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Man City - the new bitters?


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A former Manchester City footballer has been appointed president by Georgia's disputed parliament, after 17 days of pro-EU protests that have swept this country's towns and cities.

Mikheil Kavelashvili, now 53, is a former MP from the increasingly authoritarian ruling Georgian Dream party and was the only candidate for the job.

On Saturday, 224 out of 225 members of Georgia's electoral college voted for him.

The four main opposition groups have rejected Kavelashvili and have boycotted parliament, insisting that the elections held in October were rigged.

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Aye, instead of breaking goalscoring records right, left & centre & winning every trophy going, he should have gone to the worst Man Utd side in 35 years to play against Spartak Arsebiscuit on Thursday nights.


Not only are they fannies for following the giant freak down the street, they're also full of absolute shite.

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Somebody is going to have to step in here with Guardiola.


The league cannot pretend to take serious positions on mental health and the stress/overworking of players and have this guy be paraded every week to columns and pods and pundits all discussing his very real mental breakdown. Hell he himself is discussing it like it is some sort of joke.

Fuck him off.

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On 14/12/2024 at 09:16, Byrnie said:

Guardiola can now prove everyone wrong who says he is a chequebook manager and he has had it all set up for him to win trophies all through his career.


Let's see how he gets on.

I remember a podcast a while back, just after Klopp had extended his contract. And a certain David Usher described Guardiola as being the best at what he does, which is using the best players in the world in his team to carry out a specific, niche game plan.  He went on to say that Guardiola couldn’t do what Klopp does. Now he does not have the best players in every position, we’re seeing Dave’s prophecy coming true. How perspicacious and prescient of him.

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