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Keir Starmer


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1 minute ago, Sugar Ape said:

Like I said I’d be up for being more aggressive myself if it was down to me but he’s clearly going for ‘grown up’ politics for want of a better word. Whether it will turn out to be the right strategy I don’t know but I think it’s too early to give him grief over it at the minute. 

Here is that Dodds interview from Sunday, starts at 37 minutes. I’d never heard her speak before and It seems pretty good to me what she’s saying.



Yeah obviously too early to tell, but I think they'll look back on this as a wasted opportunity, and that exit strategy stuff will amount to little. And aside from the politics of it, highlighting government's incompetence at a time like this is the right thing to do anyway when consequences for people at the sharp end are so grave.


Agree Dodds seems capable. McDonnell was pretty keen on her, apparently.


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The problem for the Tories with people like Starmer is they don't know how to attack. They always play the man and not the ball because labour policies themselves are popular, so it's red ed and his bacon butty or Corbyn with his KGB background and lack of tie.


Starmer though where do they go with that? 


"Okay Starmer, the respected former QC and knight, you....absolute twat."


You  have to read it in the voice of David Mitchell.

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13 minutes ago, Sugar Ape said:

Be lucky if he attends one in four. Any excuse and he won’t turn up. 

Very true


4 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

The problem for the Tories with people like Starmer is they don't know how to attack. They always play the man and not the ball because labour policies themselves are popular, so it's red ed and his bacon butty or Corbyn with his KGB background and lack of tie.


Starmer though where do they go with that? 


"Okay Starmer, the respected former QC and knight, you....absolute twat."


You  have to read it in the voice of David Mitchell.

It'll be millionaire socialist Keir Starmer or AntiBrexit Starmer or Failed to prosecute Jimmy Saville Starmer ... seen all 3 on Twitter a lot

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