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Gunes: Karius does not really feel part of Besiktas

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5 minutes ago, El Rojo said:

We’re merging and rebranding as El Howie Rojo. Some exciting things in the pipeline. 

Sounds painful. Hope it comes out soon.

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So I've just seen on twitter that Besiktas hasn't paid any of their players in 4 months and Karius has sued the club to get his wages.


If true, that would lead me to ... well, not really take anything the club says about him right now too seriously. You can easily see where they would send the manager out to say he's not happy with Karius and he's not fitting into the team and whatever as a sort of payback.

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9 hours ago, El Rojo said:

Tell you what, imagine if the loan deal was cancelled and we bring him back - bring him home - and he trains with Alisson and Mignolet during a surge for the title and Number 6.


The title is achieved and Mignolet breaks a finger the week before the Champions League Final against Barcelona.


Karius makes the bench.


A tense, largely dull game, not the shoot-out people had predicted.


89 minutes gone, corner to Barcelona.


'Oh no! Is Alisson signalling to the bench, Clive? Is he signalling to the bench? I think he is, I think he is you know. He's gone down clutching his hamstring, Clive. This is absolutely sensational.'


Head bobbling, Jordan Henderson signals the universal gesture for 'a substitution needs to be made' to the sideline.


Loris Karius tapes his fingers, puts on  his gloves. The stricken Alisson meets him at the sideline, limping past and offering him his best.


'Ho, ho, ho...fitba, eh?' chuckles Andy Gray. 'Would yew beleev this? What a moment fir the boy.'


The German custodian runs on to field, punching the palm of each gloved hand with the opposite fist. High fives from team-mates, claps and back-slaps.


Jordi Alba places the ball down the for the corner, steps back.










And he drops the corner over the line, and Barca win!

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14 hours ago, Ne Moe Imya said:

So I've just seen on twitter that Besiktas hasn't paid any of their players in 4 months and Karius has sued the club to get his wages.


If true, that would lead me to ... well, not really take anything the club says about him right now too seriously. You can easily see where they would send the manager out to say he's not happy with Karius and he's not fitting into the team and whatever as a sort of payback.


Players we cannot afford anymore and owe quite a lot of money to don't feel part of our club, says Besiktas president.

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20 hours ago, Ne Moe Imya said:

So I've just seen on twitter that Besiktas hasn't paid any of their players in 4 months and Karius has sued the club to get his wages.


If true, that would lead me to ... well, not really take anything the club says about him right now too seriously. You can easily see where they would send the manager out to say he's not happy with Karius and he's not fitting into the team and whatever as a sort of payback.

Just read about this. Definitely puts the recent criticism in a different light. Joke of a club 

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21 hours ago, Ne Moe Imya said:

So I've just seen on twitter that Besiktas hasn't paid any of their players in 4 months and Karius has sued the club to get his wages.


If true, that would lead me to ... well, not really take anything the club says about him right now too seriously. You can easily see where they would send the manager out to say he's not happy with Karius and he's not fitting into the team and whatever as a sort of payback.

Bet he wishes he never have signed that pay per save contract. 

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