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He-Man: A Tribute


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Anyone else amazed this hasn't gotten a new live action film? Hollywood loves a remake and/or reboot. It would even be welcome given the original film wasn't that good. There are even a couple of actors who would be good fits in Chris Hemsworth or Alexander Skarsgård.


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Mattel re-release Masters of the Universe figures with better sculpts for collectors.

Always seemed a strange one to me.

I get the originals were a bit crappy looking back at them, but i dont get why people would scramble for a new version to collect. Surely the originals are what the toy was not a remake 30 years later

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A lot of the figures on this page are from the Horde, who were the villains in the She-Ra TV show. Imagine being a young lad and them cancelling He-Man and replacing it with She-Ra; what a fuck up.

It was soul destroying 'oh look She Ra is on, I think I'll go and burn some ants'.
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I enjoyed it, but my young mind didn't grasp the constraints that prevented Orko being in the film.

Same. I liked the film despite it being based on earth. Hated the fact Orko and battle cat didn't feature, people said it was budgets, lack of sfx technology to make it look realistic but I don't get that, I mean had they never seen Wordy off of Look and Read, that was around years before motu so deffo doable.

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