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Klopp: Henderson has the most difficult job in 500 years of Football

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3 minutes ago, TK421 said:

Due to some unforeseen circumstances the @Numero Veinticinco /Henderson compilation thread has unfortunately been cancelled. 


The unforeseen circumstances were that it actually seems he's been quite reasonable about Hendo down the years, has praised him when he's done well, hasn't called him "brutal" very often and I was completely wrong and therefore apologise.  



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Guest Alex_K
4 hours ago, dave u said:

More of a Carrick than Nicky Butt I'd say.

I think Carrick was a really clever, classy player. Far better on the ball than Henderson, but less energy in the press. Think he's probably a level or two above Henderson. While it's not nice saying it, our performances often have not befitted the position we are in - and vastly that is due to the lack of creativity and composure in midfield.


Despite the negative reactions to the opinion, Butt started the 99 CL win for United. I'm not quite sure how good people think Henderson is in isolation of some of the all-time-best players in the positions around him.


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10 minutes ago, RobbieOR said:

I like him and have always went to bat for him. I think some of the shit he gets (albeit on the internet) is embarrassing and I was made up for him the other night.  

I don’t really see much shit, to be honest. He’s very difficult to hate. People generally just don’t overrate him like they do with some of our players. Maybe I just expect the Captain of Liverpool to be not just good enough to start for Liverpool every game, but also be one of the best players in the world. Hendo has great industry and you can absolutely see he has value to the team, especially tactically, but he’s hardly Gerrard level. I reckon it’s faor to ask him to put in a top performance more regularly than he does. It’s not hating him or being a shithoude to say these things, mate. Ive seen our truly world classs was players get worse thrown at the TBF. 

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10 hours ago, Numero Veinticinco said:

Maybe I just expect the Captain of Liverpool to be not just good enough to start for Liverpool every game, but also be one of the best players in the world. 

The last time I expected the best player to be captain I was at school

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10 hours ago, Lizzie Birdsworths Wrinkled Chopper said:

Twitter is normally just some fella called Numero calling him brutal and saying he’s a paedophile.

And this Numero fella, is he saying that Hendo is a fiddler or that he, himself, likes to play grassless cricket? 


Asking for a split personality. 

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30 minutes ago, Barnesey said:

I don't think you are really that obtuse

That’s nice of you, but I’m pointing out that I’m not doing the schoolyard ‘best player is Captain’ thing, I’m seriously saying that one of the criteria for a Captain should be that he’s an integral member of the first team. I don’t think it’s unfair on Hendo to say that he isn’t that. 

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10 minutes ago, Numero Veinticinco said:

That’s nice of you, but I’m pointing out that I’m not doing the schoolyard ‘best player is Captain’ thing, I’m seriously saying that one of the criteria for a Captain should be that he’s an integral member of the first team. I don’t think it’s unfair on Hendo to say that he isn’t that. 

To be fair, Henderson tends to start the bigger games. He gets rested at times because the quality we have in midfield is pretty even, especially when the worst performing midfielder this season has been the most expensive one. 

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