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Crime and Punishment

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Screenshot_20240819_184101_Samsung Internet.jpgI posted in another thread about Husna. I used to be her manager. For six months she wore a headscarf. Then one day she came in without it. I had presumed she was a devout Muslim but she explained she only wore it as she couldn’t be arsed doing her hair.


Can't believe how stupid she's been here. Although she was sacked in the end for stealing.

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19 minutes ago, littletedwest said:

Screenshot_20240819_184101_Samsung Internet.jpgI posted in another thread about Husna. I used to be her manager. For six months she wore a headscarf. Then one day she came in without it. I had presumed she was a devout Muslim but she explained she only wore it as she couldn’t be arsed doing her hair.


Can't believe how stupid she's been here. Although she was sacked in the end for stealing.




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4 hours ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

If I took a racist stance, as Stronts did (as I explained on that thread), I would expect it to be called out.


You explained nothing on that thread, you have your opinion on him and let that could your judgement. You made an absolute whopper of yourself on that thread, all because Stronts was right about Kaba's character. And you, and a few others on here can't handle that. 


All I see is the tarring all officers with the same brush (which infuriates me as they aren't) and being so confident that they were 100% guilty of murder without the full facts of the story. 


On 02/10/2023 at 08:47, AngryOfTuebrook said:

I'm calling you racist for siding with the institutionally racist organisation who killed an unarmed black man - and for the insinuation that the prosecution of his killer is some kind of Woke box-ticking exercise to try to stop people - y'know, that lot - from rioting.


Racist dog-whistles everywhere.


As a general rule, if someone accuses you of racism, it's best to consider whether or not you might be at fault.  If (as you always do) you get defensive, start deflecting and double down on your original position, you will never learn and you will just continue to spout racism. And be a cunt.


So, if someone agrees with the police's actions on anything, that makes them a racist? Come on, you're not that thick are you ? Or is it just continuous act of being disingenuous that you want to keep portraying because it would be easy to label you a racist for the way interact with him on here. I won't be doing that, as it would be as idiotic as your post above accusing him being a racist wouldn't it?


I mean even now, after being gloriously wrong at the time (you weren't alone, I was also wrong about Kaba as an individual and made the same assumptions about the police involved as you) that you can't even bring yourself to acknowledge that you got it wrong, and that the world is already better off without a person like Kaba being in it any longer. 


I am just going to assume you aren't man enough to admit he wasn't being racist, he isn't a racist and that it's ok to admit when you are wrong. 

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2 hours ago, Skidfingers McGonical said:

You accused him of being racist due to his stance. That wasn’t right. That does need retracting. 


Yeah, I agree with that. I read the thread and it's clear that Stronts wasn't basing his comments on race, but rather on character. I genuinely can't see how anybody can read that thread and think anything other than Stronts was proven to be entirely in the right and AoT was entirely wrong on the case (not necessarily on the wider comments regarding the police), was abusive throughout, and wrongly called Stronts racist. 


The comments were:


1. 'Did I miss a guilty verdict' in response to AoT calling the 100 officers who handed in their firearms ticket 'cunts' who needed to be 'fucked with bad shithouse dog AIDS'. That seems entirely fair and reasonable from Stonts, considering that there was no verdict at the time. AoT prejudged it, SD didn't want to. The reason is clear, especially now we know the outcome. In light of the outcome, these officers seemed to have good reason to have acted that way, but AoT called it 'performative cuntishness' in response to 'being held to account when they murder people'. 


2.  Having already said that they 'rid the world of a scumbag' (met with AoT saying 'get fucked, you cunt'), Stronts said that Kaba 'was an absolute scumbag', to which AoT replied that Stronts was a 'horrible racist cunt'. With the benefit of hindsight, it's obvious that Stronts was correct in saying that the guy who had shot an unarmed man the night before was a scumbag. At the time, he didn't have the benefit of hindsight, but still had enough to back up his claim that the gangster was a scumbag; he - somebody with very dubious criminal history - was driving a getaway car used in a shooting and ramming police police cars to try to evade capture. This, to me, is the behaviour of a scumbag. That's without knowing just how deep the scumbaggery went. AoT called Kaba a 'murder victim' and said that Stronts was 'victim blaming'. He said 'I wonder what it is about this particular case that has impaired Stronts' judgement' implying he's a racist. That was wrong then and it's even more wrong now. 


All of that is part and parcel of the joys of being on the GF, AoT clearly had an idea of what happened in his head and stuck to it. No issue with that at all. What I have an issue with is now that we know what we know, that this 'murder victim' was actually a gangster who shot an unarmed man the night before and that the courts found the police to not have murdered him, AoT has gone back and instead of saying that he shouldn't have prejudged the actions regarding that particular case and takes back his comments about Stronts being racist, he doubled down. Being wrong on the case is understandable, that's a judgment call; but not retracting the claims of racism is a bit shitty. 




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14 minutes ago, Skidfingers McGonical said:


You explained nothing on that thread, you have your opinion on him and let that could your judgement. You made an absolute whopper of yourself on that thread, all because Stronts was right about Kaba's character. And you, and a few others on here can't handle that. 


All I see is the tarring all officers with the same brush (which infuriates me as they aren't) and being so confident that they were 100% guilty of murder without the full facts of the story. 



So, if someone agrees with the police's actions on anything, that makes them a racist? Come on, you're not that thick are you ? Or is it just continuous act of being disingenuous that you want to keep portraying because it would be easy to label you a racist for the way interact with him on here. I won't be doing that, as it would be as idiotic as your post above accusing him being a racist wouldn't it?


I mean even now, after being gloriously wrong at the time (you weren't alone, I was also wrong about Kaba as an individual and made the same assumptions about the police involved as you) that you can't even bring yourself to acknowledge that you got it wrong, and that the world is already better off without a person like Kaba being in it any longer. 


I am just going to assume you aren't man enough to admit he wasn't being racist, he isn't a racist and that it's ok to admit when you are wrong. 

Kaba was clearly a cunt. We don’t have capital punishment in this country. The shooting and how it went down was bad judgement. I’m not personally thinking it was race related in anyway but I definitely believe it was an error of judgement by a supposed trained armed police officer. 

As for Mal calling Strontz racist, not getting into why he said it but where aren’t you asking Strontz to apologise to all the people he’s labelled anti-semitic over negs and pulling him up with facts that he won’t/can’t handle? 

Not after another argument so just try and see that as an opinion followed by a question. (I don’t mind you calling me a cunt, gives me a rush x) 

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1 minute ago, Numero Veinticinco said:


Yeah, I agree with that. I read the thread and it's clear that Stronts wasn't basing his comments on race, but rather on character. I genuinely can't see how anybody can read that thread and think anything other than Stronts was proven to be entirely in the right and AoT was entirely wrong on the case (not necessarily on the wider comments regarding the police), was abusive throughout, and wrongly called Stronts racist. 


The comments were:


1. 'Did I miss a guilty verdict' in response to AoT calling the 100 officers who handed in their firearms ticket 'cunts' who needed to be 'fucked with bad shithouse dog AIDS'. That seems entirely fair and reasonable from Stonts, considering that there was no verdict at the time. AoT prejudged it, SD didn't want to. The reason is clear, especially now we know the outcome. In light of the outcome, these officers seemed to have good reason to have acted that way, but AoT called it 'performative cuntishness' in response to 'being held to account when they murder people'. 


2.  Having already said that they 'rid the world of a scumbag' (met with AoT saying 'get fucked, you cunt'), Stronts said that Kaba 'was an absolute scumbag', to which AoT replied that Stronts was a 'horrible racist cunt'. With the benefit of hindsight, it's obvious that Stronts was correct in saying that the guy who had shot an unarmed man the night before was a scumbag. At the time, he didn't have the benefit of hindsight, but still had enough to back up his claim that the gangster was a scumbag; he - somebody with very dubious criminal history - was driving a getaway car used in a shooting and ramming police police cars to try to evade capture. This, to me, is the behaviour of a scumbag. That's without knowing just how deep the scumbaggery went. AoT called Kaba a 'murder victim' and said that Stronts was 'victim blaming'. He said 'I wonder what it is about this particular case that has impaired Stronts' judgement' implying he's a racist. That was wrong then and it's even more wrong now. 


All of that is part and parcel of the joys of being on the GF, AoT clearly had an idea of what happened in his head and stuck to it. No issue with that at all. What I have an issue with is now that we know what we know, that this 'murder victim' was actually a gangster who shot an unarmed man the night before and that the courts found the police to not have murdered him, AoT has gone back and instead of saying that he shouldn't have prejudged the actions regarding that particular case and takes back his comments about Stronts being racist, he doubled down. Being wrong on the case is understandable, that's a judgment call; but not retracting the claims of racism is a bit shitty. 




There might have been reason unrelated to that particular incident that caused AoT to say it. 

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As the MLK quote I cited in that thread says, judge a person by their character, not the colour of their skin. And Kaba was a violent gangster with a long history of transgressions whose pregnant girlfriend had a restraining order out on him. I wouldn't have had any higher opinion of him if he happened to have pale skin. He would still have been a scumbag.


I would suggest that the people who looked at the guy's skin colour before coming to a conclusion are the ones who need to check themselves a bit. They automatically assumed something because of the colour of someone's skin. That puts them on rather thinner ice so far as racism is concerned.

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1 hour ago, Skidfingers McGonical said:


You explained nothing on that thread, you have your opinion on him and let that could your judgement. You made an absolute whopper of yourself on that thread, all because Stronts was right about Kaba's character. And you, and a few others on here can't handle that. 


All I see is the tarring all officers with the same brush (which infuriates me as they aren't) and being so confident that they were 100% guilty of murder without the full facts of the story. 



So, if someone agrees with the police's actions on anything, that makes them a racist? Come on, you're not that thick are you ? Or is it just continuous act of being disingenuous that you want to keep portraying because it would be easy to label you a racist for the way interact with him on here. I won't be doing that, as it would be as idiotic as your post above accusing him being a racist wouldn't it?


I mean even now, after being gloriously wrong at the time (you weren't alone, I was also wrong about Kaba as an individual and made the same assumptions about the police involved as you) that you can't even bring yourself to acknowledge that you got it wrong, and that the world is already better off without a person like Kaba being in it any longer. 


I am just going to assume you aren't man enough to admit he wasn't being racist, he isn't a racist and that it's ok to admit when you are wrong. 

He won’t apologise. Too busy kneeling in front of an oil painting of Chris ‘The Saint’ Kaba that he had commissioned. 

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2 hours ago, Skidfingers McGonical said:


You explained nothing on that thread, you have your opinion on him and let that could your judgement. You made an absolute whopper of yourself on that thread, all because Stronts was right about Kaba's character. And you, and a few others on here can't handle that. 


All I see is the tarring all officers with the same brush (which infuriates me as they aren't) and being so confident that they were 100% guilty of murder without the full facts of the story. 



So, if someone agrees with the police's actions on anything, that makes them a racist? Come on, you're not that thick are you ? Or is it just continuous act of being disingenuous that you want to keep portraying because it would be easy to label you a racist for the way interact with him on here. I won't be doing that, as it would be as idiotic as your post above accusing him being a racist wouldn't it?


I mean even now, after being gloriously wrong at the time (you weren't alone, I was also wrong about Kaba as an individual and made the same assumptions about the police involved as you) that you can't even bring yourself to acknowledge that you got it wrong, and that the world is already better off without a person like Kaba being in it any longer. 


I am just going to assume you aren't man enough to admit he wasn't being racist, he isn't a racist and that it's ok to admit when you are wrong. 

I said everything that needs saying on the other thread and I've clarified the one word that I would say differently.


Whatever else goes on in your head is your business.


Have a lovely day.

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2 hours ago, Numero Veinticinco said:


Yeah, I agree with that. I read the thread and it's clear that Stronts wasn't basing his comments on race, but rather on character. I genuinely can't see how anybody can read that thread and think anything other than Stronts was proven to be entirely in the right and AoT was entirely wrong on the case (not necessarily on the wider comments regarding the police), was abusive throughout, and wrongly called Stronts racist. 


The comments were:


1. 'Did I miss a guilty verdict' in response to AoT calling the 100 officers who handed in their firearms ticket 'cunts' who needed to be 'fucked with bad shithouse dog AIDS'. That seems entirely fair and reasonable from Stonts, considering that there was no verdict at the time. AoT prejudged it, SD didn't want to. The reason is clear, especially now we know the outcome. In light of the outcome, these officers seemed to have good reason to have acted that way, but AoT called it 'performative cuntishness' in response to 'being held to account when they murder people'. 


2.  Having already said that they 'rid the world of a scumbag' (met with AoT saying 'get fucked, you cunt'), Stronts said that Kaba 'was an absolute scumbag', to which AoT replied that Stronts was a 'horrible racist cunt'. With the benefit of hindsight, it's obvious that Stronts was correct in saying that the guy who had shot an unarmed man the night before was a scumbag. At the time, he didn't have the benefit of hindsight, but still had enough to back up his claim that the gangster was a scumbag; he - somebody with very dubious criminal history - was driving a getaway car used in a shooting and ramming police police cars to try to evade capture. This, to me, is the behaviour of a scumbag. That's without knowing just how deep the scumbaggery went. AoT called Kaba a 'murder victim' and said that Stronts was 'victim blaming'. He said 'I wonder what it is about this particular case that has impaired Stronts' judgement' implying he's a racist. That was wrong then and it's even more wrong now. 


All of that is part and parcel of the joys of being on the GF, AoT clearly had an idea of what happened in his head and stuck to it. No issue with that at all. What I have an issue with is now that we know what we know, that this 'murder victim' was actually a gangster who shot an unarmed man the night before and that the courts found the police to not have murdered him, AoT has gone back and instead of saying that he shouldn't have prejudged the actions regarding that particular case and takes back his comments about Stronts being racist, he doubled down. Being wrong on the case is understandable, that's a judgment call; but not retracting the claims of racism is a bit shitty. 

1.  I've admitted that the word "murder" was wrong: I should have said "killing" - as in "anyone who spits their dummy because they could be held accountable for killing is a cunt".


2. Kaba didn't commit a capital crime - because, y'know, we don't have capital punishment in this country.  There's a bloke on the capital punishment thread who has argued strongly that this is absolutely right; I agree with him.


The idea I had - and still have - stuck in my head is that members of an institutionally racist (and misogynist) police force threw a hissy fit at the idea that they should have to be answerable when they kill people.


In the UK and (moreso) in the USA, there's a pattern of police killing Black people and not facing proportionate consequences.  There's also a pattern of loudmouths in the media, in politics and on social media spreading stories (which may or may not be true - it's irrelevant) about the previous conduct of the dead person, with the aim of shifting blame away from the killer.  It's victim-blaming and it's a racist trope.

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17 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

I said everything that needs saying on the other thread and I've clarified the one word that I would say differently.


Whatever else goes on in your head is your business.


Have a lovely day.

So, it’s sound to go round incorrectly labelling people as racists when they aren’t?


This place has gone to the pits. 


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I can see both sides of it

Even before his history came out ,I don't think anyone ever thought he was an angel,but that doesn't excuse being shot in cold blood.

Could they could have fired a warning shot?

It's a messy one..quite frankly, though I wouldn't like to do that job.

Having to make split seconds decisions but like angry, I think said,I'm glad we don't live in a country where police shooting people dead is just routine.

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2 hours ago, Strontium said:

As the MLK quote I cited in that thread says, judge a person by their character, not the colour of their skin. And Kaba was a violent gangster with a long history of transgressions whose pregnant girlfriend had a restraining order out on him. I wouldn't have had any higher opinion of him if he happened to have pale skin. He would still have been a scumbag.


I would suggest that the people who looked at the guy's skin colour before coming to a conclusion are the ones who need to check themselves a bit. They automatically assumed something because of the colour of someone's skin. That puts them on rather thinner ice so far as racism is concerned.

You’re such a wriggling twat it’s actually admirable. 



1 hour ago, Skidfingers McGonical said:

So, it’s sound to go round incorrectly labelling people as racists when they aren’t?


This place has gone to the pits. 


No it hasn’t. You keep using these terms like “have a day off” “this place has gone to the pits” etc etc repeat to fade. You hardly offer any genuine opinion on anything. You think you’re some part of some 2010 clique when the reality is the forum has outgrown you and you can’t keep up. Strontz suggested you drink bleach or something the other morning for a neg. I asked you a question you’ve ignored. Do you owe him money or something?  

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Just now, Strontium said:

The start of this forum's decline can be dated to around March 2012.

Ooh I joined then and since then I’ve held you to account and you fucking hate it. 

You won’t even respond to me pulling you apart because you can’t. 

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6 minutes ago, MacsBurstNads said:

Ooh I joined then and since then I’ve held you to account and you fucking hate it. 

You won’t even respond to me pulling you apart because you can’t. 


How could you ever hold me to account? You don't even understand half the stuff I write, let alone possess the intellectual capacity to critique it. You absolute fucking Moomin.

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