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Dougie Do'ins

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6 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


'Endorsed' domestic violence is a bit of a stretch, it was a stupid thing to say though. 


Nazar Afzal tweeted earlier that women will have been on the end of domestic abuse nearly 30 times before they report their partner. Fiona Bruce saying it was only once when Johnson's mum herself said it was a constant during the marriage is absolutely mental. Stepping back is the least she should be doing.

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2 minutes ago, skend04 said:


Nazar Afzal tweeted earlier that women will have been on the end of domestic abuse nearly 30 times before they report their partner. Fiona Bruce saying it was only once when Johnson's mum herself said it was a constant during the marriage is absolutely mental. Stepping back is the least she should be doing.

She was reiterating what the 'friends' had said wasn't she? How she said it didn't make that clear enough, but I think she wanted to get back to the point being made.


Anyway, refuge statement here: 



Would be good if there was a statement from Bruce saying once is more than enough and signposting support services.

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6 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

I haven't watched question time for years, it's unwatchable now anyway. It needs to be rebranded or fucked off. 


A Question of Cunt

Mock the Meek

I Would Lie To You

10 out of 10 Tories Twats

Have I got Bullshit For You


2 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

Either way, the whole family needs fucking off back to New York or Greece or wherever they came from.


The Vorrh 


1 minute ago, Harry's Lad said:

Some utter bollocks being spouted in this thread.

Fucking laughable.


Sorry mate. 

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22 minutes ago, Pidge said:

She was reiterating what the 'friends' had said wasn't she? How she said it didn't make that clear enough, but I think she wanted to get back to the point being made.


Anyway, refuge statement here: 



Would be good if there was a statement from Bruce saying once is more than enough and signposting support services.


Was reading some article and I think she told Boris's author, so the claims might well be in his biography. But she said she was abused many times over a number of years. I just think a disclaimer for domestic abuse was tone-deaf and for an ambassador of Refuge to say it is mad. She's experienced enough to tell the production team such but didn't.

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I think that Lineker is part of the problem which creates right wing bigotry and nonsense.


The range of social services and health services in this country that are overstretched is horrendous. This is due to underfunding and directly related to massive tax avoidance in this country by large corporations and wealthy individuals.


However, the impact of this on services is often portrayed by bigots and racists as a product of too many "bloody foreigners", asylum seekers etc.


So the behaviour of Lineker and his ilk allow this bigotry and hatred to grow.

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6 minutes ago, skend04 said:


Was reading some article and I think she told Boris's author, so the claims might well be in his biography. But she said she was abused many times over a number of years. I just think a disclaimer for domestic abuse was tone-deaf and for an ambassador of Refuge to say it is mad. She's experienced enough to tell the production team such but didn't.

Yeah, I agree, but mistakes are part of life and her skills in presenting a show of that type are more about keeping the conversation coherent and flowing than really doing the talking herself. The need to read the statement and the need to not fully derail the point being made seem to have led to an error.


I don't know what she's said since, but sounds like there are a few agendas drowning out the core issue. If critics were sincerely concerned then this should be an opportunity to really boost refuge's message and services, not just try and get a scalp because they have other issues with her presenting the show.

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12 minutes ago, skend04 said:


Was reading some article and I think she told Boris's author, so the claims might well be in his biography. But she said she was abused many times over a number of years. I just think a disclaimer for domestic abuse was tone-deaf and for an ambassador of Refuge to say it is mad. She's experienced enough to tell the production team such but didn't.

yep it certainly wasnt a one off

yet he still gets a huge amount of air time.  

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2 minutes ago, Pidge said:

Yeah, I agree, but mistakes are part of life and her skills in presenting a show of that type are more about keeping the conversation coherent and flowing than really doing the talking herself. The need to read the statement and the need to not fully derail the point being made seem to have led to an error.


I don't know what she's said since, but sounds like there are a few agendas drowning out the core issue. If critics were sincerely concerned then this should be an opportunity to really boost refuge's message and services, not just try and get a scalp because they have other issues with her presenting the show.


Can we agree that she's a galloping breadbin though? 

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11 minutes ago, Pidge said:

Yeah, I agree, but mistakes are part of life and her skills in presenting a show of that type are more about keeping the conversation coherent and flowing than really doing the talking herself. The need to read the statement and the need to not fully derail the point being made seem to have led to an error.


I don't know what she's said since, but sounds like there are a few agendas drowning out the core issue. If critics were sincerely concerned then this should be an opportunity to really boost refuge's message and services, not just try and get a scalp because they have other issues with her presenting the show.


Hey, she can carry on presenting Fake or Fortune for me. That's a great show. She can stay on QT too as it's good to know who all the Tory headbangers are. I'm just saying she's boobed big time by reading the what looks like a pre-prepared statement, knowing that she's an ambassador of Refuge and that she would have known domestic abuse is never a one-off. 

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On 11/03/2023 at 10:39, polymerpunkah said:

The way out:


"We have reviewed the policy and we now consider it too vague, and in need of updating. 


We are in the process of continuing that review, and studying ways to make the policy more precise.


We will be re-instating Mr. Lineker to his position on MOTD yada yada yada."


Something along those lines.


“Everyone recognises this has been a difficult period for staff, contributors, presenters and, most importantly, our audiences. I apologise for this. The potential confusion caused by the grey areas of the BBC’s social media guidance that was introduced in 2020 is recognised. I want to get matters resolved and our sport content back on air.

“Impartiality is important to the BBC. It is also important to the public. The BBC has a commitment to impartiality in its Charter and a commitment to freedom of expression. That is a difficult balancing act to get right where people are subject to different contracts and on air positions, and with different audience and social media profiles. The BBC’s social media guidance is designed to help manage these sometimes difficult challenges and I am aware there is a need to ensure that the guidance is up to this task. It should be clear, proportionate, and appropriate.

“Accordingly, we are announcing a review led by an independent expert – reporting to the BBC – on its existing social media guidance, with a particular focus on how it applies to freelancers outside news and current affairs. The BBC and myself are aware that Gary is in favour of such a review.

“Shortly, the BBC will announce who will conduct that review. Whilst this work is undertaken, the BBC’s current social media guidance remains in place.

“Gary is a valued part of the BBC and I know how much the BBC means to Gary, and I look forward to him presenting our coverage this coming weekend.”





They offered me a consultancy fee, but you know what they say:


"Mo money, mo (tax) problems."

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2 hours ago, Section_31 said:


'Endorsed' domestic violence is a bit of a stretch, it was a stupid thing to say though. 

It is another string of the Tory/BBC bow.

It's appalling. 

I'm disappointed but not surprised to see that a national debate on Tory political bias that was brewing has now been reframed as a 'review of social media guidelines', and a seemingly unrelated matter where Bruce has 'stepped back' from a charity.  

The BBC are on the ropes and they're about to be let out of it. 

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Meanwhile, talk tv and GB news peddle actual vaccine disinformation and any other amount of unholy shite.


Murdoch wants the bbc gone, he reportedly said so while balancing baby johnson on his knee at chequers.


It's clear that with some of the big hitters clearing off to LBC and the likes shit has been going on behind the scenes.


Kuensberg is Charlie Marramow.

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2 hours ago, skend04 said:


Hey, she can carry on presenting Fake or Fortune for me. That's a great show. She can stay on QT too as it's good to know who all the Tory headbangers are. I'm just saying she's boobed big time by reading the what looks like a pre-prepared statement, knowing that she's an ambassador of Refuge and that she would have known domestic abuse is never a one-off. 


That's bollocks. I know a bloke who hit his missus once & never did it again.

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