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15 minutes ago, Moo said:


He rebutted those clubs as they didn't feel right for him at that point in his career and his life, he was still a relatively young man. He's by no means ond now but by the time he manages again he'll be in his late 50s and already a grandad, maybe he'll want to try something different at a club that perhaps doesn't require him to give the same emotional energy. 

I wouldn't blame him.

I think the reason he left was because he would never want to manage without giving the energy to the job, so no I can’t see that one.

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7 minutes ago, etho said:

I think the reason he left was because he would never want to manage without giving the energy to the job, so no I can’t see that one.


It's a fair point but at Liverpool the manager carries the club on his shoulders (or the best ones do anyway and Klopp was one of the best) so rightly if he didn't have the energy to do that anymore he only had one choice.  That's not required at many other clubs, certainly not at Real Madrid and not really at Barcelona.

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14 hours ago, Juniper said:

Saw this earlier, could be nonsense of course.

Lines up well with his next job not being a manager, maybe. More time with the kids and grandkids..etc which he’s alluded to wanting. 


Not a chance they’d have him back after the damage he did last time.

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3 minutes ago, Kevin D said:

He almost got them relegated after forcing out Goetze and Lewandowski.

They did have a bad season yes, but the "forcing out" stuff I havent read, Lewandowski said he was like a father figure to him and Gotze said in retrospect he should have stayed at BvB rather than go to Bayern when he did. I have a lot of German contacts through work and friends and hes still well thought of at BvB. But you may have read different stuff to me so fair enough.

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I don't think he'll manage again, he's 57, another 8 year project takes him to 65. He's always said he doesn't want to do that.


But if he does, I think he'll end up at AC Milan. He's always spoken so highly about the club and it always felt like he had a soft spot for them. He also spoke about reading/learning so much from Arrigo Sacchi and how legendary he was in the game and the basis for everything he does.


Get your bets on

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Just been watching this video of him reading fan mail and he makes a point to mention that when he started his coaching career he made a contract with himself that he'd put everything in to the chance he had for 25 years, he's now looking forward to the next chapter and being able to do lots of things he hasn't been able to and especially not having the responsibility. Take that as you will, but given that and his age I think he'll be done with the management side of things, as above could see him back at a club as a president or an ambassador.

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I have not watched any of the videos released by the club or others and I have not watched anything from the last game back either.


It simply does not interest me. Klopp decided to leave before his contract finished, and it fucked our season.


It's simply yesterday's news.


Now thank you and goodbye.


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1 hour ago, Code said:

I have not watched any of the videos released by the club or others and I have not watched anything from the last game back either.


It simply does not interest me. Klopp decided to leave before his contract finished, and it fucked our season.


It's simply yesterday's news.


Now thank you and goodbye.




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On 23/05/2024 at 12:49, Code said:

I have not watched any of the videos released by the club or others and I have not watched anything from the last game back either.


It simply does not interest me. Klopp decided to leave before his contract finished, and it fucked our season.


It's simply yesterday's news.


Now thank you and goodbye.




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