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Shakespeare Appreciation Thread

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9 minutes ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

Didn't mind Shakespeares Sister, always thought Siobhan Fahey had an amazing mouth.

I remember Diana Vickers (I think it was her) doing an amazing version of Stay on the X Factor years ago. 

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"Do you prefer acting in Hollywood films where you get 20 mil a pop and everyone watches them? Or would you rather be treading the boards at the Old Fuck in Hebden Bridge?"


"Oh the Old Fuck without doubt, movies have their place of course but in theatre the audience is so VISCERAL." 

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6 hours ago, Section_31 said:

Shite Shakespeare, like Latin it's used by public school wankers to make poor people feel stupid.  

And yet...


The last bit of Shakespeare I saw featured Les Dennis and opened with someone playing Gimme Shelter.


Don't let the public school wankers win. Shakespeare is for everyone.

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21 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

And yet...


The last bit of Shakespeare I saw featured Les Dennis and opened with someone playing Gimme Shelter.


Don't let the public school wankers win. Shakespeare is for everyone.


I saw Emma Rice's MSND at The Globe, she was pretty much fired as creative director for it as the 'purists' fucking hated every single thing about it, I thought it was a nice way to pass a couple of hours and fun.


I know I'm spoit as I have this on my doorstep, but The Globe & Wannermaker are places I love spending time.


Last I saw was Othello which was through a modern lens of The Met being racist cunts I text the wife as I left 'That was exceptional'.


I don't have to put up with hammy fucking nonsense so that probably helps.


I take the kids to a theatre in Wimbledon called The Polka which is so wholsome it make a dilettante like me scowl, but they had a version of MSND for 4-8's and it was legitimately brilliant.


I absolutely love the phrasing and playful use of langugae.


Nothing rivals it for sheer breadth of ingenuity.

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