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Wijnaldum: Maintaining belief is a crucial factor in title race

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Gini Wijnaldum says he believes Liverpool can lift the Premier League trophy in May and says it would be stupid to think otherwise.

The Dutch midfielder who is having a fine season for the Reds, said that any sign of negativity or self-doubt creeping into the camp during the second half of the campaign would be a bad sign.

Sky Sports reported Wijnaldum as saying:

I think it would be stupid if I said 'no' [I don't think we will win]." 

If you ask people from Manchester City 'will they be champions?', they'll say 'yes'.

" It's a bad sign if you say no, but we'll see what happens until the end of the season. 

"We will give everything we have, try to win every game and see what happens at the end of the season. There's still a long way to go.

While Wijnaldum was talking about the bigger picture, his mind soon switched back to the upcoming challenge, that being a unpredictable Crystal Palace outfit on Saturday at Anfield.

"I'd prefer to speak about games, like now against Crystal Palace, than about the Championship.


"We just want to make the season as good as possible.

"We are trying to give everything during the season and hope we will succeed in the season. 

"When we look back at the end of the season we will say, 'Ok, what we have right now, we gave everything to reach that."

Wijnaldum says a slight advantage for the league leaders could be when they are scheduled to play before City, which happens this weekend.

Speaking from prior experience in Holland, the 27 year-old said getting a win on the board, puts a deal of pressure on the chasing team(s).




"I had the feeling it felt like an advantage when I was at PSV (in 2015), we felt like we were putting pressure on Ajax whenever we won a game.

"However we didn't put pressure on ourselves.

"We went out, tried to enjoy it and win the game - and we won nearly every game so it worked well. 

We concentrated on our own game, that's the only thing you can control."

Gini speaks a lot of common sense here. 

It would be all over the press if he displayed any kind of self-doubt on our prospects of winning the title, yet he got on the front foot and spoke in a considered and sensible fashion.

Belief is the catch word for the team and if they can maintain that, good things will happen.

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