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Biggest Tech Cunt


Biggest Tech Cunt   

94 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is the biggest tech cunt?

    • Mark Zuckerberg
    • Elon Musk
    • Bill Gates
    • Steve Jobs (deceased)

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15 hours ago, Section_31 said:

The thing about Twitter is vast amounts of the stuff on there is untrue so I don't see what value it holds, even if it's the stuff I wish was true.


I saw a vid of "Leopard tanks advancing on Kursk" from someone with 100 odd k followers and scrolled down to see it was a training video.


Then I saw a rebuke from the US Marine corps for JD Vance for questioning the military service of Walz, I looked for other sources and that wasn't true either. 


What's the point of it? 

Disinformation sells. People like to be offended more than they like to be informed & educated. 

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He’s a sad bastard. All that money who would give a fuck? I’d be on my own private island with fit women, amazing food and spend my time travelling to places or chilling on my private beach listening to Smooth Chill 

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4 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

He’s a sad bastard. All that money who would give a fuck? I’d be on my own private island with fit women, amazing food and spend my time travelling to places or chilling on my private beach listening to Smooth Chill 

He’s probably got all that but is just bored & he has a platform to spout shit & cause division.   Probably laughs at the chaos he creates.   

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3 hours ago, Gnasher said:


Yeah. Bore off. 


No mate wrong again - it was the Boring Co.


I think it alsmost went bust when he couldn't get any gubmint types to foot the bill.

The hyperloopy. Remember.


In Feb they had OSHA judgements that could shut them down entirely for workplace infractions - heh sounds familiar for your boy the Musker.

You are a truly devoted Musk a teer.



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The people's miltia stuff is hilarious. 


Imagine a bunch of survivalist hillbillies trying to take on an F-22?


I think those days are gone.


God these people are fucking dull. Predictable and boring.

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34 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

The people's miltia stuff is hilarious. 


Imagine a bunch of survivalist hillbillies trying to take on an F-22?


I think those days are gone.


God these people are fucking dull. Predictable and boring.


I liked Jim Jefferies on this-



See, the one thing that I do really agree with with the right to bear arms, I really agree with… That the real reason it was written was so that you could form a militia to fight against a tyrannical government. In case the government became a bunch of cunts, you could all get your guns and fight back, and that’s why it was written.

And that made a hell of a lot of sense when it was just muskets. But you do know the government has drones, right? You get that? You’re bringing guns to a drone fight!


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34 minutes ago, Gnasher said:





They do surely realise that the atomic weapons dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, horrifically powerful though they were, would be a gnats fart in comparison to the thermonuclear weapons that are around now?


Don't they?


Fat man and little boy would basically be detonators for a hydrogen bomb!

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Have said for ages about Musk that him and people like him will start talking about things like population control soon, because with AI and robots they won't need us, and what other point do the little people serve?

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26 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

Have said for ages about Musk that him and people like him will start talking about things like population control soon, because with AI and robots they won't need us, and what other point do the little people serve?


China liked this.

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50 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

Have said for ages about Musk that him and people like him will start talking about things like population control soon, because with AI and robots they won't need us, and what other point do the little people serve?

Musk has been chatting about population for years, but in the other direction; he bangs on about how we need to start having more babies. To be fair, with 12 kids he is doing his bit. 

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Elon Musk – whose many labels include Tesla CEO, mercurial billionaire, conservative troll and disgruntled owner of X – has successfully bullied an advertising trade organization into closure.

The Global Alliance for Responsible Media (Garm), founded in 2019 by the World Federation of Advertisers (WFA) as a nonprofit coalition of industry stakeholders committed to enhancing digital safety and setting standards for brand safety and suitability, is being dissolved.

The news arrived Thursday, just two days after Musk took his beef with the ad industry to new levels. X announced Tuesday – via a video and an open letter published by CEO Linda Yaccarino – that it is suing Garm and the WFA for allegedly conspiring to get its members to boycott X as part of an organized effort to silence conservative voices. It is also pursuing legal action against four top advertisers who were Garm members: CVS Health, Mars, Orsted and Unilever.

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2 hours ago, Section_31 said:



Elon Musk – whose many labels include Tesla CEO, mercurial billionaire, conservative troll and disgruntled owner of X – has successfully bullied an advertising trade organization into closure.

The Global Alliance for Responsible Media (Garm), founded in 2019 by the World Federation of Advertisers (WFA) as a nonprofit coalition of industry stakeholders committed to enhancing digital safety and setting standards for brand safety and suitability, is being dissolved.

The news arrived Thursday, just two days after Musk took his beef with the ad industry to new levels. X announced Tuesday – via a video and an open letter published by CEO Linda Yaccarino – that it is suing Garm and the WFA for allegedly conspiring to get its members to boycott X as part of an organized effort to silence conservative voices. It is also pursuing legal action against four top advertisers who were Garm members: CVS Health, Mars, Orsted and Unilever.


I still don't get why he thinks these massive multi-national corporations would want to silence 'conservative voices'. All they're interested in is making as much money as possible, and not being associated with fucking loons on a slowly dying social network will help with that.


Also, isn't he supposed to be an ultra-libertarian? Putting your ad money where you want without being forced would seem to be a key belief.

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Think of how mad the richest rock stars of the 70s and 80s went with no one to tell them to shut up, then amplify it by whatever number is possible for the likes of Musk, and consider the possible consequences. An awful lot of people are taken in by power, fame and fortune and allow them free reign.

Carole has looked them in the eyes, or their handmaidens, and she knows what they're capable of.

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2 minutes ago, bossy said:

Think of how mad the richest rock stars of the 70s and 80s went with no one to tell them to shut up, then amplify it by whatever number is possible for the likes of Musk, and consider the possible consequences. An awful lot of people are taken in by power, fame and fortune and allow them free reign.

Carole has looked them in the eyes, or their handmaidens, and she knows what they're capable of.


This last round of arrests in Britain genuinely felt to me like a clash between the state and the billionaire class, which is what Trumps and Johnsons represent. 


The likes of Musk and Trump think they're above statehood and its mechanisms.


That's why I was delighted people are being caged for online activity, it puts down a marker.


The state needs to make a comeback. Let's regulate these cunts into oblivion.

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1 minute ago, Section_31 said:


This last round of arrests in Britain genuinely felt to me like a clash between the state and the billionaire class, which is what Trumps and Johnsons represent. 


The likes of Musk and Trump think they're above statehood and its mechanisms.


That's why I was delighted people are being caged for online activity, it puts down a marker.


The state needs to make a comeback. Let's regulate these cunts into oblivion.

Agreed. It would be ok having a small state if we didn't have loads of shady, corrupt, massive conglomerates and billionaires. Bring back Big Government!

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Just take away, or modify, twitter's protection from lawsuits.


If the speech you're platforming is illegal, or grounds for libel lawsuits, then your hosting it should be as well.


Particularly when you make little or no effort to moderate content.

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