why has they become a point of obsession with lots of people?


A country with minor royals swerving billions in inheritance tax, Tesco and Wetherspoons destroying every single town in the country, and Amazon basically running sweatshops, and people are talking about train drivers.


This left wing media isn't very persuasive, is it?


You never see anything on telly about tax dodgers, the credit crunch, oligarchs etc. All calls for fairness are derided as jealousy. There's loads of stuff about benefits and gypsy weddings though. Nobody hates poor people as much as other poor people.


Pull back the veneer of respectability though and the UK is probably the most morally fucked up country in the western world. The last few years have really rammed that home.


What kind of culture sees a pandemic on the horizon and thinks "how can I make money out of this?"


I'm sure I read somewhere that one of the fat cunts who bankrolled liz Truss and - as chance would have it - made money when she crashed the economy and sent everyone else's mortgage up, is under investigation for masturbating on someone without permission.


That's the kind of people we're dealing with here.

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21 hours ago, Numero Veinticinco said:

Indeed, something like 2.92 out of 4 aren’t from millionaire households. Though to be fair, there’s a massive distance between needing 200-300 quid to avoid being dead from the cold and being from a millionaire household, right? My point wasn’t that nobody needed it, some of course do, but to show that there’s clearly a significant amount that don’t need it and can warm their homes just fine. Way beyond just fine, actually. There are clearly some very vulnerable, elderly pensioners that need protection, and those who fall just short of the PC is where I think the worry should be. Nobody in the UK should be cold for fear of putting the heating on, no doubt and no argument from me. That 3800 is, of course, the number if all WFP is removed. That’s at the extreme end. Actually, it’s just above 0.0% of the 10.8m who received it last year. So it’s safe to say that they’re well inside the PC limit. 

Would you agree that a significant portion of those getting WFP just don’t need it. In fact, quite a few are really quite well off and would be spending that money, by their own admission, on other things like holidays or a slap up meal (referencing the pensioners in the BBC article this morning). If you do agree, it then becomes about where the line is, rather than the policy as a matter of principle. 

Are you suggesting that the 3800 who may die don't matter because they only make up a very small percentage?

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8 hours ago, The wanderer said:


The average train driver salary in the UK is £48,500 per year. Train drivers can expect to begin with an average starting salary of £30,000, with the highest salaries often exceeding £65,000. 

Train driver salaries can also differ between commercial or freight roles. The average freight train driver salary in the UK is £44,418. 

The average train driver salary in London is £58,795, with experienced professionals in the region having salaries that often exceed £69,000, while train driver salaries in Scotland start at £38,194 for newly qualified drivers, rising to £48,360 after the probation period has ended.

Is this in line with other similar jobs ? To me it looks pretty good but I have no idea about the cost of living in the UK.

It’s not about fucking train drivers !!!!!!! 

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17 minutes ago, Anubis said:

Surely it should be starmtroopers?

Yeah but with that conk she can’t even see her knees one ugly horrible right wing piece of shit. She’s probably not even right wing she’d just drop her pants as someone said above to be able to say to her mates (probably hasn’t even got any real ones) that’s she’s taking a call from “Boris” he definitely shagged her. No doubt about it. She’s a horrible wicked liar and the BBC love her and can’t get rid of her because she’d bury the knife so deep to get her own way. 

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44 minutes ago, HazelyCosmicJove said:

Are you suggesting that the 3800 who may die don't matter because they only make up a very small percentage?


No, I'm suggesting that the 3800 who would be at risk of death due to their WFP being cut, according to Labour's opposition analysis, wouldn't have their WFP cut, ergo wouldn't die. 

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5 hours ago, Jairzinho said:

Train drivers get paid pretty well in no small part down to their excellent union representation. Why has they become a point of obsession with lots of people?


A country with minor royals swerving billions in inheritance tax, Tesco and Wetherspoons destroying every single town in the country, and Amazon basically running sweatshops, and people are talking about train drivers.


This left wing media isn't very persuasive, is it?

The bootlickers in this country think workers shouldn't have any rights

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3 hours ago, Numero Veinticinco said:


No, I'm suggesting that the 3800 who would be at risk of death due to their WFP being cut, according to Labour's opposition analysis, wouldn't have their WFP cut, ergo wouldn't die. 

You would only know that if you have seen the analysis. Do you have a link? I would like to read it myself. Thanks.

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57 minutes ago, HazelyCosmicJove said:

You would only know that if you have seen the analysis. Do you have a link? I would like to read it myself. Thanks.


Wow, you almost got me with your wicked web of words there. Sigh. No, the analysis hasn't been released, just referred to in the media in 2017 referencing 'the very poorest' pensioners. No, I can't link the report to you. No, it's not the only way you can know it. I wasn't responding to the actual report from Corbyn's opposition, as I've no idea what that said. I was responding to what a poster said on here. 


WFP is money. That money increases people's ability to pay by exactly the amount of the WFP. Removing it from everybody clearly impacts those with least money the most. That's the logic behind my suggestion. If you think taking away the WFP from everybody will disproportionately impact people with more money, which is the only other scenario, then feel free to make that argument. As it stands, I'll work off the assumption that keeping the payments and increasing the pension will help the poorest most, as that's who get it, and steadily impact people less as they get wealthier, as it seems good sense. 

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On 14/09/2024 at 11:25, Bjornebye said:

How the fuck can the man in the street have spare cash when a medium sized bottle of olive oil is over 7 quid in Tesco. The cost of things now is beyond a joke it’s proper piss taking it’s as if the bosses of all these stores got together a said i know let’s have a laugh with the prices. Everything and I mean everything is a rip off. Daylight robbery for the fat cats and the governments let it happen. I couldn’t give a fuck about trident, we all want to eat 




I bought an ice cream in the New Forest yesterday and it cost £4. Was only a 99 too. I'm ready to storm parliament when you are.

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4 hours ago, Numero Veinticinco said:


Wow, you almost got me with your wicked web of words there. Sigh. No, the analysis hasn't been released, just referred to in the media in 2017 referencing 'the very poorest' pensioners. No, I can't link the report to you. No, it's not the only way you can know it. I wasn't responding to the actual report from Corbyn's opposition, as I've no idea what that said. I was responding to what a poster said on here. 


WFP is money. That money increases people's ability to pay by exactly the amount of the WFP. Removing it from everybody clearly impacts those with least money the most. That's the logic behind my suggestion. If you think taking away the WFP from everybody will disproportionately impact people with more money, which is the only other scenario, then feel free to make that argument. As it stands, I'll work off the assumption that keeping the payments and increasing the pension will help the poorest most, as that's who get it, and steadily impact people less as they get wealthier, as it seems good sense. 

No wicked words from me - I was just requesting clarification from someone who posted on the forum. 

A single pensioner with income of £11,300 qualifies for PC. A single pensioner with income of £11,400 doesn't qualify for PC. The single pensioner who qualifies will get £300 WFP. Factor in things like the variability of cost of living in different parts of the country, different rates of council tax, personal circumstances etc then I would suggest that there is no simple linear graph showing those that need it and those that don't. To suggest otherwise is misleading. To suggest that a pensioner on £11,400 is living their best life is also a bit of a stretch. 

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1 hour ago, HazelyCosmicJove said:

The single pensioner who qualifies will get £300 WFP.


If they're over (I think) 80, below is £200. 


1 hour ago, HazelyCosmicJove said:

Factor in things like the variability of cost of living in different parts of the country


Yep, that's fair and should be a consideration. We should also consider that this report was for 2017, and a very different climate. I suspect it was on quite dodgy ground anyway, just from reading the news articles from back then. That works both ways, it could have understated it too. 


1 hour ago, HazelyCosmicJove said:

I would suggest that there is no simple linear graph showing those that need it and those that don't. To suggest otherwise is misleading.


I would say that if you're talking about removing the entirety of the WFP money, it's is still going to impact those with the least money the most. At that lower end, we aren't talking huge amounts of variation in income. 


1 hour ago, HazelyCosmicJove said:

To suggest that a pensioner on £11,400 is living their best life is also a bit of a stretch.


It certainly would be a stretch. For clarity, I didn't say or suggest or even have a passing whiff of an indication that it is. There's a big difference between being dead of the cold and living one's best life. 


My argument here isn't that these people don't matter, it's that these people matter most - much more than the millionaires sunning it in Costa Del Sol, Costa Blanca, or Costa Coffee - and for every pound one of the 27% of pensioners get, and freely admit they spend on the grandkids, go for a slap up meal, or whatever, it's another pound that should be used in better ways. Same with child benefit, in my opinion. I want more benefits for those who really need it, and less for those who don't. 

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On 14/09/2024 at 18:23, Numero Veinticinco said:

Fortunately we have a breakdown of voters by education. Hardly anybody well educated votes for Reform. In short, Reformers are extremely vulnerable to misinformation and manipulation, especially from online content. The reason you and your friends believe what you believe is because you’ve been given manipulated, cherrypicked, or partial information and, with the greatest respect, you don’t have the critical thinking skills to parse it. You are the Trump voters of the UK. That’s all fine, but not if you start pointing fingers about other people’s intelligence. 



There is a couple of problems with your assumptions and your screenshot, firstly you correlate education with intelligence, I'm sure you will, as I have, met people with degrees that are not that smart or have no common sense whatsoever. Secondly the screenshot just mentions degree without differentiating between the degree subject, my ex for example was doing a degree when I met her however it was an art degree and she would be the first to admit that she is not that smart. 


You may believe that my group of friends don't have the critical thinking skills, you'd be wrong and I will explain why shortly, but I would like to suggest that maybe you should look at yourself with the same critical gaze, maybe it is you that has been given manipulated, cherrypicked, or partial information. Now how do I know my friends do have critical thinking skills? Every Sunday we meet for four or five hours and just talk about anything and everything, sometimes only a few turn up sometimes up to twenty people, these meet ups happen all over the country.


Lastly regarding the intelligence point, Ok my tongue was firmly in my cheek when I made that comment, I do like to poke the bear sometimes :)) But it is worth saying that the 'leftwaffe' do like to imply or state outright that people who disagree with them are lacking intelligence, the implication is in your post for example. The left do like to believe that they are morally and intellectually superior which simply isn't true. 

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28 minutes ago, Trevorjc said:


There is a couple of problems with your assumptions and your screenshot, firstly you correlate education with intelligence, I'm sure you will, as I have, met people with degrees that are not that smart or have no common sense whatsoever. Secondly the screenshot just mentions degree without differentiating between the degree subject, my ex for example was doing a degree when I met her however it was an art degree and she would be the first to admit that she is not that smart. 


You may believe that my group of friends don't have the critical thinking skills, you'd be wrong and I will explain why shortly, but I would like to suggest that maybe you should look at yourself with the same critical gaze, maybe it is you that has been given manipulated, cherrypicked, or partial information. Now how do I know my friends do have critical thinking skills? Every Sunday we meet for four or five hours and just talk about anything and everything, sometimes only a few turn up sometimes up to twenty people, these meet ups happen all over the country.


Lastly regarding the intelligence point, Ok my tongue was firmly in my cheek when I made that comment, I do like to poke the bear sometimes :)) But it is worth saying that the 'leftwaffe' do like to imply or state outright that people who disagree with them are lacking intelligence, the implication is in your post for example. The left do like to believe that they are morally and intellectually superior which simply isn't true. 

no way is this real!

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