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Family Strife


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Perfect example of never working is bint, who the more awake of you will be familiar with by now. Her 50th birthday looms and wanker has taken her away for the weekend. 50 years of sitting on her lazy fat arse and doing nothing is quite an acheivement, she should join the Royal Family.


Where have they gone? Monte Fucking Carlo. Probably cost a few bob but where that cunt is getting the money from fuck knows. A Companies House check shows the printing outfit he's got is pretty insolvent. Not sure if he's had any more creditors turn up in the middle of the night threatening to twat 10 pounds of shit out of him lately. No doubt his trusty public relations officer will let the world know as she's too fucking thick to know when to keep quiet.


She talks down to me like I'd just fallen off the bottom of her shoe. I've not ripped into the useless gobshite yet (how, fuck knows) as I've kept the peace. Next flashpoint will be the usual annual Christmas shitfest. Be interesting to compare our CVs. She couldn't even spell CV, let alone cirriculam vitae.


Wanker is lucky he's still fucking breathing after his introduction to me was singing 'sign on, sign on'.


Monte Fucking Carlo, the're not even Middlesborough class. The'll make utter twats of themselves and come back saying the've had a great time.


I always think of that Harry Enfield couple. 'You do of course realise we are considerably richer that you are'.Not sure the same words but they are perfectly capable of pissing people off as soon as they open ther mouths.


Mustn't upset her though.

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15 minutes ago, tokyojoe said:

Perfect example of never working is bint, who the more awake of you will be familiar with by now. Her 50th birthday looms and wanker has taken her away for the weekend. 50 years of sitting on her lazy fat arse and doing nothing is quite an acheivement, she should join the Royal Family.


Where have they gone? Monte Fucking Carlo. Probably cost a few bob but where that cunt is getting the money from fuck knows. A Companies House check shows the printing outfit he's got is pretty insolvent. Not sure if he's had any more creditors turn up in the middle of the night threatening to twat 10 pounds of shit out of him lately. No doubt his trusty public relations officer will let the world know as she's too fucking thick to know when to keep quiet.


She talks down to me like I'd just fallen off the bottom of her shoe. I've not ripped into the useless gobshite yet (how, fuck knows) as I've kept the peace. Next flashpoint will be the usual annual Christmas shitfest. Be interesting to compare our CVs. She couldn't even spell CV, let alone cirriculam vitae.


Wanker is lucky he's still fucking breathing after his introduction to me was singing 'sign on, sign on'.


Monte Fucking Carlo, the're not even Middlesborough class. The'll make utter twats of themselves and come back saying the've had a great time.


I always think of that Harry Enfield couple. 'You do of course realise we are considerably richer that you are'.Not sure the same words but they are perfectly capable of pissing people off as soon as they open ther mouths.


Mustn't upset her though.

The Mrs has friends who are similar to wanker and bint, they proper boil her piss.

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2 minutes ago, YorkshireRed said:

She should call them boil and piss. 

Don't know why she arses with them, childhood friends I suppose.


She fucked them off for a while. At her mam's funeral they turned just so the husband could ask Mrs. Stouffer to "make up" with his Mrs.


Absolute cunts.

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Forgot to add. Wanker has three brothers, none of whom are talking to him. Might have something to do with bint being taken on no doubt unofficially (ie cash in hand) as an employee and has no doubt fucked everything up and seriousy pissed the others off.


Only one of the others is showing as a director but the whole shebang seems like a serious fuck up..

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Some of you on here might remember my wonderful sister who now has told my Brother that I'm ruining his life .

As it was my birthday last week my lad organised a full day out in Liverpool yesterday,  As my brother is an Evertonian we found a bar on Mathew street to watch the match then did some shopping in Liverpool 1 for our forthcoming holiday after which we booked a meal in Miller and Carter then booked to watch the new Bond film were all big fans .

I find it incredible that she actually believes the horse shit she is coming out with as apparently he only does all the things because we ' force ' him too .

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2 hours ago, Tj hooker said:

Some of you on here might remember my wonderful sister who now has told my Brother that I'm ruining his life .

As it was my birthday last week my lad organised a full day out in Liverpool yesterday,  As my brother is an Evertonian we found a bar on Mathew street to watch the match then did some shopping in Liverpool 1 for our forthcoming holiday after which we booked a meal in Miller and Carter then booked to watch the new Bond film were all big fans .

I find it incredible that she actually believes the horse shit she is coming out with as apparently he only does all the things because we ' force ' him too .

Yeah stop ruining his life by drinking and having a good time with him you selfish bastard!!

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11 hours ago, Captain Willard said:

I think once people go through the door of borrowing off family rather than working they never come back. My ex refused to get a job for 10 years and took £0000s in maintenance. Used to send the girls on access weekends with shopping lists of items I had to buy even though I was paying her rent plus maintenance. At one point both her and her partner were both unemployed by choice saying they were “too tired to work” and I was funding 2 households. 

My mate's Mum died about seven years ago but she lent his cousin (her nephew) over the course of ten years approximately 7 grand. 


He basically pissed it all away on failed business ideas and holidays. He led a privileged lifestyle in that he lived at home until he was about 42 in a house in an expensive area of Crosby paying his Mum no keep at all. His Mum got tired of him being a complete bum so told him to move out, so he started bumming money from my mates Mum.


She had kept a record of what she lent him and after the funeral my mate told him what he owed and that he needed to make some effort to pay it back. He nearly smashed my mates house up in a fit of rage threatening him and screeching at him for having the cheek to ask for it back. He basically thought that once my mates Mum died the debt died with her. To my knowledge he's never paid any of it back and goes to ridiculous lengths to avoid my mate.

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It gets fucking worse.


Wanker and bint bumped into Phillip Green while wondering around the marina in Monte Carlo. (yes, I know he's a cunt)


Bint: (obviously looking for a freebie), wer're admiring your yacht.

Green: you can't afford it.


This is causing serious problems now. Her Indoors will not let me say anything against bint because it will upset her mum and sister. Despite the fact she's a lazy scrounging fucking parasite. According to HI she's on the books at wankers company. Yeah, right.


This will only come to rest when I wind up twatting him.


Anyway, I'll be in Liverpool for Christmas which will avoid the usual problems.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Had a text from my sister today informing me that the dog we've had for 15 years is scheduled to be put to sleep tomorrow at half 12. 

I don't speak to my family at all and especially not to my mother, where the dog has been living with for the last 3 years. The point of telling me more than anything was to ask if I wanted to be there tomorrow, but there's no way I'm going purely because of my mother being there. She's an unstable alcoholic with numerous mental health problems and disorders she won't get diagnosed with and she would only use this as an opportunity to try and hurt me. For example when the previous dog died of a stroke, she'd insist it was somehow my fault whenever she was bladdered just because I was home alone with him when it happened. 

I had a close bond with the dog. Whenever there was a domestic (every day) or I was bunking off school (Most days) I used to just take her out for the day and roam wherever. That dog probably explored more of Merseyside in 2 years than most people do in a lifetime of living there.  

Doesn't feel great knowing I won't be there, but I know full well that going would only be more traumatic because of my mothers attitude and behaviour. 

Deffo avoiding that episode of Futurama with Fry's dog for a while though

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5 hours ago, Ken Robber said:

Had a text from my sister today informing me that the dog we've had for 15 years is scheduled to be put to sleep tomorrow at half 12. 

I don't speak to my family at all and especially not to my mother, where the dog has been living with for the last 3 years. The point of telling me more than anything was to ask if I wanted to be there tomorrow, but there's no way I'm going purely because of my mother being there. She's an unstable alcoholic with numerous mental health problems and disorders she won't get diagnosed with and she would only use this as an opportunity to try and hurt me. For example when the previous dog died of a stroke, she'd insist it was somehow my fault whenever she was bladdered just because I was home alone with him when it happened. 

I had a close bond with the dog. Whenever there was a domestic (every day) or I was bunking off school (Most days) I used to just take her out for the day and roam wherever. That dog probably explored more of Merseyside in 2 years than most people do in a lifetime of living there.  

Doesn't feel great knowing I won't be there, but I know full well that going would only be more traumatic because of my mothers attitude and behaviour. 

Deffo avoiding that episode of Futurama with Fry's dog for a while though

Fucks sake, that ruins me. Sorry to hear about the hound mate, I love dogs, we've got a little 2 year old pug and she's fucking awesome, still miss my old mongrel though and he's been gone 16 years. I prefer most dogs to most humans.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Regular readers will know a couple of my relatives have found heroin a little too moreish.  One in particular has been on it years.  

About 6 yrs ago he was caught drunk and drug driving and was banned for a few years.     He then did it again once he got his licence back and was sent down.  

Now, remember recently a government lab was found to have been falsifying evidence? It seems that whilst my cousin was pissed and under the influence of heroin they added another drug to the list (he actually said at the time I don’t even remember that one).  So, that offence is being struck off and he’s going to get a load of compensation as he was only jailed because it was a second offence.  

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3 minutes ago, Rico1304 said:

Regular readers will know a couple of my relatives have found heroin a little too moreish.  One in particular has been on it years.  

About 6 yrs ago he was caught drunk and drug driving and was banned for a few years.     He then did it again once he got his licence back and was sent down.  

Now, remember recently a government lab was found to have been falsifying evidence? It seems that whilst my cousin was pissed and under the influence of heroin they added another drug to the list (he actually said at the time I don’t even remember that one).  So, that offence is being struck off and he’s going to get a load of compensation as he was only jailed because it was a second offence.  

I can guess where that compensation is going.

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11 minutes ago, Rico1304 said:

Regular readers will know a couple of my relatives have found heroin a little too moreish.  One in particular has been on it years.  

About 6 yrs ago he was caught drunk and drug driving and was banned for a few years.     He then did it again once he got his licence back and was sent down.  

Now, remember recently a government lab was found to have been falsifying evidence? It seems that whilst my cousin was pissed and under the influence of heroin they added another drug to the list (he actually said at the time I don’t even remember that one).  So, that offence is being struck off and he’s going to get a load of compensation as he was only jailed because it was a second offence.  

I do remember mate - I could never forget his briefs comments! 

Why the fuck add on extras for a second time drunk/drug driver though? That makes no fucking sense at all. 

That’s not to say he wasn’t fitted up over part of the test, just that those there doing this were fucking idiots. 

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2 minutes ago, lifetime fan said:

I do remember mate - I could never forget his briefs comments! 

Why the fuck add on extras for a second time drunk/drug driver though? That makes no fucking sense at all. 

That’s not to say he wasn’t fitted up over part of the test, just that those there doing this were fucking idiots. 

Crazy isn’t it? He was bang to rights already.  

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Cut them out of your lives and have nothing to do with them. I swear I’ve never been happier after doing this a few years back.


I speak to a few cousins now and then for a catch up but I never discuss family. 

A cunts always a cunt. Make your own happiness 

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Wanker has had covid. Bint was staying at her mums  (Her Indoor's sister) until the weekend. Apparently she was in tears before she went back. Wanker gets unhappy if she even phones her mum while she's there.


She is only with this mega twat because he splashes the cash on her. Bint has basically never done a days work in her life so despite the origins of said cash has fuck all to fall back on.


What a happy relationship.


Looking forward to fucking christmas as usual. I'll have to put up with at least bint, if not both.

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My nan died in 2008, as some of you remember as i went on to deal with some fucking horrific family shite following. Recently (in June) came across some paperwork that was never followed up, turns out there was some money held in an annuity. 

in 2016 a relative claimed she had died with no will, provided a death certificate and a birth certificate proving to be her son and claimed 2/5ths of the money (he also blagged he was claiming my mothers). Annuity company didn't bother to check that there was a will and probate logged with .gov and paid out. 

Logged a complaint in September, detailed the 30+ hours of calls i've made, the 17 names of people i've dealt with and they responded last month - they're still refusing to pay out the full amount. To top it all, they've offered me a whole £200 compensation for the hassle they've caused. Yeah, with the ombudsman now, like.


Families can be right cunts - my mother has also called me a money grabbing bitch and informed me she wants nothing to do with me as i'm willing to watch this cunt uncle have a heart attack and criminal charges against him... just as he was willing to put me through criminal charges when he claimed i'd flooded my nans house deliberately following her death to claim on the insurance. 

So, if anyone has a family member thats died and you're not sure of their pensions etc - all you need is a death certificate and evidence of your family connection (in this case birth certificate) and you've nailed it. 

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7 hours ago, melons said:

My nan died in 2008, as some of you remember as i went on to deal with some fucking horrific family shite following. Recently (in June) came across some paperwork that was never followed up, turns out there was some money held in an annuity. 

in 2016 a relative claimed she had died with no will, provided a death certificate and a birth certificate proving to be her son and claimed 2/5ths of the money (he also blagged he was claiming my mothers). Annuity company didn't bother to check that there was a will and probate logged with .gov and paid out. 

Logged a complaint in September, detailed the 30+ hours of calls i've made, the 17 names of people i've dealt with and they responded last month - they're still refusing to pay out the full amount. To top it all, they've offered me a whole £200 compensation for the hassle they've caused. Yeah, with the ombudsman now, like.


Families can be right cunts - my mother has also called me a money grabbing bitch and informed me she wants nothing to do with me as i'm willing to watch this cunt uncle have a heart attack and criminal charges against him... just as he was willing to put me through criminal charges when he claimed i'd flooded my nans house deliberately following her death to claim on the insurance. 

So, if anyone has a family member thats died and you're not sure of their pensions etc - all you need is a death certificate and evidence of your family connection (in this case birth certificate) and you've nailed it. 

Sorry to read this. 

it’s not my place to divulge so I won’t, but my ex went through a similar thing when her had died about 10 years ago, and is now still going through more shite with her family even as she lives with cancer. 

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On 02/10/2021 at 16:26, Bruce Spanner said:

My last exchange with my sister was about six years back.


I adore my niece and nephew, they were the first kids in our family, so we doted on them.


I always brought them down to london for a week in the summer holiday and spoilt them rotten, but my sister put and end to because, to quote 'You don't fucking care about me, you only want to see the kids so you're never seeing them again' and i haven't, neither has my mother. 


I get the last bit, makes sense, you almost don't want to be happy around them as their lot is so miserable.

Amidst all the awfulness on this thread, this made my jaw drop. Ghastly.

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6 minutes ago, deiseach said:

Amidst all the awfulness on this thread, this made my jaw drop. Ghastly.


It's bleak, getting on for six years now, they've never met any of mine or my brothers kids.


The only hope is that by the time they're old enough to act for themselves they haven't been too broken by a neglectful, almost resentful, useless fucking mother and her deadleg boyfriend who views them as a massive inconvienence.


She's had two more kids, that we know of, in the time since we last spoke and I guarentee their lot is as bleak as my niece and nephews.


My sister is a broken little girl who believes the world owes her a favour and that will never change.

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13 hours ago, melons said:

My nan died in 2008, as some of you remember as i went on to deal with some fucking horrific family shite following. Recently (in June) came across some paperwork that was never followed up, turns out there was some money held in an annuity. 

in 2016 a relative claimed she had died with no will, provided a death certificate and a birth certificate proving to be her son and claimed 2/5ths of the money (he also blagged he was claiming my mothers). Annuity company didn't bother to check that there was a will and probate logged with .gov and paid out. 

Logged a complaint in September, detailed the 30+ hours of calls i've made, the 17 names of people i've dealt with and they responded last month - they're still refusing to pay out the full amount. To top it all, they've offered me a whole £200 compensation for the hassle they've caused. Yeah, with the ombudsman now, like.


Families can be right cunts - my mother has also called me a money grabbing bitch and informed me she wants nothing to do with me as i'm willing to watch this cunt uncle have a heart attack and criminal charges against him... just as he was willing to put me through criminal charges when he claimed i'd flooded my nans house deliberately following her death to claim on the insurance. 

So, if anyone has a family member thats died and you're not sure of their pensions etc - all you need is a death certificate and evidence of your family connection (in this case birth certificate) and you've nailed it. 

Which insurance company if you don't mind me asking? If what you've stated there is true then the Ombudsman should wipe the floor with them.

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