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Man City - the new bitters?


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He is never leaving there.  He will be getting paid 10 times the amount he would get anywhere else.  He’s a raging cheat that just wants it written down that he won.  Nothing else matters.  He’s not going to get the same conditions he gets there anywhere else in football and I don’t think he could handle being on the other side of the fence now he’s had it that long.


Personally I think all these threats of leaving are to either get ourselves and other clubs to think this dominance is over so let’s just give up going at the charges so hard or probably more likely that the premier league will be so gutted if he left.

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1 hour ago, Vincent Vega said:

I thought any appeal would have to be heard before this season finishes?

I understood they PL.had said they would endeavour to do this but it's likely to be the end of next year. This article suggesting similar. 



In August, former Man City financial advisor Stefan Borson explained why he does not think there will be a final decision’ on the FFP case until the end of 2025.

“What we don’t know here is if they have not only booked out the panel’s time for the whole of the rest of the year for the hearing, but whether they have also booked them out for the first part of 2025 for them to consider and then write up their written reasons,” Borson said.

“The idea that it would be very early in 2025 if it is a 10-week trial, I think is unlikely. You can expect that they will need something like at least the same time again to write up the decision.


“If it really is a 10-week hearing, I can’t see that they are going to be able to deliver it any time before March.


“If actually what’s happened is loads of charges have dropped off and have already been dealt with and we are actually looking at a much shorter hearing, then everything changes.


“But taking it all at face value from everything we have seen in The Times in particular, that it is a 10-week trial that’s going to run until the end of the year and, therefore, has an incredible level of complexity that we always thought it had, this is just not going to be dealt with to conclusion after appeal before the end of 2025 rather than the end of the 2024-25 season.”

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7 hours ago, devilsadvocate said:

Isn’t this the 10th week of the hearing? Seems a big coincidence to announce it as the hearing is ending. I’m not holding my breath that they’ll receive any significant points deduction. 

i am not sure it means anything about the outcome. It could just been at the end some timelines were pencilled out for when the outcome will be announced, which ensure no final cheats declaration (after appeals) into next season. 

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It could be a power move. Like ‘ I’m so convinced of our innocence I’ll be here next season, we have nothing to fear’ type thing. 
Like when boxers celebrate after a close points match before the winner is announced. I’m not a boxing fan so apologies for the terminology.

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