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Tory Cabinet Thread


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1 minute ago, littletedwest said:

Oh yeah. Rich twats quick with the begging bowl for handouts from the taxpayer but not overly keen on paying tax themselves.


It's largely dyson and Clarkson kicking up a stink about that farm shite. I think dyson is the biggest landowner in the UK after the MOD and royals, yet lives in Singapore.

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Rees-Mogg is another hand in the bowl cunt. Slagging off the working class and people on benefits then gets asked about his offshore funds and has the cheek to say “well I won’t discuss that because my personal financial affairs are not in the publics interest” 


Its the sheer brazen entitlement of them that makes me genuinely want to force feed them petrol and boot them into a bbq on Turdseyes shit ridden lawn 

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1 hour ago, Bjornebye said:

Rees-Mogg is another hand in the bowl cunt. Slagging off the working class and people on benefits then gets asked about his offshore funds and has the cheek to say “well I won’t discuss that because my personal financial affairs are not in the publics interest” 


Its the sheer brazen entitlement of them that makes me genuinely want to force feed them petrol and boot them into a bbq on Turdseyes shit ridden lawn 



And yet he gets noirmailsed via that reality TV shitshow. I've only seen the advert, but the advert alone brought out my more violent instincts.

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5 hours ago, Section_31 said:






I must have been mistaken when I thought he was part of the government that has seen rape become an almost unpunishable offence. What is it, charges in only 2% of the reported 70k rapes in the most recent year data is available for?


No idea why Elon and the like don't want to debate this.

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His emails. 



Conservative ministers opened a more than 100-year-old bottle of cognac from the government wine cellar in the dying days of Rishi Sunak’s administration, the Foreign Office has said.

Also consumed were three bottles of 1931 quinta do noval port and four bottles of 1983 chateau margaux bordeaux.


The bottles were drunk at “a minister-led event to mark the centenary of the government wine cellar” just months before the Tories left office after 14 years, the government said.


The official collection – valued at £3.8m – is designed for use at events attended by world and business leaders.

It is supposed to be run in the “most cost-effective manner”.


The quinta do noval port is one of the older drinks in its collection and one that a previous report on the wine cellar said should be drunk “on very special occasions only”. It was opened as well as a bottle of 1922 hine cognac. The same bottle of cognac went for £1,500 when it was last auctioned.

The bottles were drunk at the centenary celebrations in December 2023, just five months before Mr Sunak called the general election that saw him ousted from office in a landslide victory for Labour.

Critics said the new Labour government should conduct a review of the wine cellar and whether it delivers value for money for taxpayers.


Founded in 1922 and located in the basement of Lancaster House in Westminster, the wine cellar includes an 1878 cognac and 1964 krug champagne in its collection.

It is managed by the government wine committee, which is chaired by a retired senior diplomat and consists of four qualified masters of wine.

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Haha what??? There’s people sleeping on the streets you Victorian era shagging cunts 



It is managed by the government wine committee, which is chaired by a retired senior diplomat and consists of four qualified masters of wine.

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It's not an expression I could say I've ever genuinely observed in real life. But is it fair to say that every time I see Robert Jenrick he looks like he's been interrupted on the way to taking a shit. Like trying to look nonchalant but really focused at the same time, all the while talking like he has something more urgent on his mind.

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