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26 years I hope - Crystal Palace (H), April 23


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I dare not have done this on the MF, where Baz Womble (with the occasional exception of Lifetime Fan - "Rodgers/et al can go in the summer" ) rules supreme....


.... but Sunday will be my first day at Anfield in 26 years (and my son's first ever), thanks to the artist formerly known as Paulie Gaultier.


So I thought I might start this thread.  Hopefully for good luck.


When I last left Anfield we were Champions. 


We'll win Sunday I think.  I hope...

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I dare not have done this on the MF, where Baz Womble (with the occasional exception of Lifetime Fan - "Rodgers/et al can go in the summer" ) rules supreme....


.... but Sunday will be my first day at Anfield in 26 years (and my son's first ever), thanks to the artist formerly known as Paulie Gaultier.


So I thought I might start this thread.  Hopefully for good luck.


When I last left Anfield we were Champions. 


We'll win Sunday I think.  I hope...



Have a great day you two

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Guest Pistonbroke

I dare not have done this on the MF, where Baz Womble (with the occasional exception of Lifetime Fan - "Rodgers/et al can go in the summer" ) rules supreme....


.... but Sunday will be my first day at Anfield in 26 years (and my son's first ever), thanks to the artist formerly known as Paulie Gaultier.


So I thought I might start this thread.  Hopefully for good luck.


When I last left Anfield we were Champions. 


We'll win Sunday I think.  I hope...


Fucking whopper. 



Have a great day J, and J junior. Make it a winning experience. 

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I dare not have done this on the MF, where Baz Womble (with the occasional exception of Lifetime Fan - "Rodgers/et al can go in the summer" ) rules supreme....


.... but Sunday will be my first day at Anfield in 26 years (and my son's first ever), thanks to the artist formerly known as Paulie Gaultier.


So I thought I might start this thread. Hopefully for good luck.


When I last left Anfield we were Champions.


We'll win Sunday I think. I hope...

Special, special thing taking lad for first time....i am sure it will be emotional.


Hope the redmen put in a performance for him and you and get us 3 pts.

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So it's your fault we haven't won the league in 26 years!


If we win on Sunday TLW should have a collection to buy you a season ticket and force you to attend every game next season.


Here's hoping you've still got that winning touch, have a great day with your lad mate.

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Guest Pistonbroke

Cheers, G.


Bielefeld revisited is one of the few remaining things on the bucket list.

I'll eventually get there... for pelmeni. 


Well your digs are sorted if you decide to visit mate, welcome anytime J. Enjoy the match and savour every moment with the young lad, memories to hold onto and all that. 

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By a strange coincidence this was also supposed to be my first game at Anfield ever.  Been following the Reds for over a decade after I moved to England from South America in 2005 and got carried into an inexplicably deep fandom by virtue of a few Red-loving mates.  Sadly I never got to see them play except on the telly when I lived there.


Now I live in deepest darkest Siberia and thought my chance had gone.  And lo, I was supposed to be at a conference back in England at the end of April for work.  Finally, my chance!  I bought a ticket (and did you know that the only way a non-local fan can guarantee tickets for a match 3 months away is to buy them through that ridiculous £180 "Hospitality" package the club sells with a meal and transport and that?) and started to get excited.


Never mind that £180 is far and away out of my budget; this was very possibly to be a once-in-a-lifetime event that I might never have the chance to do again.  I bought the ticket, a single ticket, to attend by myself in what was almost a pilgrimage for me.


And then, a month later, I found out my Dad has cancer and I needed to return to take care of him in his final months, thus making travel to England impossible (even on the company dime).  The club were very good about returning the ticket, so no harm there, but I'm still really disappointed I won't be joining the lot of you this weekend at Anfield for the first time.  Maybe some other time; one thing's for sure, if I'm ever in England again for any reason I'm definitely making the effort to get to a game.


All that to say that I'm weirdly conflicted about the game.  On the one hand, obviously I want us to win.  But on the other hand, if we beat them 5-0 or something I'm just going to sit there the whole time thinking "I could have been at this match!" so part of me wants a dour 0-0 so I can just say to myself "oh, well, wouldn't have been that great anyway."

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By a strange coincidence this was also supposed to be my first game at Anfield ever. Been following the Reds for over a decade after I moved to England from South America in 2005 and got carried into an inexplicably deep fandom by virtue of a few Red-loving mates. Sadly I never got to see them play except on the telly when I lived there.


Now I live in deepest darkest Siberia and thought my chance had gone. And lo, I was supposed to be at a conference back in England at the end of April for work. Finally, my chance! I bought a ticket (and did you know that the only way a non-local fan can guarantee tickets for a match 3 months away is to buy them through that ridiculous £180 "Hospitality" package the club sells with a meal and transport and that?) and started to get excited.


Never mind that £180 is far and away out of my budget; this was very possibly to be a once-in-a-lifetime event that I might never have the chance to do again. I bought the ticket, a single ticket, to attend by myself in what was almost a pilgrimage for me.


And then, a month later, I found out my Dad has cancer and I needed to return to take care of him in his final months, thus making travel to England impossible (even on the company dime). The club were very good about returning the ticket, so no harm there, but I'm still really disappointed I won't be joining the lot of you this weekend at Anfield for the first time. Maybe some other time; one thing's for sure, if I'm ever in England again for any reason I'm definitely making the effort to get to a game.


All that to say that I'm weirdly conflicted about the game. On the one hand, obviously I want us to win. But on the other hand, if we beat them 5-0 or something I'm just going to sit there the whole time thinking "I could have been at this match!" so part of me wants a dour 0-0 so I can just say to myself "oh, well, wouldn't have been that great anyway."

That's a real bummer, but it's much more important than football. Hope you're doing okay.

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At what time will this televisual feast be commencing?




And to further prove my ability to shoe horn motorsport references in anywhere. At least stringy always enjoys it. 





i do enjoy them mate.  Fantastic stuff, that.  A Camaro, a Vauxhall Viva and an Escort RS1600 on the front row.  What a race as well. 

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