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FPL Draft Game


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I've set up the Draft Room ahead of time, so if you would like to join now, then please use the invite code below:




The draft is currently set to take place at 18:00 on Friday 9th August, but this can be amended to more suitable time and date for those taking part. The current details are below:


Draft Date: Fri 9 Aug 2019

Draft Time: 18:00

Draft Time Zone: Europe/London

Starting Gameweek: 1

Min. League Size: 8

Max. League Size: 16

Scoring Mode: Head-to-Head

Pick Time Limit: 90 seconds

Player Trades: None

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18 minutes ago, DimReaper said:

I can't do 6 on a Friday... Take my son to a swimming lesson

No worries. I've just set that date & time as a placeholder. It's also the last slot available before the player lock kicks in for gameweek 1.


Between all entrants, we need to come up with a suitable date/time for the draft. I'm good most days during the evening, but am happy to work around everyone else.

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On 28/07/2019 at 02:31, Lee909 said:

Do it on Thursday 8th in the evening. Makes no sense to do it before the window shuts

I agree it makes sense to do it as close to the season starting as possible but players who sign on the Thursday before the deadline won't be added to the game that day anyway, I wouldn't imagine.


Can we maybe tie down a date and time?

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Wednesday or Thursday evening after 19:30 is good for me.


Thursday would probably be better in terms of allowing for potential transfers, but as Dim pointed out, unless the players are already in the game, then those late incomings are not likely to be added to the game until Friday at the earliest.


It'll be a case of fingers on the trigger on the Friday to bring in any players that are not available for selection during the draft itself.

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