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Ian Ayre is gone!

Ne Moe Imya

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I'm not going to mourn this announcement as we'll hopefully upgrade on Ayre.


And he got some things wrong. But, in the interests of fairness, I don't think he was THAT bad?


Big part in sorting out the commercial side of things, signed us some good players in Can, Firmino, Suarez, Sturridge, Coutinho etc, secured us a genuinely world class manager in Klopp.


If you blame him for all the bad things, it's only fair to give him credit for the good things.

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Hopefully they'll appoint someone who's head isn't a beetroot and just put Ayre on gardening leave for the duration.



What about that bird who was CEO at Mansfield?




I genuinely reckon she'd be better at negotiating with players than Ayre. That's based on nothing more than her having breasts as opposed to just being a tit.

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What about that bird who was CEO at Mansfield?


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I genuinely reckon she'd be better at negotiating for players than Ayre. That's based on nothing more than her having actual breasts as opposed to just being a tit.

Seeing a picture of her again makes me think of using my hand with diabolical intent.
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I'm not going to mourn this announcement as we'll hopefully upgrade on Ayre.


And he got some things wrong. But, in the interests of fairness, I don't think he was THAT bad?


Big part in sorting out the commercial side of things, signed us some good players in Can, Firmino, Suarez, Sturridge, Coutinho etc, secured us a genuinely world class manager in Klopp.


If you blame him for all the bad things, it's only fair to give him credit for the good things.


Ayre was backing that useless, arrogant tit Rodgers till the death and was part of appointing him and Hodgson and sacking Rafa. Him and Rodgers were a Pair of out of their depth fools who were fucking the club right up and couldn't believe their luck.


Whenever anything important needs doing (which often involves clearing up Ayre's mess) it's done in Boston.


"Be careful what you wish for". Hopefully gone before he was pushed for his latest crisis management shambles.

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I'm not going to mourn this announcement as we'll hopefully upgrade on Ayre.

And he got some things wrong. But, in the interests of fairness, I don't think he was THAT bad?

Big part in sorting out the commercial side of things, signed us some good players in Can, Firmino, Suarez, Sturridge, Coutinho etc, secured us a genuinely world class manager in Klopp.

If you blame him for all the bad things, it's only fair to give him credit for the good things.


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What about that bird who was CEO at Mansfield?




I genuinely reckon she'd be better at negotiating with players than Ayre. That's based on nothing more than her having breasts as opposed to just being a tit.

Those helter-Skelter eyes, you just know that there's a crazy bitch behind those.



Either that or she's pure filth.

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