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Dougie Do'ins

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13 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

They've changed the headline but I don't see what was wrong with it to be honest, they didn't call her a sex worker (presumably) to degrade her, but because it was pertinent to the story, she was killed by a punter.


"Woman killed by client of sex worker" 


"I don't get it, who was the sex worker?"


"The woman."


"Why didn't you say that?"


"It's not very nice."

I think one of the kids of a victim of the ripper has spoken a lot about it. I think he says by using that term it sort of defines her.So instead of being a young woman with a family she becomes simply a sex worker.  

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2 minutes ago, VERBAL DIARRHEA said:

Was thinking the same, very sharply dealt with even though it could have been investigated for a while. He probably upset Lineker over crisps.

He's been doing that manifesting stuff to become host of MOTD.

Clearly, Linekar has had enough and taken him out 

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2 hours ago, Rushies tash said:


Still maintain that this Labour government needs to prioritise shifting the narrative back towards the left / centre sooner rather than later. They need to replace the Tory appointments at the bbc, revive Leveson (I'd also like massive fines / prosecutions for newspapers and tv stations running stories that are demonstrably untrue) and outlaw non dom ownership of papers / news outlets - if you want to influence the politics in this country, you need to live here and pay tax.


Edit: And fuck the papers section off from bbc news - all it does is amplify the right wing rags message despite falling readership numbers.


Fucking hell. You can add ITV news to that list as well. There's just been a report about immigration and the reporter seemed at pains to avoid saying 'Labour' when talking about the government and what they have inherited, but was happy to say 'Conservative' when talking about the apparent success of their immigration policy. They then interviewed James Cleverly but not Yvette Cooper. It's fucking insidious and needs addressing.

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6 hours ago, Rushies tash said:


Still maintain that this Labour government needs to prioritise shifting the narrative back towards the left / centre sooner rather than later. They need to replace the Tory appointments at the bbc, revive Leveson (I'd also like massive fines / prosecutions for newspapers and tv stations running stories that are demonstrably untrue) and outlaw non dom ownership of papers / news outlets - if you want to influence the politics in this country, you need to live here and pay tax.


Edit: And fuck the papers section off from bbc news - all it does is amplify the right wing rags message despite falling readership numbers.

Has he permanently binned leveson?

For as long as I can remember we have always had an overwhelming right wing media in this country.

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3 hours ago, Rushies tash said:


Fucking hell. You can add ITV news to that list as well. There's just been a report about immigration and the reporter seemed at pains to avoid saying 'Labour' when talking about the government and what they have inherited, but was happy to say 'Conservative' when talking about the apparent success of their immigration policy. They then interviewed James Cleverly but not Yvette Cooper. It's fucking insidious and needs addressing.

Yep and those of a Tory persuasion will scream that auntie is a woke lefty 

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1 hour ago, Arniepie said:

Has he permanently binned leveson?

For as long as I can remember we have always had an overwhelming right wing media in this country.

I disagree. The media,well tv at least, was once quite centrist but the Thatcher regime changed that and the last lot just shamelessly put their mates in positions of influence without giving a fuck. It's a right wing Soviet Union.

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10 hours ago, Arniepie said:

Has he permanently binned leveson?

For as long as I can remember we have always had an overwhelming right wing media in this country.


"Not a priority". Whatever that means.




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16 hours ago, Section_31 said:

They've changed the headline but I don't see what was wrong with it to be honest, they didn't call her a sex worker (presumably) to degrade her, but because it was pertinent to the story, she was killed by a punter.


"Woman killed by client of sex worker" 


"I don't get it, who was the sex worker?"


"The woman."


"Why didn't you say that?"


"It's not very nice."


You can't be serious?


Come on, man.


Surely you can acknowledge the long history of referring to the victims of violence as prostitutes and thereby dehumanising them - the case of the victims of the Yorkshire Ripper, for example?  I know you know the police/media were more interested in this as a salacious scandal until "real women" - as in not sex workers - were victims.


That headline was written by an old man listening to a Wham compilation, wearing a Frankie Says T shirt and wondering where Maggie Thatcher's gone.


He should be dismissed immediately.  He'll probably be relieved, so he can spend more time watching his Carry On DVD collection.

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2 minutes ago, razor said:


You can't be serious?


Come on, man.


Surely you can acknowledge the long history of referring to the victims of violence as prostitutes and thereby dehumanising them - the case of the victims of the Yorkshire Ripper, for example?  I know you know the police/media were more interested in this as a salacious scandal until "real women" - as in not sex workers - were victims.


That headline was written by an old man listening to a Wham compilation, wearing a Frankie Says T shirt and wondering where Maggie Thatcher's gone.


He should be dismissed immediately.  He'll probably be relieved, so he can spend more time watching his Carry On DVD collection.

Woah there! You went way too far dissing the Carry On Films.

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17 hours ago, Arniepie said:

hasnt someone from gb news gone there?


they have also been putting some strange headline out about the riots aswell.


This current BBC News team is appalling.  Their trivialising of the actions of the rioters "Man who swore at dog gets two years" / "Man who put cone on his head gets 18 months" are absolutely disgusting.


No, mate, they were both serial offenders with a long history of racially aggravated violence who were screaming in coppers' faces whilst assuming a fighting stance and chanting "Who the fuck is Allah!"


But yeah, a cone or a dog or whatever.  You make them martyrs.  What possible risk is there in that..?


They need a root and branch clear out.

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6 minutes ago, razor said:


You can't be serious?


Come on, man.


Surely you can acknowledge the long history of referring to the victims of violence as prostitutes and thereby dehumanising them - the case of the victims of the Yorkshire Ripper, for example?  I know you know the police/media were more interested in this as a salacious scandal until "real women" - as in not sex workers - were victims.


That headline was written by an old man listening to a Wham compilation, wearing a Frankie Says T shirt and wondering where Maggie Thatcher's gone.


He should be dismissed immediately.  He'll probably be relieved, so he can spend more time watching his Carry On DVD collection.


That's different though when you're talking about victims of someone where the reader already knows the backstory.


I doubt it's been done to devalue her as a person but because that's what the story is "sex worker killed by client who was in her home for sex". 


That's just a fact. It's no different to "professional dog walker killed by dog". Man/woman killed by dog would be a completely different story.


There's lots of sex workers out there who're proud of what they do and don't understand why we're so prudish about the term, in fact I'm sure they've actually got a union!

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2 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


That's different though when you're talking about victims of someone where the reader already knows the backstory.


I doubt it's been done to devalue her as a person but because that's what the story is "sex worker killed by client who was in her home for sex". 


That's just a fact. It's no different to "professional dog walker killed by dog". Man/woman killed by dog would be a completely different story.


There's lots of sex workers out there who're proud of what they do and don't understand why we're so prudish about the term, in fact I'm sure they've actually got a union!

Is it the S&M?

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You don't see it as insensitive at the very least?


I think you're assuming every sex worker is an outgoing post-feminist.


It's denying the obvious stigma of her work.


Plus the fact that her 18-year-old son found her.


I just think that headline lacks any kind of dignity or respect.


(Are you listening to "Best of Haircut 100" as you're typing, Mark...?)

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1 hour ago, Section_31 said:


That's different though when you're talking about victims of someone where the reader already knows the backstory.


I doubt it's been done to devalue her as a person but because that's what the story is "sex worker killed by client who was in her home for sex". 


That's just a fact. It's no different to "professional dog walker killed by dog". Man/woman killed by dog would be a completely different story.


There's lots of sex workers out there who're proud of what they do and don't understand why we're so prudish about the term, in fact I'm sure they've actually got a union!

Not often I disagree with you mate but this is one of those times. 

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1 hour ago, razor said:


This current BBC News team is appalling.  Their trivialising of the actions of the rioters "Man who swore at dog gets two years" / "Man who put cone on his head gets 18 months" are absolutely disgusting.


No, mate, they were both serial offenders with a long history of racially aggravated violence who were screaming in coppers' faces whilst assuming a fighting stance and chanting "Who the fuck is Allah!"


But yeah, a cone or a dog or whatever.  You make them martyrs.  What possible risk is there in that..?


They need a root and branch clear out.

they appear to be bending over backwards to appeal to the right,despite the fact that they are consistently calling for the licence fee to be scrapped. 

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20 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

they appear to be bending over backwards to appeal to the right,despite the fact that they are consistently calling for the licence fee to be scrapped. 


I think those two things are probably connected.


Maybe it's time for Labour ministers to start briefing about the possibility of axing the Beeb due to its right-wing infestation to get some balance back into their reporting.


In the meantime they can start by getting shot of the Tory cunts at the top like Robbie Gibbs. It'll no doubt lead to cries of censorship and 1984 coming true from the same crowd that had fuck all to say about the employment of these partisan parasites like Gibbs, Richard Sharp, and Tim Davies in the first instance, but if ever there's a time for Labour to say "fuck em" it's right now.

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3 minutes ago, Jack the Sipper said:


I think those two things are probably connected.


Maybe it's time for Labour ministers to start briefing about the possibility of axing the Beeb due to its right-wing infestation to get some balance back into their reporting.


In the meantime they can start by getting shot of the Tory cunts at the top like Robbie Gibbs. It'll no doubt lead to cries of censorship and 1984 coming true from the same crowd that had fuck all to say about the employment of these partisan parasites like Gibbs, Richard Sharp, and Tim Davies in the first instance, but if ever there's a time for Labour to say "fuck em" it's right now.

they more they try to appease them,they more they come under attack.

that frog faced cunt has been on qt about 48 times and still claims it is biased.

if labour are going to do anything about the media,thats where they need to start.

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A lot of Beeb rank and file are probably quite Conservative in their views as they're probably from moneyed backgrounds, that's the only way you can afford to work there in the early days until you get a contract.


This is why I often say left/right wing has no meaning now. There'll be loads of people who have Liberal views on the environment and LBT issues etc but whose views on benefits etc would curl your hair.

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