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Joel Matip


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4 hours ago, Aventus said:

Bit of a stretch to say he comes from Africa 

His mum and dad are Cameroonian, he has dual nationality and has played nearly 30 times for Cameroon so it's not that big  a stretch. I'm still not convinced Crouchy couldn't afford a longer bed.

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34 minutes ago, sir roger said:

His mum and dad are Cameroonian, he has dual nationality and has played nearly 30 times for Cameroon so it's not that big  a stretch. I'm still not convinced Crouchy couldn't afford a longer bed.

That's what I mean, born and raised in Germany but his arl fella is from Cameroon so now matip "comes from Africa" 


If you're having that then I'm having Thiago as our best Italian player ever. 

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I'm surprised the better hacks haven't yet reflected on the impact made by the new fitness recovery coach, Andreas Schlumberger. I don't think it's just down to rotation per se that we've been getting so much more out of players like Matip. There's been a more general improvement in the quality of care.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I bet he likes coffee table books on history, medium-sized TVs, jigsaw puzzles, leather armchairs, wired headphones, The Beach Boys circa the Sunflower era, model railways, the work of William H Macy, figs, gadget sites, sitcoms but not soaps, Sparks, dogs not cats, slippers, wafer-thin slices of cheese, mildly warm baths, bird song and hot Scotch eggs. There's just something about him.

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Massive shout out again to Nat Phillips and Rhys Williams for their late-season heroics last year. It allowed this fella to properly sort out his injury issues and have the kind of season he is enjoying now. 

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On 17/04/2022 at 21:58, Aventus said:

That's what I mean, born and raised in Germany but his arl fella is from Cameroon so now matip "comes from Africa" 


If you're having that then I'm having Thiago as our best Italian player ever. 

The more appropriate comparison would be Brazilian. 


Thiago’s parents are Brazilian. He was born in Italy and raised in Spain. He only ever lived in Italy for one year, and doesn’t have an Italian passport. 

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45 minutes ago, aRdja said:

The more appropriate comparison would be Brazilian. 


Thiago’s parents are Brazilian. He was born in Italy and raised in Spain. He only ever lived in Italy for one year, and doesn’t have an Italian passport. 

If he needs help passing a nationality exam I know a Uruguayan who can help him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

He has been superb this season and he has stayed fit.


I didn't think he would stay fit, his quality was never in doubt - but his ability to stay fit was very much in doubt....Having Konate to rotate with him has helped manage his workload - long may it continue to work.


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10 hours ago, an tha said:

He has been superb this season and he has stayed fit.


I didn't think he would stay fit, his quality was never in doubt - but his ability to stay fit was very much in doubt....Having Konate to rotate with him has helped manage his workload - long may it continue to work.


It would seem this once per week thing has helped him. He's an absolutely cracking centre back when he plays - although he could do with improving his 50p heading when trying to score from corners. He's had a smashing season, in fact all 3 of the main centre backs have exceeded my expectations in terms of performance and fitness when you look back at what they've all been through the last year or two. 

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41 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

It would seem this once per week thing has helped him. He's an absolutely cracking centre back when he plays - although he could do with improving his 50p heading when trying to score from corners. He's had a smashing season, in fact all 3 of the main centre backs have exceeded my expectations in terms of performance and fitness when you look back at what they've all been through the last year or two. 



Hopefully we can get another similar season out of him next.


He is 31 at start of next season - so probably has 2 seasons left in him at our level....contract runs out 2024.


Konate will probably overtake him before it does but he'll be a boss back up at the very least.

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24 minutes ago, an tha said:



Hopefully we can get another similar season out of him next.


He is 31 at start of next season - so probably has 2 seasons left in him at our level....contract runs out 2024.


Konate will probably overtake him before it does but he'll be a boss back up at the very least.

The thing is konate has never really played a long run of matches in his whole career I think, so maybe they they're helping each other - and perhaps in terms of long term, matip helps konate build himself so he can eventually play nearly all the time like vvd. 

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9 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

The thing is konate has never really played a long run of matches in his whole career I think, so maybe they they're helping each other - and perhaps in terms of long term, matip helps konate build himself so he can eventually play nearly all the time like vvd. 

Deffo works for both....Matip is able to be 'managed' and not play 3 times a week...Konate is learning steadily.


Can see it being largely similar next season but you'd maybe expect Konate to start playing more after that.



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7 minutes ago, an tha said:

Deffo works for both....Matip is able to be 'managed' and not play 3 times a week...Konate is learning steadily.


Can see it being largely similar next season but you'd maybe expect Konate to start playing more after that.



Yeah, I imagine matip has played a few more than konate this season, I expect it to be the other way round next. 

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