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Nike deal

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On 20/05/2024 at 11:12, Pete said:

Those lfc made ones of course don't have the 3 stripes or the adidas trefoil.


Seen some of them from lfc that have one stripe and they look shite.


Better finding the sites that sell the jarg ones.

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2 hours ago, Fugitive said:

Might be a good time to start looking for a new shirt sponsor as well…



I think this is part of the same failings they've already been fined for, but failed and fucked up at implementing process changes. I don't know if this is really much of a story. 

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1 hour ago, Harry Squatter said:

Surprised they renewed with them as they only offered another £10m a year on top of their existing deal (£40m). Especially as we were the most watched team in Europe last season and we were in the CL the season before it. 


Should be able to get a better deal than that. 


Could it be because they'll set their terrorist buddies on us if we ditch them?

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1 hour ago, Harry Squatter said:

Surprised they renewed with them as they only offered another £10m a year on top of their existing deal (£40m). Especially as we were the most watched team in Europe last season and we were in the CL the season before it. 


Should be able to get a better deal than that. 

They did it because COVID made LFC in breach of contract for missed tours to Asia. The new contract put all that to bed. And the alternative on the table was a crypto company iirc, which there was fan opposition to. 

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50 minutes ago, Chris said:

That kit England had on last night was nice. Why can't we just have something simple like that... that regular people, not seeking to draw attention to themselves, would wear?

But, it didn't have a St George's Cross on it.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Do Nike have a basic template and just tweak it for each different nation/club?  That Netherlands shirt last night was identical to the French shirt barring the colour.  Even the badge was oversized and looked daft.  

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1 hour ago, Pete said:

Do Nike have a basic template and just tweak it for each different nation/club?  That Netherlands shirt last night was identical to the French shirt barring the colour.  Even the badge was oversized and looked daft.  

All major kit manufacturers use and always have used templates. Our best kits were templates.

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4 minutes ago, Tony Moanero said:

All major kit manufacturers use and always have used templates. Our best kits were templates.

Fair enough. Never noticed it before really.  Last night was obvious tho. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Was in town yesterday with the lad so went in club shop to look at new keepers shirt for him.


He is 14 and too big now for the biggest kids a size they do - those are £60.


The small mens size jumps in price to £80.


Fuck that.


Just got him one off jjsports and with a name and number on back - the £80 in club shop does not include that - it is £96 if want that too - ok get 10% off for membership but that sill makes it £86


jjsports price inc shipping...




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