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Man City - the new bitters?


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2 hours ago, Megadrive Man said:

Mourinho is desperately trying to make himself relevant again. He has some nerve to suggest that he won fairly and cleanly!



I don't get this chat that he's meant to be hilarious, the bloke is a complete and utter cunt. He was bankrolled by a Russian gangster who paved the way for Football to be completely fucking ruined by dodgy billionaires/oil states as well.

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2 hours ago, Smell The Glove said:

Mourinho was and always will be a cunt.

I've always had a soft spot for the old school Italian defenders like Gentile and much the same way, I have a little soft spot for Mourinho.


When he was Chelsea manager the first time around, my mate who lives in London did a bit of work on his house. Said he's really sound and would chat away about the football. Said he's properly down to earth. I just don't see Pep being like that.


Another thing, peak Mourinho was brilliant and managed massive clubs. He also took Porto (very big club in it's own right to be fair) to a Uefa Cup and then a Champions League in two consecutive years, which deserves huge respect compared to Pep walking into Barca with three of the greatest players of all time in Messi, Xavi and Iniesta, then off to Bayern who had just won the Champions League, then off to FC 115. He's a brilliant manager, but unlike nearly all the other greats, he has landed on his feet without hardship. 

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Shitcoat is an odd one.


He is undoubteldy a massive cunt - but then he really admires us - there is a video of him really praising our support at the european cup final.


I think it is one of them where if he was "our cunt" we'd love him, but as it is (or at least was) we loved to hate him.

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3 hours ago, Smell The Glove said:

Mourinho was and always will be a cunt.




He's the same bitter, twisted, malignant narcissist he's always been. People only buzz off him now because he's a has-been.


This is the same chap who hooked his finger into Tito Vilanova's eye and the  hid behind his staff with a big smirk on his face.

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25 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


He's got problems, he needs to do a Klopp and take a year off, at least.


Yeah it's mad that he's just signed a 2 year extension.


Nobody should do football management at the top level for more than about 5 or 6 years consecutively. Its too intensive, high pressured and over scrutinised.

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3 hours ago, Dapower said:

He had the choice to come in 2004 but picked Chelsea’s millions instead 

I thought Rick Parry snubbed him?

Although it’s never actually came out what actually happened. I remember reading some interview that he could never manage Liverpool even though he followed them as a kid. Basically because he was custard pied.

He had a decent spell considering he was just a interpreter but his spell at Chelsea isn’t any different to Pep’s at City. His first transfer window was proper batshit.

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40 minutes ago, The Midnight Rambler said:

I thought Rick Parry snubbed him?

Although it’s never actually came out what actually happened. I remember reading some interview that he could never manage Liverpool even though he followed them as a kid. Basically because he was custard pied.

He had a decent spell considering he was just a interpreter but his spell at Chelsea isn’t any different to Pep’s at City. His first transfer window was proper batshit.


Read same that after his theatrics at the mancs on the touchline with Porto are interest cooled a bit and they started looking at Rafa more

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If he decides to leave at the end of this season does he still get a pay off?  I doubt it but city are bent as fuck so who knows.  Any other manager and I’d guess they’re angling for a payoff. 

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