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Man City - the new bitters?


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1 hour ago, dave u said:


Great point. If more people mention it, it makes it a lot easier the PL to do it as the 'shock' element isn't there as it's already seen as being a potential reality rather than being "unthinkable". 



I've always been annoyed at the people sounding defeatist and saying stuff like "they'll probably get away with it anyway" 


We need to be vocal about the fact we expect them to have a harsh punishment, otherwise it will let them off the hook. 

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3 hours ago, Mil-ing Around said:

I know loads won't agree with me but I wish Slot didn't make that joke. Give your opponents nothing, they are on the floor, don't give them a single thing that might galvanise them. Let them fix their own problems without help from us.


I'm surprised he said anything, I know it was a joke, but he's been pretty flawless in his conduct in interviews & press conferences so far. 


We just need to focus on ourselves with a really tough period coming up 

If we can't take the piss out of a rival going through a hard time then that's half the fun of this sport taken away from me. 


That's not a world I want to live in. 

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4 hours ago, dave u said:


Great point. If more people mention it, it makes it a lot easier the PL to do it as the 'shock' element isn't there as it's already seen as being a potential reality rather than being "unthinkable". 


The first crowd that starts a 'Cheats' chant will start a cacophony in any ground they play at.


It'll happen at some point.

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10 hours ago, 05 Milan said:

I think it's a pretty clever way to start placing some clear expectations in the public domain about the level of punishment they should receive. He can just brush it aside as a joke, but this was definitely not a slip of the tongue.

Agree, regimes like that rely on people’s silence and fear to speak up. It enables them to better control the narrative in the press.

On the one hand, you could say it shouldn’t have been us breaching the subject, but on the other, our saying it will definitely generate the most noise.

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On 03/12/2024 at 09:21, Pidge said:


The absolute state of this bellend. "The game's gone because I can't act like a vile piece of shit without repercussions." Fucking idiot.



So all they loved about match day was hate? Sad little cunt. He's got the best team they've ever had. They've won more in these cheating years than their entire history - and if this process delivers, it'll be finished for a while soon. Yet he can't find a way to enjoy what he has, because he can't sing a tasteless song. 


And then they throw out their toys for "sacked in the morning". 

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16 minutes ago, Anubis said:

Pep wanting to slap the guy. Would have been funny if he had and they started fighting. The lad with the phone is a nob as well.




Seems a tad stressed. Lad needs a few weeks in the sun somewhere.

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7 hours ago, The Midnight Rambler said:



That last sentence can be taken different ways, especially given the whole "best team lost" spiel he trotted out for years, but I don't think that's what he means by it here. In the context of the rest of it, I think he's saying if someone beat him to the title he wants to be able to congratulate them, but because City cheated he can't do that.

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5 hours ago, Crazy Dave said:

Latter day Jose is brilliant. 


I hated him more than I've ever hated anybody in football in his first stint at Chelsea. He's hilarious these days though. I think he's been sound for years now actually. Even when he was at United he was generally alright. 

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