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Worst Song of All Time


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She's Electric - Oasis


"He's got a sister, God only knows how he missed her, and in the palm of her hand is a blister"


Absolute shite.


*waits for Stig*

I like Oasis but it’s far from their best song. Same with Roll With It. Especially considering some of the b-sides from that album.

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I’m in some play gym with my daughter at the moment & that “Somebody I Used To Know” is one. Dunno who sings it, some weird Frenchy and somebody who looks and sounds like Katy Perry but isn’t Katy Perry.


Anyway, it’s fucking tripe.

Gotye feat. Kembra. He's a Belgian/Australian, shes a kiwi.


The main riff of that song is based on Baa Baa Black Sheep. Its fucking annoying.

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Gotye feat. Kembra. He's a Belgian/Australian, shes a kiwi.


The main riff of that song is based on Baa Baa Black Sheep. Its fucking annoying.


That song reminds me of Peter Gabriel's early solo stuff, I actually quite like it although it's not something I would buy.

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Anything by Wet Wet Wet. Love is all around is even acknowledged by them as annoying. Marti Peplow is an annoying smug cunt too.


Their other songs have some of the shittest lyrics of all time as well and make fuck all sense but were only successful because people liked the tune of the song.


Angel Eyes was on the radio the other day and I bet even they have no idea what the song is supposed to mean.


Also, talking of shit lyrics. Millenium by Robbie Williams must be the all time winner.

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