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Carragher: Mane is Liverpool's best wide player in 30 years

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24 minutes ago, stringvest said:

Just in case I further upset dockers strike, watching Salah tracking back and making decisive interceptions was gratifying too.

I love how some of you twist posts to suit your agendas. Go back and re read my original post. (No wait, that's a rhetorical statement by me.) In that, I posted I wasnt always on the Sadio bus but, I consider he has improved exponentially.


The only comparision I made between Sadio and other players, was to the songs sung about him, Mo and Bobby. Yet you seem intent to turn it into one player vs another and quotes such as 'it's not like Mo has made some wayward passes' or similar.



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2 minutes ago, dockers_strike said:

I love how some of you twist posts to suit your agendas. Go back and re read my original post. (No wait, that's a rhetorical statement by me.) In that, I posted I wasnt always on the Sadio bus but, I consider he has improved exponentially.


The only comparision I made between Sadio and other players, was to the songs sung about him, Mo and Bobby. Yet you seem intent to turn it into one player vs another and quotes such as 'it's not like Mo has made some wayward passes' or similar.



Ok.  I suspect we have issues of communication between us.  It’s not you, it’s me. 

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4 hours ago, Jairzinho said:

Thanks to Rafa we're still in a title race.

Thankfully he’s still one of the best in the business at shithousing results in one off games against better teams.  The fact that he’s managing Newcastle shows how far football and has moved on since his heyday.  I’m glad we don’t employ a manager who does that any more.

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4 hours ago, The Guest said:

I think the point Carragher was making and I agree with him is that we are more reliant on Mane.  If you take Mane out of the team we lose so much creativity.  How many times has he been the guy to break the dead lock by providing the width we need?  He’s the only forward we have who tries to get to the byline consistently.  Dave puts it in his reports nearly every week.


Mane is much more consistent with his overall game.  When his finishing is off he’s still great at winning headers, holding the ball up, creating for other players and occupying defenders.  When Salah isn’t scoring his whole game seems to suffer.  He does still give you work rate but you don’t get anywhere near the effect on the game that you get from Mane.

Mane has 1 assist all season.

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Single handedly pulled us through our sticky patch has been in great form and consistent all year . However think the 30 years includes Barnes he was something else bit like Ali in his prime beautiful to watch and admire.


Sorry may bad best since Barnes he said statement of blindingly obvious give me that pundits job 

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Who mentioned assists?  When creativity is defined by getting fouled and winning a penalty I think the conversation is over.


Read the post above again.  I couldn’t be clearer on why I agree with Carragher and it’s got fuck all to do with the “assists” stat which means fuck all.

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40 minutes ago, The Guest said:

We’ve had this conversation about “assists” before.  Maybe you should go back and read it.

Some more PL stats.

Key passes pr game + total:
Salah: 1,8 (62)
Mane: 1,1 (36)

Dribbles pr game sucsessful + total:
Salah: 2,1 (70)
Mane: 1,7 (47)

Through balls pr game + total:
Salah: 0,3 ( 8 )
Mane: 0,1 ( 2)

Crosses pr game + total:
Salah: 0,5 (7)
Mane: 0,2 (3)


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I loved Carra as a player, but he was as annoying on the pitch as off it. Some of the shit you could hear him giving to lesser players, but never said a word to the main men in the teams. He’s a bit of a tit, truth be told.

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Interesting stats from Frode there, I'm a little surprised by them to be honest as my eyes are telling me that Sadio is having a better season than Mo, but the numbers clearly don't back it up.


I'm definitely being influenced by the fact Mané is playing better than he did last year while Salah has dropped off. 

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Stats are always a load of bollocks.  You don’t know who is compiling them, how they’re judging them and how consistent it is.  Frode is doing his classic selective stats trick as well.  He’s not telling you anything about where they come from or what period they cover.  If it includes last season then I think everyone would accept Salah was on a different stratosphere to Mane and everyone else in the prem.


Carra put up a load of stats on MNF as well about Mane scoring the first goal in about 80% of the games in 2019 commenting on how when the big teams score first they tend to nearly always win and almost never lose.  It was his main point about why Mane has been so vital since the turn of the year and why in the run he would rather have Mane if there was a choice.  Even that though I’m not bothered about because it’s out of context.


I’ll trust my own eyes and judgement over some Opta nerd who’s probably never got off his couch and been given some cushy job because his dad knows one of the directors.

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