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Man City - the new bitters?


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8 hours ago, Scott_M said:

Only 91 followers and no previous posts? Probably another City X Bot.



Honestly, I'm not even sure if that's racist. 


Wishing he was dead might be a bit mean, but people throw that word around constantly, half the time they use it as a replacement for the word man. 


Wouldn't surprise me if it's just some man city PR to deflect. At one point they were trying to say Klopp was racist because he slightly spoke out against them and their financial doping. 

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I think Guardiola died a little when he agreed to sign Haaland. No one is more entranced by his own myth than that man, with all the 'pure' football lore, the claims of wanting a whole team of creative midfielders, in goal, across the back four, up front as well as in the middle, all fluid, all dynamic, all committed to the unsullied art of total football. Then they bring in this homunculus, this huge big browed, pouty lipped, sporting synecdoche, with a snowflake for a heat map, who exists only to poke that round thing in that net thing. All the purity went out the window in favour of the plain greed for winning games. Little Pep defiled his own dream, he vandalised  his own saintly self-image. Now all he can do is hold up his fingers and show how many trophies he's won - he can't boast about his 'vision,' his 'values,' his defiant defence of all that is noble about the wondrous game of football. He's the Cruyff-like Faustus who submitted to the Mourinho-like Mephistopheles. He can 'turn things around' all right, but he can't ever restore that nice, clean, symbol of moral and artistic superiority. That's gone, and he knows it, and, as a consequence, probably feels horrible empty deep inside. 

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51 minutes ago, Clem H Fandango said:

Announcing record profits of £715m. Compliments to the chef.



How have they managed this?  They never sell out the ground, are poorly followed across Europe.

Oh, yeah. Ok. 

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17 minutes ago, lifetime fan said:

Read an article last week I think it was saying they’re the only club in the PL to sell 100% of their tickets for every single game this season. 

Easy to rig if you have a subsidiary company buy all the tickets for the game and then act as official ticket agent.


The company posts losses, not the team.

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On 12/12/2024 at 11:08, BeefStroganoff said:

Did anyone see Ruben Dias interview the other week? Rattled.


They are a classic modern team that don't know what it's like to face adversity and their whole world has crumbled around them. They are like the modern generation, used to getting it all their own way but the minute that stops they go into crisis mode.

One thing that struck me about that interview - his English is really fucking good.

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Over on Blue Moon, many think that because citeh have deleted reference to the PL charges in the "going concern" and "other commitments" sections of the recently released accounts, that they have won the case.


Reference has been made to the case earlier in the document, but the fact that there's no financial link, is sending them delirious.


"In last year's annual report, City made a note on their accounts that these charges could have an impact on their financial statements within the next 12 months. 'Could' being the key word here, as my guess is that this time last year there wasn't as much clarity around the whole case/situation.

In this years annual report they've removed this which you could read as a positive, as from an audit point of view, auditors wouldn't sign their accounts off unless they were comfortable with them removing this from the notes on their accounts.

Realistically, IF City were more than likely to receive a significant penalty, which would materially impact the next 12 months, they'd have had to leave a note within their accounts (a caveat to the numbers if you will)."


They are all financial experts on that forum...





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On 13/12/2024 at 08:49, gkmacca said:

I think Guardiola died a little when he agreed to sign Haaland. No one is more entranced by his own myth than that man, with all the 'pure' football lore, the claims of wanting a whole team of creative midfielders, in goal, across the back four, up front as well as in the middle, all fluid, all dynamic, all committed to the unsullied art of total football. Then they bring in this homunculus, this huge big browed, pouty lipped, sporting synecdoche, with a snowflake for a heat map, who exists only to poke that round thing in that net thing. All the purity went out the window in favour of the plain greed for winning games. Little Pep defiled his own dream, he vandalised  his own saintly self-image. Now all he can do is hold up his fingers and show how many trophies he's won - he can't boast about his 'vision,' his 'values,' his defiant defence of all that is noble about the wondrous game of football. He's the Cruyff-like Faustus who submitted to the Mourinho-like Mephistopheles. He can 'turn things around' all right, but he can't ever restore that nice, clean, symbol of moral and artistic superiority. That's gone, and he knows it, and, as a consequence, probably feels horrible empty deep inside. 

Guardiola can now prove everyone wrong who says he is a chequebook manager and he has had it all set up for him to win trophies all through his career.


Let's see how he gets on.

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