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VAR Thoughts?


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Independently of the VAR debate, they shouldn't have ex-refs in the studio giving their views. It puts unnecessary pressure on the match officials and results in warped interpretations of the rules to justify the difficult calls they make.

Or if they have to, make sure it’s Clatts. He seems to be the only one who knows his arse from his elbow.

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Please stop taking any notice of what someone who is an an utter moron says about anything. Hers the quotes from Gallagher, which are so wrong its untrue. And he doesn't say that what I sadi is no longer relevant.

"Regarding the offside, Kane is in an offside position, there's no doubt about it. However, once Lovren takes ownership of the ball, which he does without doubt, that begins a new phase of play.

"What the assistant has to do, Eddie Smart, he has to make up his mind whether Lovren has played the ball and whether Kane moved towards him and interfered with play, which he didn't."

His claim that Kane hasn't interfered with play because he hasn't 'moved towards him' is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. Also, whether Lovren played the ball deliberately or not can only be considered once the initial decision has been made as to whether or not Kane was interfering with play. Which he obviously was.

Which then is compounded by the goalkeeper making no contact with the player and the striker kicking the goalkeeper to make it look like contact and a foul being incorrectly awarded. There was so much wrong with the whole episode that imcompetence and/or cheating are the only conclusions.

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The main problem with what that cunt Gallagher is saying is that if that is genuinely the rule it’s going to create inconsistency. You’re leaving this judgement down to a load more variables than it needs to be and that’s not including the fact it’s probably sportingly the wrong stance to take. All to just defend a debatable decision which they never like to take responsibility for.


If a ball is played in the direction of an offside player he should be offside. If he walks back and takes no part in that phase of play then that’s fine. It’s not as if Lovren ever had control of that ball. Its took a slight defection off another player which obviously caused Lovren to swipe at it and nearly completely miss it. If Kane walks back past the ball and lets another Spurs player run on to it then it should be fair game which I think was the spirit of ten rule change in the first place.


What we’ve ended up with is decisions like this and players nearly injuring each other or themselves running for balls which they are offside for because the linesman choose when they fancy putting their flag up for it or not. It’s been complicated and unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be any sort of outcry to fix the problem. The refs should be there to apply the rules. They can’t be judge, jury and executioner because it will ruin the game.

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Really shit sides will now just have a player goal hanging for the whole game. Hoping that one of the efforts of his teammates to smash the ball at the opposition eventually ricochets its way through to him. They'll just need to stand a few yards off side at all times and there is no way any defender can take the risk of not attempting to play the ball. He only needs to be wrong once.


I have genuinely forgotten, what was wrong with the offside rule of 10/15 years ago, pre all the phases of play, interfering with play, shite was introduced?

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I thought it worked well in the World Cup.


The Premier League opted to not implement next season- you can imagine the endless MOTD debates that are coming. Mourinho will be in his element.


Talksport were interviewing Keith Hackett (for those that remember him!) this morning, and he was saying the Premier league have made a huge error not bringing it in after the success at the world cup.


I agree with him to an extent, and inevitably its going to happen eventually.


What I dont get- during the world cup all the games were televised- in the Premier league only 3 or 4 would be each week?

What Im getting at is that when it was referred for a decision  during the World Cup, it often showed a room of about 10 people looking at about 3 screens making the decision- thats a lot of people to cover every Premier League game every week? 


What about the championship and beyond? Where is the line drawn? Theres a danger that lower league football actually starts to feel like a different game with different rules.   


Is it being used elsewhere in European leagues this season? Champions League?     

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I thought it worked well in the World Cup.


The Premier League opted to not implement next season- you can imagine the endless MOTD debates that are coming. Mourinho will be in his element.


Talksport were interviewing Keith Hackett (for those that remember him!) this morning, and he was saying the Premier league have made a huge error not bringing it in after the success at the world cup.


I agree with him to an extent, and inevitably its going to happen eventually.


What I dont get- during the world cup all the games were televised- in the Premier league only 3 or 4 would be each week?

What Im getting at is that when it was referred for a decision  during the World Cup, it often showed a room of about 10 people looking at about 3 screens making the decision- thats a lot of people to cover every Premier League game every week? 


What about the championship and beyond? Where is the line drawn? Theres a danger that lower league football actually starts to feel like a different game with different rules.   


Is it being used elsewhere in European leagues this season? Champions League?     


The bit in bold is my worry about the use of technology in football. It creates a new schism between the top levels and lower levels. The beauty of the game is / was that it was essentially the same game from bottom division reserve leagues level to full blown elite. That's changing and I think that's not good. 

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The bit in bold is my worry about the use of technology in football. It creates a new schism between the top levels and lower levels. The beauty of the game is / was that it was essentially the same game from bottom division reserve leagues level to full blown elite. That's changing and I think that's not good. 


Very true.


Talk about working your way up the leagues playing one way and struggling in the Premier league. 


Or a player that drops to the championship as he nears retirement- no more making squares with his hands for him! Bosh! Ave it! 

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I hadnt realised it was being used in Germany- how has it been bad? Wrong decisions? Or constantly interrupting the game?


The World Cup seemed to work ok, if anything, it added to the drama/entertainment.


Apparently there is a betting market for the first premier league player to make the square with the hands this season despite it not being used  

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The game is completely different at different standards anyway. It’s like in most amateur games you don’t have linesman and you have to adjust your game to that. Certain tackles and decisions are different in the lower professional leagues in England compared to the top league (although I’d say that’s getting less and less) already. The same way that certain things are let go in the premier league that aren’t in Europe.


Personally I thought VAR worked quite well in the World Cup. It just really highlighted how bad some referees are. With no VAR they can get away with saying they had to make a decision on the spot and it’s hard to see it a full speed. When they are given a video of the incident there is no hiding. Their opinion on it then should be consistent and correct. Quite a few tiles the decision was absolutely laughable.


If anything though it shows up how difficult and potentially inadequate the current rules are. The two obvious ones are the offside rule and the handball rule. If VAR comes in permanently they need to really nail down what they are or essentially it becomes pointless in my eyes.


I’ve seen a few people mention it but I think conceding a penalty when the ball hits your hand to be excessive. Especially when it’s whacked towards you and there are no opponents near you.

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It has been a disaster in the Bundesliga so far. I'm generally against it as I don't think it suits a sport without time-outs etc like football is.

Don't think it's been a disaster as such but it has taken far too long for those decisions to be made and needs looking at again. I am against it myself as I think the standard of refereeing needs to improve before anything else and so far,its just too slow for a decision to be made with it.

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I hadnt realised it was being used in Germany- how has it been bad? Wrong decisions? Or constantly interrupting the game?


This is an article after half a season of using it: https://www.dw.com/en/opinion-var-is-here-to-stay-despite-a-rough-bundesliga-start/a-41815786


As an example , this happened towards the end of the same season: https://www.theguardian.com/football/2018/apr/16/players-called-back-penalty-half-time-mainz-freiburg-var-chaos


The interruptions bother me the most. Completely kill the flow of the game IMO. 

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This is an article after half a season of using it: https://www.dw.com/en/opinion-var-is-here-to-stay-despite-a-rough-bundesliga-start/a-41815786


As an example , this happened towards the end of the same season: https://www.theguardian.com/football/2018/apr/16/players-called-back-penalty-half-time-mainz-freiburg-var-chaos


The interruptions bother me the most. Completely kill the flow of the game IMO. 


I will have a proper read of that when I have time- having briefly looked at the first article- why are the VAR guys dressed like paramedics!  

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