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Man City - the new bitters?


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25 minutes ago, Pete said:

If he decides to leave at the end of this season does he still get a pay off?  I doubt it but city are bent as fuck so who knows.  Any other manager and I’d guess they’re angling for a payoff. 



It won't be on the books either way so who cares 

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There recruitment in the last couple of years has been dreadful.


Nunes isn’t good enough. Doku, for all his great skill, produces very little. Savinho has offered very little so far. Grealish is a £100m flop nobody seems to talk about. Phillips was a complete disaster. Gündoğan is past it. Gvardiol has been good, he’s seemingly out the side now.

They’ve let Lavia, Palmer, Alvarez & Frimpong go because they weren’t playing enough. Cancelo left because he fell out with Pep. Mahrez was getting on but always produced.


I genuinely agree with Carragher, it’s like us in 22/23, the same players have been ran into the ground and the areas haven’t been addressed. IMO, Rodri has been the best player in the world for the last couple of years, any club would miss him, the way a number of them have fallen off a cliff so suddenly, looking at it now, there demise might not quite have been so sudden, in hind site I think it was coming.  

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53 minutes ago, Scott_M said:


Hopefully the panel will be like the OJ jury and come back quickly, only with a guilty verdict. 

I see the 115 charges has increased to 130 charges.

A few of the charges related to non Co+operation until the present, obviously they haven't co-operated in the last couple of years since the charges were made so  they've gained a few more along the way. 

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11 minutes ago, Aventus said:

A few of the charges related to non Co+operation until the present, obviously they haven't co-operated in the last couple of years since the charges were made so  they've gained a few more along the way. 

I've said before, their refusal to share their accounts should have resulted in immediate expulsion.

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They will obviously appeal any guilty verdict

The owners will go crying and threatening the government about investment if they are punished and they'll start legal route against the whole league. They'd rather destroy everything on a long costly legal case than admit error

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10 hours ago, Lee909 said:

They will obviously appeal any guilty verdict

The owners will go crying and threatening the government about investment if they are punished and they'll start legal route against the whole league. They'd rather destroy everything on a long costly legal case than admit error


Keir Starmer is currently in the UAE.....



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On 06/12/2024 at 22:23, Mook said:


I don't get this chat that he's meant to be hilarious, the bloke is a complete and utter cunt. He was bankrolled by a Russian gangster who paved the way for Football to be completely fucking ruined by dodgy billionaires/oil states as well.


On 06/12/2024 at 23:40, Em City said:




He's the same bitter, twisted, malignant narcissist he's always been. People only buzz off him now because he's a has-been.


This is the same chap who hooked his finger into Tito Vilanova's eye and the  hid behind his staff with a big smirk on his face.

He’s a lying, cheating fucking cunt up there with the biggest ever cunts in the game and anyone who ever forgets that should hang their heads in shame. 

This is the cunt who deliberately lied about the paramedics and ambulance service when they were treating his goalkeeper with a life threatening brain injury. 


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13 hours ago, No2 said:

I'm alright with delays now, this season is done for them anyway. Let it ruin next season for them.

That would be lovely. 

It might be smarter for them to just accept whatever punishment they get now, I doubt they will though, they just deny and deny and deny. 

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4 minutes ago, Megadrive Man said:


Why would they drop them as they are the easiest to prove?


They are purely filler and if they were actually "rules" City would not be playing right now.


The league needs to prove beyond any shadow of a doubt the case of massive financial doping. Airtight.

That is what has been put across.

Anything short of that it becomes a PR nightmare.

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