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52 minutes ago, JohnnyH said:

My lad in the new away kit. It looks really well to be fair. Action shots included!





You need to treat that shed before the winter. Fence can probably wait until next year but no harm giving it a lick of paint. And fix the nets on the goal  lazy bastard. 

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3 minutes ago, No2 said:

You need to treat that shed before the winter. Fence can probably wait until next year but no harm giving it a lick of paint. And fix the nets on the goal  lazy bastard. 

And no one needs that many balls out at the same. Tidy them up.

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On 20/08/2024 at 14:03, Mook said:


They had to ruin it with black socks eh.




On top of that, what socks will we wear at the Salford swamp in a couple of weeks, given 2nd and 3rd kits both have black ones?


On 20/08/2024 at 14:15, an tha said:

I'd be willing to bet they are not the socks.


On 20/08/2024 at 14:21, Tony Moanero said:

Yeah, I reckon you’re right. The grey hoops seem at odds with the rest of the kit.

White socks confirmed on the club site. 

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some video promoting this dropped on the telegram feed this morning. i didn't understand the context. It was mostly the womens team (a couple of the mens team) where I think they were saying this new shitty tick is somehow a promotion of women's football? it didn't make any sense to me. 


edit... in fact here's the video



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12 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

I meant more the absolute shite about the uptick thing being about the growth of women's football. It's just absolute shite. 

Ah, right.  Yeah ok. No argument here.  

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