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Man City - the new bitters?


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4 hours ago, Reckoner said:

Or they know an appeal will run past this season. 

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5 hours ago, Reckoner said:

Jamie Jackson is a twat. Guardiola doesn't need a clause, what are they going to do if he quits? Klopp left us with a year left, nobody tried to force him to stay.

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I don't think it rules out him leaving at the end of the season. 


Their current form has taken a minor hit, and the conversations around him leaving or staying are only going to get louder with every passing week, to the point where it would be a major distraction. 


Klopp was criticised for the timing of his announcement to leave, and I think pep himself made a point of saying he wouldn't have announced it that way, but imagine if Jurgen was in the last year of his contract anyway and refused to confirm or deny if he was going to extend his contract, there would be mayhem, especially on this forum.


In fact he went to the end of his previous contract anyway, so the extension wasn't actually needed but it gave the team stability thinking he'd be around for a while. 


As it stands he's shut the media up, and means him and the players can get on with the season, then in May he will say he's changed his mind and sees it is the right time to go. 

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The big indicator will be in January. Their squad needs a huge overhaul due to the age profile. If they expect Guardiola to stay for a few years and/or escape major punishment for the charges then they will buy his type of player(s) in the next transfer window and next summer



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17 hours ago, Barrington Womble said:

Or they know an appeal will run past this season. 


Or it doesn't matter because he can just quit any time he likes anyway, void contract or not.


I think he's signed it because their results have nosedived and he wants to remove the uncertainty, which never helps.

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5 minutes ago, dave u said:


Or it doesn't matter because he can just quit any time he likes anyway, void contract or not.


I think he's signed it because their results have nosedived and he wants to remove the uncertainty, which never helps.


The funny thing is, the way he goes about it by just signing these one year rolling extensions makes it worse. Every season he creates this will he or won't he dilemma to make it all about him!


It wouldn't actually surprise me if he has told the club privately that he wants to quit in the summer but has publicly signed a new one year extension to drown out the constant speculation.  

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