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Keir Starmer


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19 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:

Sickening, isn’t it?


Ill be using third pressed shite before the nights draw in at this rate.

She uses the light spray. I’m ashamed to say I used some the other day. It was extra virgin olive oil or pay the mortgage 

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On 13/09/2024 at 10:38, Numero Veinticinco said:

You’re talking about the Lords Attendance Allowance, that you’ve seen people bleating about on SM over the last couple of days. In what way is being paid for turning up to do a job for 700-odd people (average age of 70, BTW, so pensioners) relevant to the WFA being removed for some pensioners? 


You know that over 1 in 4 pensioners have a household wealth of over a million, right? That over a quarter of a billion has been paid to pensioners living outside the country. So you can get your knickers in a twist if you want, but I think at some point I’d like to hear the argument for Labour continuing state support (often funded by the taxes from the likes of nurses, teachers, builders, and bus drivers) to keep millionaires sunning it in Spain safe from the cold. 

Look, I think it has been a PR disaster and I think they need to be careful with the threshold to ensure nobody is at risk from the cold, but this yarn being spun that Labour are somehow freezing the old to death and starving the kids is utterly pathetic, social media driven bollocks. 

By definition therefore you know that 3 in 4 pensioners don't have a household wealth of over a million. Most of this "wealth" is in their property and/or pension fund.

There are not that many in Spain (about 100k), there are far more in each of Rep of Ireland and Canada, neither of which have a better climate than UK.

The fact is that this government, when in opposition did their own impact assessment that suggested that 3,800 pensioners would die as a result of scrapping WFA. If all of these are on benefits/pension credits then fair enough.  But we deserve to be told.

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1 minute ago, HazelyCosmicJove said:

By definition therefore you know that 3 in 4 pensioners don't have a household wealth of over a million. Most of this "wealth" is in their property and/or pension fund.

There are not that many in Spain (about 100k), there are far more in each of Rep of Ireland and Canada, neither of which have a better climate than UK.

The fact is that this government, when in opposition did their own impact assessment that suggested that 3,800 pensioners would die as a result of scrapping WFA. If all of these are on benefits/pension credits then fair enough.  But we deserve to be told.

Indeed, something like 2.92 out of 4 aren’t from millionaire households. Though to be fair, there’s a massive distance between needing 200-300 quid to avoid being dead from the cold and being from a millionaire household, right? My point wasn’t that nobody needed it, some of course do, but to show that there’s clearly a significant amount that don’t need it and can warm their homes just fine. Way beyond just fine, actually. There are clearly some very vulnerable, elderly pensioners that need protection, and those who fall just short of the PC is where I think the worry should be. Nobody in the UK should be cold for fear of putting the heating on, no doubt and no argument from me. That 3800 is, of course, the number if all WFP is removed. That’s at the extreme end. Actually, it’s just above 0.0% of the 10.8m who received it last year. So it’s safe to say that they’re well inside the PC limit. 

Would you agree that a significant portion of those getting WFP just don’t need it. In fact, quite a few are really quite well off and would be spending that money, by their own admission, on other things like holidays or a slap up meal (referencing the pensioners in the BBC article this morning). If you do agree, it then becomes about where the line is, rather than the policy as a matter of principle. 

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4 hours ago, Bruce Spanner said:

I looked into this a while back as I was pissed off with the constant price rises and a lot of it is down to consecutive bad harvests, not just inflation.


Not to mention that, since Labour was last in power, there's an extra 1.2 billion people on this planet who need feeding.

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17 hours ago, Arniepie said:

One of the main problems Labour have is,unlike the tories,they don't have the media in their pockets.

Whatever they do will be ripped to shreds 

The difference the way the bbc has treated starmer,compared to how they fawned over that fat wife beating lying cunt johnson for example, is a disgrace 


Are you having a laugh? The media in this country is mostly left wing or fairly central, the BBC are massivly left wing for example. If Starmer is getting slaughtered then perhaps it's for good reason. 

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24 minutes ago, Numero Veinticinco said:

What are your views on Reform, Trev? 


I voted for them along with nearly everybody I know, I actually only know one person that voted Labour, maybe two, and a few who voted Tory or didn't bother.  If they shake up the Conservatives to being actual Conservatives again then maybe they'll serve a purpose, or maybe it will spark a debate about PR which has positives but also has negative points too. All we have at the moment is two parties passing the batton to each other and who are both frankly a bit crap.

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13 minutes ago, Trevorjc said:


I'm not, I have a very diverse, intelligent, and well educated group of friends and acquaintances ;-)) That's probably why I don't know many Labour voters.....

Fortunately we have a breakdown of voters by education. Hardly anybody well educated votes for Reform. In short, Reformers are extremely vulnerable to misinformation and manipulation, especially from online content. The reason you and your friends believe what you believe is because you’ve been given manipulated, cherrypicked, or partial information and, with the greatest respect, you don’t have the critical thinking skills to parse it. You are the Trump voters of the UK. That’s all fine, but not if you start pointing fingers about other people’s intelligence. 


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2 hours ago, Trevorjc said:


Are you having a laugh? The media in this country is mostly left wing or fairly central, the BBC are massivly left wing for example. If Starmer is getting slaughtered then perhaps it's for good reason. 

I'm genuinely not sure if this is a piss take or not?

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2 hours ago, Trevorjc said:


Are you having a laugh? The media in this country is mostly left wing or fairly central, the BBC are massivly left wing for example. If Starmer is getting slaughtered then perhaps it's for good reason. 

Just to clarify...the organisation which until recently had a Tory donor as chairman,employs Laura Kunsburg and nick Robinson is....'massively left wing?

Could you also list the other left wing media outlets?

I mean obviously the mail,the express, The telegraph, the rag, the metro, gb news, talk tv...any others?

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On 13/09/2024 at 19:38, Numero Veinticinco said:

You’re talking about the Lords Attendance Allowance, that you’ve seen people bleating about on SM over the last couple of days. In what way is being paid for turning up to do a job for 700-odd people (average age of 70, BTW, so pensioners) relevant to the WFA being removed for some pensioners? 


You know that over 1 in 4 pensioners have a household wealth of over a million, right? That over a quarter of a billion has been paid to pensioners living outside the country. So you can get your knickers in a twist if you want, but I think at some point I’d like to hear the argument for Labour continuing state support (often funded by the taxes from the likes of nurses, teachers, builders, and bus drivers) to keep millionaires sunning it in Spain safe from the cold. 

Look, I think it has been a PR disaster and I think they need to be careful with the threshold to ensure nobody is at risk from the cold, but this yarn being spun that Labour are somehow freezing the old to death and starving the kids is utterly pathetic, social media driven bollocks. 

There are many deserving people who will lose out and that’s wrong . There are plenty who don’t need it and so it’s right they dont get it. Having said that I’m sticking with my original statement about the house of lords plenty of them are wealthy already imo.

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On 13/09/2024 at 20:55, Bjornebye said:

Train drivers see this is the level of ignorance I can’t stand. The right will have you believe it’s well paid train drivers asking for more money when it’s not. The amount of money it costs to travel by trains that don’t fucking run on time anyway should more than cover it but no the 1% of rich shareholders don’t want to share any of their spoils to people working ridiculous hours for pittance. 

The average train driver salary in the UK is £48,500 per year. Train drivers can expect to begin with an average starting salary of £30,000, with the highest salaries often exceeding £65,000. 

Train driver salaries can also differ between commercial or freight roles. The average freight train driver salary in the UK is £44,418. 

The average train driver salary in London is £58,795, with experienced professionals in the region having salaries that often exceed £69,000, while train driver salaries in Scotland start at £38,194 for newly qualified drivers, rising to £48,360 after the probation period has ended.

Is this in line with other similar jobs ? To me it looks pretty good but I have no idea about the cost of living in the UK.

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