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Man City - the new bitters?


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Wasn't the Villa guy moaning in the summer they had to let Luiz go because of PSR but its unfair because they had the CL money coming in this season which would have solved their issues?


I sort of agree with him to be fair. PSR = Profit & Sustainability Rules. It's not like selling a player and all the variables that come with that (eg Forest & Johnson), they were getting a guaranteed windfall. 

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This is wonderful. City challenge the ruling by bringing up interest free loans from owners, something they knew about and where happy to allow happen, until it became useful to their needs.


That very challenge has put Everton, Wolves and a few others at risk of failing PSR if interest was to be back dated. The result is City's fancy lawyers have inadvertently made it impossible for clubs previously supportive of them, to continue backing them. 

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I’ll maintain my position I’ve had all the way through - although they will have some wins, they’ll be found mostly guilty, they’ll get record punishment (fines, points, transfer bans etc) and everyone will think they got off lightly

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3 minutes ago, Scott_M said:

I’ll maintain my position I’ve had all the way through - they’ll be found mostly guilty, they’ll get record punishment (fines, points, transfer bans etc) and everyone will think they got off lightly

My view all along has been the PL will fuck them over if they can get past government involvement. This ruling perfectly showcases that, you have clubs flip flopping their original position to suit themselves. That's the way the PL has always been, what's in it for me? I've maintained that with City, their is nothing in it for anyone else, if there was the cheating would be tolerated. John W would wave it through if it wasn't affecting his pocket. It's as simple as that.

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32 minutes ago, Lee909 said:


Not sure how it can be illegal when it's the shareholders of the league setting the rules. You don't have to take part, and can leave and try and get the EFL to agree to a rules change. You want to be involved in the premier league you agree to the shareholders rules


It doesn't matter what the clubs vote on though, they still have to abide by the laws of the land. 



30 minutes ago, luxury_scruff said:

Blue Moon blerts think that the Independent Panel ruling (which is yet to be delivered), will change things from them.


From a poster called 'mancboy':


"Same as last time and same will result again, they can vote it in at 19-1 and if it aint legal it doesnt make a single jot of difference, this is just the pl trying to push it through before the panel have ruled and when they rule they are going to look stupid AGAIN"


I think mancboy has half grasped it though. City will challenge everything, and when they lose, will continue to challenge everything, until the other clubs start to get fed up of the costs of fighting them. This is the reality in football we're slipping into because of these cunts. 


Which is why I've always maintained my position that we just let them have the PL, it's theirs, let's quit and do something else and just don't bring them along. 

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18 minutes ago, luxury_scruff said:

Typical citeh fan on the Blue Moon forum (with 6500 posts to his name no less):


"I don’t really understand what this APT stuff means, and I can’t be arsed finding out. 

All I want to know is, does this latest vote make it harder for us to spend more on new players, or make no difference to that?"



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The Premier League must absolutely despise City. 


They should be doing everything they possibly can to get them kicked out of English football for a very long time.


If there's any grounds for expulsion from the 115+ charges case they should take it. I don't think the EFL would immediately let them in either so they might have to go in to non league football. 

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9 minutes ago, Megadrive Man said:

The Premier League must absolutely despise City. 


They should be doing everything they possibly can to get them kicked out of English football for a very long time.


If there's any grounds for expulsion from the 115+ charges case they should take it. I don't think the EFL would immediately let them in either so they might have to go in to non league football. 


I was listening to something the other day that was saying if the PL were to relegate or expel them, the PL has no control at all over what happens to them next. As you say, the EFL don't have to take them (unless they're relegated by their points total). And if the EFL do take them, they choose at which tier. It would be absolutely smashing if they had to go to non-league. Although I'm assuming self interest would kick in and the EFL would just be thinking about how much they can make from city being in their league. 

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6 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:


I was listening to something the other day that was saying if the PL were to relegate or expel them, the PL has no control at all over what happens to them next. As you say, the EFL don't have to take them (unless they're relegated by their points total). And if the EFL do take them, they choose at which tier. It would be absolutely smashing if they had to go to non-league. Although I'm assuming self interest would kick in and the EFL would just be thinking about how much they can make from city being in their league. 


Yeah that's true. Even if they were in League two it would derail them for a good while. 

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16 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:


I was listening to something the other day that was saying if the PL were to relegate or expel them, the PL has no control at all over what happens to them next. As you say, the EFL don't have to take them (unless they're relegated by their points total). And if the EFL do take them, they choose at which tier. It would be absolutely smashing if they had to go to non-league. Although I'm assuming self interest would kick in and the EFL would just be thinking about how much they can make from city being in their league. 

From an EFL self interest point of view, league 2 ticks the most boxes. They get 3 years that way. They go the championship and they're promoted by February. 

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4 hours ago, Barrington Womble said:


It doesn't matter what the clubs vote on though, they still have to abide by the laws of the land. 




I think mancboy has half grasped it though. City will challenge everything, and when they lose, will continue to challenge everything, until the other clubs start to get fed up of the costs of fighting them. This is the reality in football we're slipping into because of these cunts. 


Which is why I've always maintained my position that we just let them have the PL, it's theirs, let's quit and do something else and just don't bring them along. 

Is right


They have the money and the will to just keep tying everything up until they get their way or until things become 'time barred' etc.


The belief that money can buy anything and allow them to do anything is deeply ingrained in their owners culture.


They are destroying football as we knew it and will contine to do so and nobody can stand in their way in their belief.

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2 hours ago, an tha said:

Is right


They have the money and the will to just keep tying everything up until they get their way or until things become 'time barred' etc.


The belief that money can buy anything and allow them to do anything is deeply ingrained in their owners culture.


They are destroying football as we knew it and will contine to do so and nobody can stand in their way in their belief.

No time Barring in the PL, that was just a stupid fifa rule.

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1 hour ago, Code said:

Kovacic out will be a loss for them, I guess it will be Stones back in midfield then. 


It will be but Spurs already shit back 4 has no Romero or van de Ven. Dragusin is crap and will likely be partnered with left back Ben Davis. No depth either with no Bentacur,Richarlison(though that might be a positive) or Werner

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6 hours ago, SlugTrail said:

No time Barring in the PL, that was just a stupid fifa rule.

Oh, it was a general point though - probably some ruling somewhere once they start appeals etc where it comes in as they just keep on not accepting stuff and tying stuff up in more litigation.

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